Statute by category |
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Summary |
Nigeria - Endangered Species - Endangered Species Act (in English) | Decree No. 11 of 1985 | The hunting or capture of or trade in animal species listed in the First Schedule to this Act is absolutely prohibited. Furthermore, no person shall hunt, capture, trade in or otherwise deal with an animal species specified in the Second Schedule to this Act except if that person is in possession of a license issued under this Act. The act also sets out the conditions of licenses and permits. The Minister may by an order publish in the Federal Gazette alter the list of animals specified in the First or Second Schedule to this Act by way of addition, substitution or deletion or otherwise. Penalties for violations are also provided. |
Argentina - Companion animals - Decreto 1088/2011 | Decreto 1088/2011 | This law creates the "National Program for Responsible Ownership and Health of Dogs and Cats" in Argentina. |
Argentina - Transportation - Decreto 1248, 1975 | Decreto 1248 | This Decreto contains the regulations for the safe treatment of live animals during loading, unloading and transportation of livestock. It aims for the humane treatment of animals during transportation and other related options. |
Chile - CITES - Decreto 141, 1975 | Decreto 141, 1975 | Approves and adopts the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), ratified in Washington, March 3, 1973. |
Colombia - Slaughter - Decreto 1500, 2007 | Decreto 1500 de 2007 | This decreto establishes the technical rules that frame the system of inspections, supervision and controls over meat processed for human consumption. These health requirements must be met at every step of the chain, from primary production to marketplaces. Article 31, lays out the requirements for the antemortem and postmortem inspection of animals in slaughterhouses. Numeral 3 of this article establishes that slaughter methods must be humane. According to this article, animals must be slaughtered through non-cruel methods. Animals have to be appropriately stunned before being slaughtered. Slaughter must be done following correct techniques, avoiding unnecessary risks for the operator and suffering of the animal. The methods utilized must be authorized by the National Institute for Drug and Food Supervision (INVIMA). This article establishes ritual religions as the only exception to humane slaughter. This process must be supervised and approved by the Invima. |
Colombia - Slaughter - Decreto 1500 de 2007 | Decreto 1500 de 2007 | Decreto 1500, 2007, establishes the technical regulations that create the standards for inspection, supervision, and control in the meat production chain. This decree focuses on the sanitary and health aspects involved in the slaughter phase of livestock. However, there are some provisions that directly or indirectly address animal welfare. Some of these provisions include raising animals in facilities that pose a minimum risk for animal production and welfare. Primary production farms must implement good practices in animal feeding and animal welfare. Transportation vehicles must have adequate physical separation mechanisms to prevent overcrowding, crowding, and animal aggression during transport. In addition, vehicles must have adequate conditions for animal welfare, biosecurity, biocontainment, and sanitary management. Article 31 Num 3 establishes that animals must be slaughtered by non-cruel methods, which ensure that they are rendered unconscious before being slaughtered. The National Institute for Food and Drug Supervision -INVIMA- is the authority in charge of establishing and overseeing compliance with slaughter methods. |
Colombia - Wildlife - Decreto 1608, 1978 | DECRETO 1608 de 1978 | Decreto 1608 regulates the Code of Natural Renewable Resources and environmental protection regarding terrestrial wildlife, as well as all the activities and products relating to this resource. Even though Decreto 1608, lays out general dispositions for the conservation and protection of terrestrial wildlife, Article 5 establishes that Decreto 1608 applies to “the management of cetaceans, sirenians, pinnipeds, marine and semi-aquatic birds, sea turtles and fresh or brackish water, anuran batrachians and all other species that do not complete their life cycle in the aquatic environment, but that depend on it for their subsistence.” In order to guarantee the efficient use of wildlife and its products, Decreto 1608, requires specific licenses for the exploitation of wildlife and its products. It establishes the parameters and limitations for the activity of hunting and the granting of licenses for this purpose. |
Colombia - Transportation - Decreto 178, 2012 | Decreto 178, 2012 | This decreto relates to measures for the replacement of vehicles of animal traction. The term ‘vehicle of animal traction’ is defined by the National Traffic Code, Ley 769, 2002 as a “non-motorized vehicle pulled or moved by an animal. Decreto 178, 2012, regulates and approves the substitution of the vehicles of animal traction for cargo vehicles as a way to facilitate and incentivize the development of alternatives for the drivers. |
Chile - Sterilization - Decreto 2, 2015 | Decreto 2, 2015 | This Decreto lays out the regulations for the reproductive control of pets. Its purpose is to control the population of companion animals through the sterilization of these species. |
Argentina - Farm animals - Decreto 206, 2001 | Decreto 206/2001 | Decreto 206/2001 created the The National Program of Organic Production (PRONAO), which is under the jurisdiction of the Secretariat of Agriculture, Livestock, Fishing and Food of the Ministry of Economy. The purpose of this program is to promote the production and trade of organic production in Argentina. Specifically, Chapter VII of this decreto regulates animal production. Article 13. Reads: “Organic livestock should develop a harmonious relationship between land, plants and livestock, and respect the physiological and behavioral needs of animals." Animals produced under these organic standards must meet animal welfare guidelines. This program advises to use alternative practices to mutilations such as tail-docking, debeaking, tooth and wing trimming. It specifically states that this practices are not recommended as a concurrent practice. |
Colombia - Farm animals - Decreto 2113, 2017 | DECRETO 2113 DE 2017 | This decreto adds a chapter to Title 3, Part 14 of Book 2 of Decreto 1071, 2015 “Decreto Único Reglamentario del Sector Administrativo Agropecuario, Pesquero y de Desarrollo Rural.” This Decreto establishes the dispositions and requirements for the welfare of species for agricultural production. |
Colombia - Farm animals - Decreto 2113 de 2017 | Decreto 2113 de 2017 | Adds a Chapter to Title 3, part 13, 2nd book of Decree 1071, 2015 (Sole Regulatory Decree of the Agricultural, Fisheries, and Rural Development Administrative Sector), titled “Animal welfare for production species in the agricultural sector,” which establishes the general provisions and requirements for livestock Animal Welfare in the agricultural sector. Among other things, it establishes that Decree 1071, 2015 is framed based on the five freedoms (freedom from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; freedom to express normal and natural behavior) and defines production animals as “vertebrates and invertebrates used in commercial production.” Some of the general aspects include that surfaces (for walking, resting, etc.) must be adapted to the species in order to minimize the risks of injury or transmission of diseases or parasites to the animals. The environmental conditions must allow for comfortable rest and safe and comfortable movements, including changes in normal postures, as well as allow the animals to show natural behavior. Allowing animals to be in social groups encourages positive social behaviors and minimizes injury, disorder, or chronic fear. When painful procedures cannot be avoided, pain should be managed to the extent available methods allow. Animal handling should promote a positive relationship between humans and animals and not cause injury, panic, lasting fear, or avoidable stress. Finally, the Colombian Agricultural Institute (ICA) is the enforcing authority in charge of imposing sanctions for violations of animal health and welfare regulations. |
Chile - Slaughter - Decreto 28, 2013 | Decreto 28, 2013 (1051388) | This "Decreto" or executive order contains the regulations for the protection of animals that are used for meat, leather, feathers, and other byproducts by imposing the use of rational methods to avoid unnecessary suffering during technical procedures and slaughter. It is an indirect result of the agreement DS N° 28/2003 between Chile and the European Union together with decretos 29, and 30, 2013. Animals must be stunned by the use of adequate methods that minimize their suffering before slaughter, and the animal must remain insensible until death. Article 24 exempts ritual slaughter. |
Chile - Farm animals - Decreto 29 | Decreto 29 | This "Decreto" or executive order contains the welfare standards in industrial livestock production and commercialization. It is an indirect result of the agreement DS N° 28/2003 between Chile and the European Union together with decretos 28, and 30, 2013. It defines industrial production and confinement. Other important aspects include the prohibition of improperly managing animals, and the requirement to minimize pain and suffering during surgical husbandry procedures such as castration, dehorning/disbudding, tail cropping, beak trimming, etc. |
Chile - Transport, animals - Decreto 30 | Decreto 30 | This "Decreto" or executive order contains welfare standards for animals during transport. It is an indirect result of the agreement DS N° 28/2003 between Chile and the European Union together with decretos 28, and 29, 2013. Under this decreto, cattle cannot be transported in conditions that could cause unnecessary pain and suffering. However, there are no limitations regarding the number of animals that can be loaded, and animals can be transported without food, water, and rest for up to 24 hours. if it is impossible to unload the animals, the carrier must ensure that animals are provided food and water. |
Colombia - Dangerous dogs - DECRETO 380 DE 2022 | DECRETO 380 DE 2022 | This decree adds Chapter 10 to Title 8 of Decree 1070, 2015 (Regulatory Decree of the Defense Administrative Sector). It regulates the civil liability of owners or keepers of "special management dogs." Owners and keepers must acquire liability insurance and dogs in this category must be microchipped. |
Colombia - Cruelty - Decreto 497 | Decreto 497 | Decreto 497, regulates Ley 5, 1972. Article 3 lists acts constituting bad treatment towards animals, such as keeping animals in places that are unsanitary or that prevent them from breathing, moving, or resting or which deprives them of air or light; forcing animals to work excessively or beyond their strength or to any act that results in suffering in order to obtain from the efforts that cannot reasonably be required of them except by the means of punishment; abandoning the injured, sick, exhausted or mutilated animal, or stop providing everything that can be humanely provided, including veterinary assistance; not giving an animal a quick death free of prolonged suffering, regardless of whether the animal will be used for human consumption; confining animals in such a number that it is not possible for them to move freely, or leave them without water and food for more than 12 hours; keeping animals confined with others that terrify or annoy them; and skinning or plucking live animals. |
Chile - Wildlife - Decreto 531, 1967 | Decreto 531, 1967 (125338) | This Decreto ratifies The Convention for the Protection of Flora, Fauna, and Natural Scenic Beauty of the Americas, signed in Washington on October 12, 1940. |
Argentina - Wildlife - Decreto 666, 1997 | Decreto 666, 1997 | This “Decreto” regulates Law No. 22,421, relating to the law for conservation of wildlife, emphasizing the management powers of the national enforcement authority, through the Secretariat of Natural Resources and Sustainable Development. This regulatory decree also regulates the practice of hunting and creates the National Registry of Hunters. The National Registry of Hunters deals in: sport hunting, commercial hunting, hunting with scientific or educational purposes, and hunting for control of harmful species. Other topics that Decreto 666 regulates include: sanctuaries, breeding stations for wildlife, import, export and interprovincial trade of wildlife and byproducts. In the latter, it is mandatory to register in the corresponding registry of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development and to keep books that record the movement of such animals and products. It is also mandatory to supply the reports that are required and to facilitate access at all times of the authorized officials for inspection and control. The law created the Advisory Commission for Wildlife and its Habitat to propose solutions to problems relating to the sustainable use of wild fauna. The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development is the authority of enforcement with national scope. Its responsibility is to classify the wild fauna species, to set the corresponding tariffs for the registry of sport hunting, among other responsibilities. The National Service of health and agro-food quality (SENASA) is in charge of the sanitary control of wildlife subject to national and international trade. |
Colombia - Health - Decreto 780 | Decreto 780 | Decreto 780, 2016, establishes standards and regulations for the control of epidemics and zoonotic diseases. Article establishes the duty to vaccinate domestic animals in accordance with the legal standards against preventable zoonotic diseases. Article prohibits the sale and commercialization of any animals on public roads. This law also prohibits the establishment of breeding facilities in urban areas of domestic, wild, or exotic animals. |
Penal Code, 1991, Peru | Decreto Legislativo No. 635, 1991 | Peru's Criminal Code includes provisions protecting animals based on property rights, the right to a healthy environment, and public health. Animal cruelty is regulated under crimes against property in chapter IX “damages,” in articles 205-207. Crimes against wildlife are regulated more extensively in Title XIII, “Environmental Crimes.” Articles 304–314. Other articles punishing action that directly or indirectly affect animals include Article 207 "Production or sale of spoiled food for animals;" Article 293 "Sale of animals unsafe for consumption; Article 447 "Entry of animals onto someone else's property." Finally, Chapter II-A, articles 189-A - 189-C regulate cattle rustling. |
Código Penal, 1991 - Peru | Decreto Legislativo No. 635, 1991 | Perú ha incorporado en su Código Penal disposiciones que protegen a los animales basadas en los derechos de propiedad, el derecho a un ambiente saludable y la salud pública. La crueldad animal se regula en el capítulo IX, "Daños," artículos 205-207, bajo delitos contra la propiedad. Los delitos contra la fauna silvestre se regulan de manera más extensa en el Título XIII, "Delitos Ambientales," artículos 304-314. |
CITES - Decreto Ley 21080, 1975 (Peru) | Decreto Ley 21080, 1975 | This Decreto Ley approves and adopts the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) into the Peruvian legal system. The main purpose of this international agreement is to ensure that international trade of specimens of wildlife does not pose a threat to their survival. |
CITES - Decreto Ley 21080, 1975 - Peru | Decreto Ley 21080, 1975 | Este Decreto Ley aprueba y adopta la Convención sobre el Comercio Internacional de Especies Amenazadas de Fauna y Flora Silvestres (CITES) dentro el sistema legal peruano. El objetivo principal de este acuerdo internacional es asegurar que el comercio internacional de especímenes de vida silvestre no represente una amenaza para su supervivencia. |
Colombia - Environment - DECRETO LEY 2811, 1974, Code of Natural Resources | DECRETO LEY 2811 | The Code of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection declared the environment a common heritage of the nation and nature as a legal good that has to be protected. Article 1 of this code establishes that, “the preservation and management of natural resources are of public utility and social interest." The main goal of this statute is to protect and restore the environment. It strives for the preservation, improvement and rational utilization of the natural resources, attempting for a continued availability of such resources. |
Decreto Supremo 004, 2014 - Peru | Decreto Supremo 004, 2014 | Esta ley aprueba la lista actualizada de categorización y clasificación de las especies de animales salvajes legalmente protegidas en las siguientes categorías: en peligro crítico, en peligro, vulnerable, casi amenazada y con datos insuficientes. Describe las normas y prohibiciones relativas a las actividades relacionadas con las especies en peligro, así como las normas relativas a la exportación de dichos animales con fines culturales o científicos. |
Decreto Supremo 004-2019-MC, 2019 - Peru | Decreto Supremo 004-2019-MC, 2019 | Esta ley tiene como objetivo regular los criterios para evaluar si un evento público puede ser considerado, o "califica", como evento cultural no deportivo. Entre los eventos que pueden entrar en esta categoría se encuentran, entre otros, la ópera, el ballet, el teatro y el circo. La ley modifica la Ley 30870, que establecía los criterios para evaluar si un espectáculo puede considerarse un acontecimiento cultural no deportivo. En lo que respecta específicamente a el derecho animal, la ley establece que los mensajes y las acciones del evento no deben incitar al odio o la violencia contra los animales u otros seres vivos no humanos. |
Decreto Supremo 006-2002-SA - Peru (2002) | Decreto Supremo 006-2002-SA | Este decreto aprueba la Ley 27596, Ley Reguladora del Régimen de los Perros, y todas las partes que la componen. A continuación, la ley proporciona el texto de la ley y sus secciones relativas a la propiedad, las sanciones, el cuidado y otros temas relacionados. |
Decreto Supremo 007-2021, 2021 - Peru (2021) | Decreto Supremo 007-2021, 2021 - Peru | El objeto de esta ley es describir una serie de infracciones y sanciones en materia forestal y de fauna silvestre. Establece quiénes pueden sancionar a quienes infrinjan una norma y garantiza la potestad sancionadora a las administraciones competentes. La ley busca proteger los principios de las Leyes 28763, 27444 y demás normas aplicables en materia de protección y conservación de la materia forestal y de fauna silvestre. |
Decreto Supremo 038-2001-AG, 2001 (Peru) | Decreto Supremo 038-2001-AG | Esta ley establece las áreas naturales legalmente protegidas y los ecosistemas del Perú, su importancia para los estudios y el desarrollo científico, ecológico y sostenible, así como sus usos permitidos. |
Chile - Farm animals - Decreto Supremo 240,1993 | Decreto Supremo 240,1993 | General regulation for the transportation of cattle and meat by land, rail, water, and air transportation. |
Regulation of Ley 29830 - Peru | DECRETO SUPREMO Nº 001-2017-MIMP - Peru | This regulation is approved through Supreme Decree No. 001-2017-MIMP. The purpose of this regulation is to establish the provisions of Law No. 29830, as amended by Law No. 30433, which promotes and regulates the use of guide dogs by visually impaired persons. Among other provisions, this regulation designates the National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS) as the authority responsible for implementing and outlining the parameters for registering guide dogs in the National Guide Dog Registry. Additionally, it mandates that visually impaired persons and their guide dogs allowed to enter and remain in their place of work, study, and any other business on equal terms, regardless of whether the establishment is public or private, and without any additional cost for bringing the dog. This includes access to public transportation as well. |
Reglamento de la Ley 29830, 2017 - Peru | Decreto Supremo Nº 001-2017-MIMP, 2017 | Este reglamento se aprueba mediante el Decreto Supremo No. 001-2017-MIMP. Su proposito es establecer las disposiciones de la Ley No. 29830, modificada por la Ley No. 30433, que promueve y regula el uso de perros guía por personas con discapacidad visual. Entre otras disposiciones, esta normativa designa al Consejo Nacional para la Integración de la Persona con Discapacidad (CONADIS) como la autoridad responsable de implementar y definir los parámetros para el registro de perros guía en el Registro Nacional de Perros Guía. Además, establece que a las personas con discapacidad visual y sus perros guía se les debe permitir ingresar y permanecer en su lugar de trabajo, estudio y cualquier otro establecimiento en igualdad de condiciones, independientemente de si el lugar es público o privado, y sin costo adicional por llevar al perro. Esto incluye el acceso al transporte público. |
EU - Research - Directive 2010.63.EU | Directive 2010/63/EU | Directive 2010/63/EU revises Directive 86/609/EEC on the protection of animals used for scientific purposes. It aims to replace, reduce and refine the use of animals in research procedures by using alternative approaches. The directive applies to live non-human vertebrate animals, including independently feeding larval forms and foetal forms of mammals in the last trimester, and live cephalopods. The directive also applies to animals used in procedures, which are at an earlier stage of development than that referred to above, if the animal is to be allowed to live beyond that stage of development and, as a result of the procedures performed, is likely to experience pain, suffering, distress or lasting harm after it has reached that stage of development. It also sets out provisions for risk-based inspections and lays down minimum care standards. |
AU - Dog Act 1976 (WA) | Dog Act 1976 |
An Act to amend and consolidate the law relating to the control and registration of dogs, the ownership and keeping of dogs and the obligations and rights of persons in relation thereto, and for incidental and other purposes. |
AU - Companion Animals - Domestic Animals Act 1994 (VIC) | Domestic Animals Act 1994 - No. 81 of 1994 | The purpose of the Domestic Animals Act is to promote animal welfare, responsible pet ownership and to protect the environment. The legislation provides for cat and dog identification and enables Municipal Councils to deal effectively with feral, straying and nuisance populations. |
AU - Domestic Animals Act 2000 (ACT) | Domestic Animals Act 2000 |
The Domestic Animals Act 2000 is a piece of legislation in the Australian Capital Territory of relevance to domestic animals. The Act encourages responsible pet ownership and outlines the obligations of pet owners to their animals and to the community. It also provides for the identification and registration of certain animals. |
Eastern Band Cherokee - Animal Control - Sec. 19.1, Animal Control Department | Eastern Band Cherokee, Sec. 19-19.1 |
This section of the Eastern Band Cherokee Code describes the purpose of the Tribe's Animal Control Department. The Eastern Band Cherokee Animal Control Code includes Sections 19.1 through 19.7. Each section addresses a different topic within the Tribe's animal control, ranging from administrative purposes to restrictions and regulations. |
Ecuador - Cruelty - Criminal Code Excerpt | Excerpt Código Orgánico Integral Penal | This excerpt is from the Criminal Code of Ecuador, Chapter 4, crimes against the environment and nature or "Pacha mama." The crimes against animals are outlined in this chapter. More specifically, Section 2, "Crimes of private action against animals that are part of the urban fauna," articles 249-250. Under the current criminal code, causing injury to an animal is punished with confinement in jail for two to six months. If the act involves cruelty or torture, the punishment is six to twelve months of confinement in jail. Sexual conduct with an animal and sexual exploitation of an animal is also punishable. The death of an animal resulting from sexual conduct is considered an aggravating factor punishable with confinement in jail between one to three years. If the animal dies due to circumstances other than sexual behavior on the animal, the punishment is confinement in jail for six months to one year. Finally, If death is the product of cruel acts, confinement will last one to three years. Dog fighting, abandonment of companion animals, and mistreatment are also prohibited. |
AU - Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 (NSW) | Exhibited Animals Protection Act 1986 |
This Act deals with the exhibition of animals at marine or zoological parks, circuses and other places. It regulates the exhibition of all vertebrate animals in zoos, circuses or mobile displays regardless of whether they are native, exotic or domestic.
A person must have an approval to keep and exhibit an animal, and this is subject to qualifications, experience or any other term or condition that may be considered necessary |
AU - Exotic diseases in Animals Act 1981 (QLD) | Exotic diseases in Animals Act 1981 |
An Act to provide for the control, eradication and prevention of exotic diseases in animals, the compensation of owners for loss or destruction of animals and property during outbreaks of exotic diseases, the establishment of an exotic diseases expenses and compensation fund and for related purposes. |
Germany - Cruelty - German Animal Welfare Act | Federal Law Gazette I, p. 1094 |
This is the primary piece of animal welfare legislation in Germany. It enforces the utilitarian principle that there must be good reason for one to cause an animal harm and identifies that it is the responsibility of human beings to protect the lives and well-being of their fellow creatures. For a discussion on the German Animal Welfare Act as compared to other European and United States animal welfare laws, see Detailed Discussion. |
Mexico - Health - Ley Federal de Sanidad Animal | Federal Law of Animal Health | The Federal Law of Animal Health establishes the foundation for diagnosing, preventing, controlling, and eradicating zoonotic diseases. It defines animal welfare and outlines best practices related to livestock, among other things. This law defines animal welfare as the set of activities aimed at providing animals comfort, tranquility, protection, and safety during rearing, maintenance, exploitation, transport, and slaughter. |
FL - Cruel Confinement - § 21. Limiting Cruel and Inhumane Confinement of Pigs During Pregnancy | FL CONST Art. 10 § 21 | This ballot proposal, adopted in 2002 and effective in 2008, addresses the inhumane treatment of animals, specifically, pregnant pigs. The law provides that to prevent cruelty to animals and as recommended by The Humane Society of the United States, no person shall confine a pig during pregnancy in a cage, crate or other enclosure, or tether a pregnant pig, on a farm so that the pig is prevented from turning around freely, except for veterinary purposes and during the prebirthing period; provides definitions, penalties, and an effective date. This measure passed in the November 2002 election with 54% of the vote. |
FL - Initiatives - Florida Amendment Article X Section 19 (pregnant pigs) | Florida Amendment Article X Section 19 (2002) (note: adopted as Section 21) | This ballot proposal addresses the inhumane treatment of animals, specifically, pregnant pigs. To prevent cruelty to animals and as recommended by The Humane Society of the United States, no person shall confine a pig during pregnancy in a cage, crate or other enclosure, or tether a pregnant pig, on a farm so that the pig is prevented from turning around freely, except for veterinary purposes and during the prebirthing period; provides definitions, penalties, and an effective date. This measure passed in the November 2002 election with 54% of the vote. |
IN - Animal Testing - The Breeding of And Experiments On Animals (Control And Supervision) Rules, 1998 | G.S.R. 1074(E) | The Rules were drafted by the Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals through the powers delegated to it by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The Rules do not ban scientific experiments on animals. However, they impose registration requirements for facilities that conduct experiments on animals, list out the conditions under which the animals must be stocked by the breeder and the establishment, and the methods by which the experiments must be conducted. |
GA - Dogfighting - Article 2. Gambling and Related Offenses. | Ga. Code Ann., § 16-12-37 | Georgia's dogfighting statute states that any person who owns, possesses, trains, transports, or sells any dog with the intent that such dog shall be engaged in fighting with another dog, wagers money or anything of value on the result of such dogfighting, knowingly permits dogfighting on his or her premises, knowingly promotes or advertises an exhibition of fighting commits the offense of dogfighting. Violation of the law is a felony, with a mandatory fine of $5,000.00 or a mandatory fine of $5,000.00 in addition to imprisonment for not less than one year nor more than five years. On a second or subsequent conviction, such person shall be punished by imprisonment of not less than one nor more than ten years, a fine of not less than $15,000.00, or both such fine and imprisonment. Any person who is knowingly present only as a spectator at any place for the fighting of dogs shall, upon a first conviction thereof, be guilty of a misdemeanor of a high and aggravated nature. |
GA - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Laws | Ga. Code Ann., § 16-12-4, § 16-6-6 | This comprises Georgia's anti-cruelty provisions. Under the statute, "animal" does not include any fish or any pest that might be exterminated or removed. A person commits the offense of cruelty to animals when he or she causes death or unjustifiable physical pain or suffering to any animal by an act, an omission, or willful neglect. Any person convicted of a violation of this subsection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, but subsequent convictions incur enhanced penalties. A person commits the offense of aggravated cruelty to animals when he or she knowingly and maliciously causes death or physical harm to an animal by rendering a part of such animal's body useless or by seriously disfiguring such animal. |
GA - Horse Meat - Article 4. Advertisement and Sale of Meat Generally. | Ga. Code Ann., § 26-2-150 to 161 | As stated in the legislative intent, the General Assembly declares that purchasers and consumers have a right to expect and demand honesty and fair practices in the sale of meat for human consumption. It is the purpose of this Code to ensure that honest, fair, and ethical practices are followed in the advertising and sale of meat for human consumption. With regard to horsemeat, the Code prohibits the slaughter a horse in this state for the purpose of selling or offering for sale for human consumption or for other than human consumption the horse meat derived from such slaughtered animal unless certain conditions are met. Further, no horse meat shall be sold or offered for sale in this state for human consumption unless at the place of sale there shall be posted in a conspicuous location a sign bearing the words "HORSE MEAT FOR SALE." |
GA - Wildlife rehabilitation - Chapter 2. Licenses, Permits, and Stamps Generally | Ga. Code Ann., § 27-2-22 | This Georgia law makes it unlawful for any person to keep sick or injured wildlife without first obtain a wildlife rehabilitation permit from the state department. |