Argentina - Cruelty - Ley 2.786 |
Ley 2.786 |
Ley Sarmiento was the first law in South America enacted for the protection of animals. This criminal law prohibited animal cruelty at the national level and imposed on the police the duty to enforce laws protecting animals in cooperation with the Argentinian Society for the Protection of Animals. It imposed fines instead of prison time. The Sarmiento law paved the way for the Peron law (ley 14.346) that was enacted in 1954, which is valid to this day. |
Chile - Cruelty - Ley 20.380 |
Ley 20.380 |
The animal protection statute applies to all animals and strengthens the penalties established in the criminal code for animal cruelty. Under this statute, animals are sentient living beings, that are part of nature. They must be treated respectfully and unnecessary pain must be avoided. Every person that owns an animal must provide food and shelter that is adequate to their minimum needs, and must not restrict their freedom of movement in an unnecessary manner. This is true especially if it causes suffering or if it alters the normal development of the animal. Some important aspects of this law include the establishment of the duty to teach children in schools to protect and respect animals. It prohibits animal experimentation in schools and regulates the production of livestock (confinement, breeding, transport, and slaughter). The livestock service (SAG) oversees the compliance of this law during the production of livestock, and the handling of animals by zoos, circuses, and veterinary centers. However, violations of the dispositions of this law carry out monetary fines only. |
Chile - Marine mammals - Ley 20293 |
Ley 20293 |
The cetacean law prohibits the killing, hunting, capturing, harassing, keeping, possessing, transporting, disembarking, preparing, or carrying out any transformation process, as well as the commercialization or storage of any species of cetacean that inhabits or crosses the maritime areas of national sovereignty and jurisdiction in Chile. |
Colombia - Research animals - LEY 2047, 2021 |
LEY 2047, 2021 |
This law prohibits the experimentation, import, manufacture, and commercialization of cosmetic products tested on animals in the entire Colombian territory.
Colombia - Animal control - Ley 2054 de 2020 |
Ley 2054 de 2020 |
This law modifies Law 1801 of 2016. It imposes the duty on all districts or municipalities to establish an animal welfare center, municipal shelters, or transitory homes to take domestic animals to the extent possible according to the financial capacities of the territorial entities. If the district or municipality does not have these centers, it must support the efforts of private animal shelters or foundations that receive domestic animals. If the animal has not been claimed by his or her owner or keeper after thirty days, the animal will be declared abandoned, and the authorities will proceed to promote his or her adoption. This law also establishes that domestic animals or pets cannot be restricted from common areas in apartment buildings. Dogs have to be leashed, and in the case of potentially dangerous dogs, they have to be muzzled, and the owner must have the corresponding license in accordance with the law. |
Chile - Cruelty - LEY 21.020 |
LEY 21.020 (1106037) |
This law establishes the rights and responsibilities of those in possession of companion animals and establishes general duties such as adequate treatment, and meeting the needs of the animal according to their species. Some important aspects of this law include the prohibition of companion animal fighting when it is organized as an event, the training of animals to reinforce aggressive behavior, and the sacrifice of animals as a method of population control. It also prohibits the abandonment of animals and the selling of animals in the streets. It strengthens penalties for animal cruelty in the criminal code and Law No. N°20.380 (Animal protection statute), and imposes jail time and an absolute prohibition to possess animals for those found to commit animal cruelty.
Chile - Slaughter - Ley 21.3016 |
Ley 21.3016 |
This law modifies Law No. 19.162, increasing sanctions for violations of animal health regulations in slaughterhouses, and information falsification in the livestock and meat traceability system. This law increases monetary fees from 100 monthly tax units (UTM) to 500 UTM. In addition it adds a paragraph to artiicle 8 of Law No. 19.162 stating the following: "The person who, in an export process, incurs violations of this law related to animal health or traceability will be sanctioned with a fine of 100 to 1,000 monthly tax units and with the confiscation of the products. Additionally, they will be sanctioned with the prohibition of export between three to five years. In case of recidivism within the five years following the end of the prohibition, the conduct will be sanctioned with the perpetual prohibition to export. In the case of a legal person, the same sanction will fall on the natural person or persons controlling the said company and the other companies they control." |
Colombia - Wildlife - Ley 2111 |
Ley 2111 |
Ley 2111, 2021, is the law for environmental crimes. The focus is to protect the national ecosystems and the nation’s natural patrimony. This law creates new crimes and strengthens existing ones concerning national wildlife by imposing up to 12 years (60-135 months) of prison and monetary fines of 40,000 minimum wages for illegal trafficking. More specifically, with regards to wildlife, the law punishes “those who traffic, acquire, export or trade without authorization from the competent authority or in violation of existing regulations, specimens, products or parts of aquatic, wild fauna or exotic wild species.” The new crimes created under this law are deforestation, its promotion and financing; wildlife trafficking; the financing of the invasion of areas of special ecological importance; and the financing and illegal appropriation of vacant lands belonging to the nation. The sanctions for the crimes of damage to natural resources and ecocide, illegal hunting and fishing, the illegal use of renewable natural resources, and environmental contamination were strengthened. |
Colombia - Transportation - Ley 2138 |
Ley 2138 |
This law establishes the parameters for the substitution of vehicles of animal traction in Colombia, and standards that promote the welfare of horses and cattle that are used for this purpose. It also offers the necessary guarantees to those who derive their livelihood from this type of vehicles so they can access social transformation programs. Vehicles of animal traction are to be substituted by motor vehicles that are ready to circulate, are in new condition, are approved for carrier transportation, and are suitable for the topography and distances of the corresponding municipality.
District, municipal and departmental authorities are in charge of carrying out the substitution programs for animal-drawn vehicles, except in cases where they are intended for rural transport in municipalities whose geographical condition does not allow other means for tourist, agricultural, livestock, forestry, and sports activities. Replacement programs are to be financed with departmental, municipal, and district funding. This law gives local governments 10 months from its promulgation to complete a census with 100% of the data on animal-drawn vehicles and their owners.
Chile - Farming - Ley 21664, 2024 |
Ley 21664, 2024 |
This law amends the Chilean Health Code to define the term meat and prohibits using that designation for products that are not of animal origin. |
Chile - Farming - Ley 21664, 2024 |
Ley 21664, 2024 |
Esta ley modifica el Código Sanitario de Chile para definir el término carne y prohibir el uso de esa denominación para productos que no sean de origen animal. |
Colombia - Law enforcement animals - Law 2318, 2023 |
Ley 2318, 2023 |
The purpose of this law is to modify the provisions of the National Code of Police and Coexistence (Law 1801 of 2016) to prohibit the use of animals for deterring demonstrations, riots, and unrest while adhering to existing regulations and obligations regarding animal protection and welfare. Article 4, PAR1 states: "Under no circumstances should the involvement of animals be construed as a component of the application of force outlined in this article. Animals, such as canines and equines that have been trained by law enforcement, are only allowed to engage in surveillance, preventive measures, and control tasks during events like mass gatherings, rescue operations, searches, explosive detection, illegal crop eradication, or law enforcement deployment. The use of animals to disperse public demonstrations, incite riots, or quell public unrest by law enforcement is explicitly prohibited." |
Bolivia - Wildlife - Ley 2352, 2002 |
Ley 2352, 2002 |
Approved and adopted the "CONVENTION ON THE CONSERVATION OF MIGRATORY SPECIES OF WILD ANIMALS" signed in Bonn, Germany, on June 23, 1979, into the Bolivian legal system.
Law 2374 de 2024 - National Sterilization Program for Cats and Dogs (Colombia) |
Ley 2374 de 2024 |
This law creates and implements the National Program of Surgical Sterilization of Cats and Dogs as an ethical method of birth control, in order to reduce the phenomena of mistreatment, suffering, and animal indigence, to promote a healthy environment, and to mitigate the risks to public health associated with the presence of animals in the streets. |
Ley 2374 de 2024 - Mandatory Spay and neuter (Colombia) |
Ley 2374 de 2024 |
“Objeto. Crear e implementar el Programa Nacional de Esterilización Quirúrgica de Gatos y Perros como método ético de control de la natalidad, con el fin de reducir los fenómenos de maltrato, sufrimiento e indigencia animal, propender por un ambiente sano, y mitigar los riesgo para la salud pública asociados a ia presencia de animales en las calles.” |
Ley 2385, 2024 - Bullfighting ban (Colombia) |
Ley 2385 de 2024 |
Law 2385 establishes a nationwide ban on the practices of bullfighting, rejoneo, novilladas, becerradas, and tientas. Its purpose is to foster a cultural transformation rooted in the recognition and respect for the lives of animals. Some of the key points of this law include a transitional model that provides a three-year timeline to phase out bullfighting and similar practices, the creation of a labor and cultural “reconversion” plan for transitioning those who economically depend on these industries to new livelihoods and to repurpose publicly owned bullfighting arenas for cultural, recreational, sports, and artistic uses. Additionally, this new law creates an interinstitutional committee comprising government officials and bullfighting industry representatives tasked with overseeing the implementation and compliance with this law and the reconversion program. Finally, it directs the Ministry of Cultures, Arts, and Knowledges to implement policies, programs, and activities to encourage animal protection and discourage bullfighting by highlighting its harms and consequences. |
Ley 2385, 2024 - prohibicion de las corridas de toros (Colombia) |
Ley 2385, 2024 |
La Ley 2385 prohíbe las corridas, el rejoneo, las novilladas, becerradas y tientas en todo el territorio Colombiano. El objetivo de esta ley es fomentar una transformación cultural basada en el reconocimiento y respeto por la vida de los animales. Algunos de los puntos clave de esta ley incluye un modelo de transición que otorga un plazo de tres años para eliminar gradualmente las corridas de toros y prácticas similares, la creación de un plan de "reconversión" laboral y cultural para ayudar a quienes dependen económicamente de estas industrias a encontrar nuevas formas de sustento, y la reutilización de las plazas de toros de propiedad pública para usos culturales, recreativos, deportivos y artísticos. Además, esta nueva ley crea un comité interinstitucional compuesto por funcionarios gubernamentales y representantes de la industria taurina encargado de supervisar la implementación y el cumplimiento de la ley y del programa de reconversión. Finalmente, ordena al Ministerio de Culturas, Artes y Saberes a implementar políticas, programas y acciones para promover la protección animal y desincentivar la tauromaquia de forma gradual en la sociedad, mostrando los perjuicios y consecuencias de estas prácticas. |
Argentina - Endangered species - Ley Nº 24.702, 1996 |
Ley 24.702 |
Ley Nº 24.702 establishes that various species of andean deer will be declared natural monuments. This species correspond to: Hippocamelus bisulcus (huemul, güemul or guamul (araucano); shoan, shoam or shonen (tehuelche), Andean deer, southern huemul, trula or trulá, Chilean huemul, hueque, deer (southern Patagonia) and Hippocamelus antisensis (tarusch, taruga, taruka or chacu (quichua), deer, northern or northern huemul, huemul, fallow deer, cerrero deer, huemul cordillerano, huemul peruano, peñera). Ley Nº 24.702, also instructs the National Park Administration and the Directorate of Wildlife and Flora of the Nation to work together on the management plan for the species in the areas of its jurisdiction, making sure it is in accordance to the national faunal policy.
Ley 2404 de 2024 - Colombia |
LEY 2404 DE 2024 (Agosto 02) |
El objeto de la presente ley es erradicar el sufrimiento innecesario producido a los ejemplares de fauna silvestre rescatada o decomisada por las autoridades ambientales, en los casos que requiera ser transportada para recibir tratamientos y rehabilitación con condiciones específicas, y con carácter de urgencia a centros especializados donde recibirán atención para garantizar su bienestar, así como el transporte para su posterior liberación o reubicación a un establecimiento según el concepto técnico emitido. Los animales silvestres deben ser tratados como seres sintientes a la hora de ser transportados vía aérea, terrestre o fluvial.”
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 25.052, 1998 |
Ley 25.052 |
Ley 25.052/98 prohibits the hunt or capture of orca whales (Orcinus orca) by nets or by the forced stranding system. The penalty for violating this law will result in fines starting from one million Argentine pesos, and up to two million pesos when the capture resulted in the death of the specimen. The Secretary of Natural Resources, through the Direction of Ictícolas and Acuícolas Resources, are the authorities in charge of the application of this law. The Naval Prefecture of Argentina is the authority that exercises police power, and federal justice will know of the complaints made by the enforcement authority, the police authority, or any citizen or non-governmental institution. |
Argentina - Environmental - Ley 25.335, 2000 |
Ley 25.335 |
This Ley approved the amendments to the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially the Waterbird Habitat, Ramsar 1971, adopted by the Extraordinary Conference of the Contracting Parties in the city of Regina, Canada. It also approved the ordered text of the Convention on Wetlands. |
Argentina - Endangered species - Ley 25.463, 2001 |
Ley 25.463 |
This law declared the Panthera onca, also known as yaguareté, Jaguar, overo tiger or painted onca, a natural monument. Ley 25.463/01 instructs the National Park Administration and the Directorate of Wildlife and Flora of the Nation to work together on the management plan for the species in the areas of its jurisdiction, making sure it is in accordance to the national faunal policy. The Enforcement Authority will guarantee the planning and execution of preventive measures in cases in which a specimen becomes circumstantially harmful to humans or their productive activities.
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 25.577 |
Ley 25.577 |
This law prohibits hunting or intentional capture of any of the cetacean species specified in the appendix. It establishes fines for those who violate this law of not less than 1 million Argentinian pesos ($1,000,000). |
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 25.577, 2002 |
Ley 25.577 |
Ley 25.577/02 prohibits the hunting and intentional capture of any of the cetaceans listed in the appendant of the same law. The authority in charge of enforcing this law is the Secretariat of Sustainable Development and Environmental Policy of the Ministry of Social Development and Environment of the Nation, which will establish the measures to minimize the incidental capture of the cetaceans listed in the appendant. The authority also establishes exceptions to hunting and intentional capture when they have scientific or educational objectives, or when the purpose is the conservation of the species. Ley N° 25.052 regulates the hunting and intentional capture of the orca species. |
Argentina - Marine mammals - Ley 25.577 |
Ley 25.577 |
This law prohibits the hunting of cetaceans in the entire territory. |
Argentina - Widlife - Ley 26.600, 2010 |
Ley 26.600 |
This Ley approved the Inter-American Convention for the Protection and Conservation of Sea Turtles, adopted in Caracas, Venezuela.
Argentina - Racing, dog - Ley 27.330 |
Ley 27.330 |
This law prohibits dog racing in the country regardless of the dog breed. It establishes a punishment of up to four years of prison and fines for those who organize, promote, or facilitate dog races. |
Argentina - Farm animals - Ley 27233, 2015 |
Ley 27233 |
This law declared animal and plant health of national interest. Ley 27233 established that the all persons including legal persons that are participants in the agro-food chain (production, obtention, transportation and industrialization of products, by-products, and derivatives of silvo-agricultural and fishing origin), have the responsibility to watch and respond to the health, innocuousness, hygiene, and quality of agricultural production, in accordance with the current regulations. Article 2 declared of public order the national regulations by which the development of actions aim for the preservation of animal health, plant protection, and the hygienic-sanitary condition of food of agricultural origin. This responsibility extends to those who produce, divide, conserve, deposit, concentrate, transport, commercialize, sell, import or export animals, vegetables, food, raw materials, food additives, reproductive material, animal feed and raw materials, fishery products and other products of animal and/or vegetable origin that act individually, jointly or successively, in the agro-food chain. |
Argentina - Racing - Ley 27330, Dog Racing law |
Ley 27330 |
This law prohibits dog racing of any breed in the entire territory. Organization, promotion, and facilitation of a dog race are punishable by imprisonment of not less than 3 months and not more than 4 years. Together with fines that can go from 4,000 Argentinian pesos to $80,000. |
Law 287 of 2022 |
Ley 287 de 2022 |
Law 287, 2022 is the Panama's law that recognizes the Rights of Nature and the State's related obligations with such rights.
Ley 29763, 2015 - Peru |
Ley 29763, 2015 |
Esta ley protege los derechos de los ciudadanos a acceder y disfrutar del "patrimonio natural'' de Perú, que son, principalmente, sus bosques y su fauna silvestre. Trata la obligación civil del ciudadano de conservar la flora y fauna silvestres del Perú, que incluye el cumplimiento de la legislación aplicable. La ley también describe en detalle varias circunstancias en las que se encuentra la fauna silvestre, cómo interactuar con ella, así como las normas para conservar el patrimonio natural nacional, que generalmente se define como la suma de todos los recursos naturales de una zona. |
Ley 29830, 2012 - Peru |
Ley 29830, 2012 |
Esta ley se propone promover y regular el uso de perros guía para invidentes tanto en espacios públicos como privados. Establece que las personas con discapacidad visual pueden tener sus perros de servicio en lugares privados y públicos, incluidos el transporte público y los lugares de trabajo, así como normas para el entrenamiento y el cuidado general de los perros. |
Argentina - Farm animals - Ley 3.959, 1900 |
LEY 3.959 |
This is the law of the Police for Animal Health. The purpose of this law is to set the parameters to ensure the protection of livestock against contagious exotic diseases. This law regulates topics such as importation and exportation of livestock, prohibiting the importation or exportation of animals infected with contagious diseases or suspected of being infected. |
Ley 30203, 2014 - Peru |
Ley 30203, 2014 - Peru |
Esta ley exige la protección y conservación del cóndor andino. |
Peru - Cruelty - Ley 30407, 2015 |
Ley 30407, 2015 |
Ley 30407, is the statute of animal protection and welfare. It sets the guidelines for the protection of vertebrate domestic and wild animals kept in captivity and against abuse and cruelty caused directly or indirectly by humans. This law also promotes respect for the life and well-being of animals through education as well as the participation in the promotion of animal protection of entities of the public and private sector. Some of the topics that this law regulates include: responsibilities of society and the government towards animals; protection, possession and handling of animals; animal research and experimentation; and euthanasia of companion animals and wildlife kept in captivity. Ley 30407 has 36 articles in 8 chapters. As a result of its promulgation, the previous animal welfare act, together with Article 450-A of the criminal code, were repealed. Bullfighting, cockfighting and other activities declared of cultural character by authorized authority are considered exceptions to this law.
Ley 30433, 2016 - Peru |
Ley 30433, 2016 |
Esta ley modifica la Ley 29830, que tiene por objeto promover y regular el uso de perros guía para personas con discapacidad visual, respecto al procedimiento administrativo sancionador, infracciones y sanciones, y a los límites de acceso a las áreas restringidas. La modificación describe sanciones en caso de incumplimiento de la legislación aplicable. Dichas repercusiones incluyen multas estrictas por negar a la persona con discapacidad visual, el acceso al inmueble, al servicio de que se trate, o a su lugar de trabajo y beneficios relacionados. |
Ley 31311, 2021 - Peru |
Ley 31311, 2021 - Peru |
Esta ley tiene por objeto regular las circunstancias y los modos adecuados en que se debe esterilizar (castrar) a perros y gatos en aras de la salud y la seguridad públicas, concretamente en lo que respecta a las enfermedades infecciosas y la superpoblación animal. El texto aporta numerosos datos científicos cuantitativos en su análisis. |
Chile - Fishing - Ley 430, 1991 |
Ley 430, 1991 |
This is the general law of fisheries and aquaculture. It establishes the guidelines for the preservation of hydrological resources, extractive fishing activities, and research activities in terrestrial waters, sea beaches, inland waters, territorial seas, exclusive economic zones, and adjacent areas. This law also regulates transformation and processing fishing activities and storage, transportation, or commercialization of hydro-biological resources. |
Colombia - Marine mammals - LEY 557, 2000, International Program of Dolphin Conservation |
LEY 557, 2000 |
Through Ley 557, Congress approves and adopts the international Dolphin Conservation Program signed in Washington D.C. This program covers all the area in the Eastern Pacific Ocean and was ratified by Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, European Union, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Peru, United States, and Venezuela. The main goal of this program is to reduce dolphin mortality in the Eastern Pacific due to the tuna purse-seine fishery. |
Colombia - Veterinary - LEY 576, 2000, Code of Ethics for the professional exercise of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. |
LEY 576, 2000 |
This law reflects the Code of Ethics for the professional exercise of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. This law contains the guidelines and standards of the veterinary professions that must be followed by veterinarians and veterinary zoo technicians to avoid veterinary malpractice liability. Ley 576, prescribes the type of behaviors that are not allowed and the circumstances were such behaviors could take place. In addition, this law also creates the tribunal of professional ethics for these professions, and the legal procedure that must be followed by this tribunal in the undertaking of investigations and hearing of users’ complaints. Furthermore, this law regulates the ethical behavior, and responsibilities of the veterinary professionals towards their clients, other colleagues, veterinary assistants, natural resources, and professional associations. |
Colombia - Zoos - LEY 611, 2000 |
Ley 611 del 2000 |
Ley 611, 200 regulates the usage and management of terrestrial and aquatic fauna, and their products. To accomplish this goal, this law permits such use and management to be done through direct harvest of species in their environment, or through zoo breeders of open and/or close cycle. It requires terrestrial and aquatic fauna to be used to obtain economic gain in a way that does not lead to the diminishment of the different species populations in a long term. To do so, this law requires the acquisition of operating licenses before the breeders begin their operations. |
Ecuador - Stray animals - Ley 67, 2006 |
Ley 67, 2006, Ecuador |
The excerpt from the organic law for health corresponds to the treatment of companion and stray animals. Article 123 establishes that domestic animal owners must vaccinate their animals against rabies and other diseases the health authority considers a risk to human health. Owners are also responsible for keeping their animals in conditions that do not risk human health and environmental hygiene. Under the same article, municipalities, in coordination with the health authority, control and handle stray animals. |
Bolivia - Cruelty - Ley 700, 2015 |
Ley 700, 2015 |
Ley 700, is the animal cruelty statute of Bolivia. This law lays out the rules for the defense of animals against cruelty committed by humans. Animals are considered part of mother earth, and therefore, their life has to be defended and respected. This law punishes physical, psychological, emotional and sexual mistreatment, and prohibits the breeding of domestic animals for commercial purposes. It also prohibits sport hunting and overworking animals, especially those of an older age.
Colombia - Animal control - Ley 769 |
Ley 769 |
This law is Colombia's National Code of Traffic. Article 97 delegates to the territorial entities the duty to create municipal shelters ("cosos municipales" or animal deposits") adequate for the keeping of animals of minor species, major species, and wildlife.
Colombia - Cruelty - LEY 84, 1989, Statue of Animal Protection |
LEY 84, 1989 |
Ley 84 is the National Statute of Animal Protection in Colombia. Ley 84 establishes the general duties of humans towards animals. Among these duties includes the duty to provide animals with enough food, water and medicine to guarantee their well-being; the duty to provide animals with appropriate space so they can move adequately; and the duty to provide appropriate shelter. Article 7 contains the exceptions to the duty to protect animals, meaning that the practices listed in this section are legal under the current legal system even though they might be inherently cruel. These exceptions correspond to the different variations and forms of bullfighting rejoneo, coleo, las corridas de toros, novilladas, corralejas, becerradas y tientas, and cockfighting. Ley 84 also regulates the slaughter of animals for non-consumption, animals in experiments and research, animal transportation, as well as hunting and fishing, resources, penalties, legal competency, and procedures to follow in regard to this law. |
Colombia - Slaughter - LEY 9, 1979, Health Code |
LEY 9, 1979 |
This law lays out the general rules that are the basis for “the provisions and regulations necessary to preserve, restore and improve sanitary conditions in relation to human health. It also contains the procedures and measures that must be adopted for the regulation, legalization and control of the discharges of waste and materials that affect or may affect the sanitary conditions of the Environment.” In its Article 307, Ley 9 establishes that the slaughter of animals for human consumption can only be done in authorized slaughterhouses. |
Peru - Wildlife - LEY 9147, 1949 |
LEY 9147, 1949 |
This law declares government protection over all the wild species of animals that are within the national territory. It also prohibits the hunting of vicuña, chinchilla and guanacu species.
Colombia - Bullfighting - LEY 916, 2004, National bullfighting Statute |
LEY 916, 2004 |
Ley 916, or National Bullfighting Statute, declares bullfighting as “a form of artistic expression”. This statute has national scope, and regulates everything concerning the preparation, organization and development of bullfighting, giving a status of legality in the legal system. The Taurine Statute discusses topics such as the characteristics of the bullring, the name of different areas in the ring, and their purpose. It has an extensive glossary explaining the different methods utilized during the different phases of the bullfight, procedures to weaken and kill the bull, the moves of the animal and the bullfighters. This statute defines the name of the weapons and how and when to use them. It notes requirements such as that every bullring stadium must provide medical assistance for the participants, with all least four specialized doctors in every bullfight. While on-site medical care is outlined for the human participants, no veterinarian is required to be present during the execution of the bullfight. |
Ley Ambiental de Protección a la Tierra en la Ciudad De México |
Ley Ambiental de Protección a la Tierra |
This law aims to achieve several objectives, including the preservation and restoration of ecological balance, the prevention of environmental harm, and the promotion of sustainable development. This sustainable development approach is intended to foster economic advantages and support various social activities. Article 2.V establishes that one of the cases in which this law would be applied In the conservation, protection, and preservation of flora and fauna under the jurisdiction of the Federal District. In addition, Article 4.IV deems the prevention and control of environmental pollution in the air, water, and soil, along with the protection, restoration, and responsible utilization of vital natural elements and habitats essential for preserving and promoting biodiversity, as matters of public utility. |
Constitutional Law of Human Rights and its Guarantees of Mexico City |
Ley Constitucional de Derechos Humanos y sus Garantías de la Ciudad de México |
This 2019 law is a secondary law that regulates the application of the constitutional mandate that the Mexico City government guarantees the fulfillment of the more than fifty fundamental rights established in the Constitution. This law addresses the issue of animal protection, specifically in Article 95. Article 95 states that animal protection shall be guaranteed in the broadest way to provide a livable city and seek people's fulfillment of the right to a healthy environment. |