Statute by category | Citation | Summary |
England and Wales - Hunting, mammals - Hunting Act 2004 | 2004 CHAPTER 37 | An Act controlling the hunting of wild animals with dogs, and prohibiting hare coursing. The hare coursing prohibition covers facilitating, attending, spectating or otherwise. Schedule 1 of the Act provides for exemptions to hunting wild mammals with dogs, to include: stalking, or flushing a wild mammal out of cover provided that this is done to prevent or reduce potential damage elsewhere, for example to livestock or crops; to obtain meat for human or animal consumption or; participation in a field trial competition. For this hunting to be exempt, the stalking or flushing must not involve more than two dogs, or take place on land without the owner’s permission. Further exemption requirements are that one dog may go below ground only, to flush or dig out the mammal in circumstances where the purpose is to prevent or reduce serious damage to game birds or wild birds. Further, conditions require that the mammal must subsequently be shot as soon as possible after being found or flushed. Other exceptions include the hunting of rabbits or rats with dogs. |
England and Wales - Dogs - The Dangerous Dogs Exemption Schemes (England and Wales) Order 2015 | 2015 No. 138 | An order providing exemptions from the immediate destruction of a dangerous dog, by way of a Contingent Destruction Order. Following a conviction under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, the Court must either order the immediate destruction of the dog, or the contingent destruction of a dog if satisfied that the dog is not a danger to public safety. Contains conditions that must be met in relation to the dog, and requirements that the person in charge of the dog must comply with. |
England and Wales - Cruelty - Animal Welfare Act 2006 | Animal Welfare Act of 2006 | An Act establishing penalties for engaging in certain activities that are considered detrimental to animal welfare. Activities that constitute offenses include: causing an animal unnecessary suffering, mutilating an animal’s body, docking a dog’s tail (with certain limited exceptions), administering a poisonous or injurious substance to an animal, and engaging in or attending animal fighting. Nothing in the Act applies to anything lawfully done under the Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 or to anything which occurs in the normal course of fishing. |
England - Transport - The Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006 | 2006 No. 3260 | Regulations to provide general protections to vertebrate and cold blooded invertebrate animals during transport. It is an offence to transport an animal in a way which causes, or is likely to cause, injury or unnecessary suffering to that animal. Similar legislation is in place for the rest of the UK (Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.) |
England - Slaughter - The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) (Amendment) (England) Regulations 2012 | 2012 No. 501 | These Regulations amended the Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations 1995. Provisions extend the range of birds that can be killed by gas mixtures in specific circumstances, and extend the time limits under which a prosecution may be brought. |
England - Puppy and Kitten Sales - The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2019 | 2019 No. 1093 | Comes into force 6 April 2020: Known as 'Lucy's Law.' These amendments to the licensing Regulations prevent the sale of puppies and kittens by third party sellers - such as a pet shop or commercial dealer - unless they have bred the animal themselves. Anyone looking to buy or adopt a puppy or kitten under 6 months old must deal directly with the breeder or animal re homing center. |
England - Licensing - The Animal Welfare (Licensing of Activities Involving Animals) (England) Regulations 2018 | Animal Welfare Act (Licensing) Regulations 2018 | Legislation requiring businesses involving animals in England to obtain a licence to show they are meeting the welfare needs of the animals in their care. Includes dog kennels, cat boarding, dog breeders, pet sellers, horse riding schools and animal exhibitors. |
England - Greyhounds - The Welfare of Racing Greyhounds Regulations 2010 | 2010 No. 543 | These Regulations cover license requirements, including renewal, suspension and cancellation; and license conditions for the racing of greyhounds in England. Conditions include the attendance of a veterinary surgeon at every race, kennels at races, microchipping and race injury records. |
England - Fur - The Mink Keeping (Prohibition) (England) Order 2004 | 2004 No. 100 | An Order imposing an absolute prohibition upon the keeping of mink in England. |
England - Farming - The Use of Closed Circuit Television in Slaughterhouses (England) Regulations 2018 | 2018 No. 556 | These Regulations introduce requirements on operators of slaughterhouses in England to install and operate a closed circuit television (CCTV) system in all areas where live animals are present. CCTV footage and associated data must be retained for a period of 90 days. Inspectors are given powers to require compliance with these Regulations. This includes powers of inspection and seizure where an inspector has entered premises for the purposes of executing and enforcing the 2015 Welfare of Animals at the Time of Killing (England) Regulations, and powers to issue enforcement notices. |
England - Farm animals - Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) Regulations 2007 | 2007 No. 2078 | These Regulations set minimum welfare standards for farm animals generally whilst kept and reared on a farm. Some more specific provisions address laying hens, calves confined for rearing and fattening, cattle, pigs, boars, sows, piglets and rabbits. These 2007 Regulations repeal the 2000 Regulations, and also repeal the 2002 and 2003 Regulation Amendments. |
England - Farm animals - The Welfare of Farmed Animals (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2010 | 2010 No. 303 | Regulations to address the welfare of chickens raised for meat. Provisions include: maximum stocking densities, and minimum management, training and monitoring requirements. |
England - Dogs - The Microchipping of Dogs (England) Regulations 2015 | 2015 No. 108 | Regulations making it compulsory for dog owners to ensure their dog is microchipped, and that their contact details are kept up to date on a database. |
England - Dogs - The Docking of Working Dogs' Tails (England) Regulations 2007 | 2007 No. 1120 |
These Regulations exempt hunt, spaniel and terrier breeds from the tail docking prohibition under the Animal Welfare Act 2006, provided that certain conditions are met. Tail docking must be carried out by a veterinary surgeon, and not past 5 days old. |
England - Circus - The Welfare of Wild Animals in Travelling Circuses (England) Regulations 2012 | 2012 No. | These Regulations set out license conditions for wild animals in travelling circuses, including animal welfare requirements. Licensing conditions include providing lifelong care for the retirement of every licensed animal. |
England - Animal Welfare - The Mutilations (Permitted Procedures) (England) Regulations 2007 | 2007 No. 1100 | These Regulations specify the procedures that are exempt from the Section 5 mutilation prohibition of the Animal Welfare Act 2006. Procedures include: ear tagging for identification and castration for control of reproduction, for certain species. Anaesthetics, and other requirements, are also set out concerning certain species. |
EG - Animal Development - Chapter 1 on Animal Development and Protection | Subchapter II, arts. 108, 109, 117, 118, 119 |
This chapter of laws from Egypt contains five articles that concern the treatment of animals. Among the provisions is an article that allows the Minister of Agriculture to regulate the import and export of live animals and birds. Article 119 states: "It is forbidden to exercise cruelty to animals. The Minister of Agriculture shall, by decree, specify the cases to which this ban shall apply." |
Ecuador - Stray animals - Ley 67, 2006 | Ley 67, 2006, Ecuador | The excerpt from the organic law for health corresponds to the treatment of companion and stray animals. Article 123 establishes that domestic animal owners must vaccinate their animals against rabies and other diseases the health authority considers a risk to human health. Owners are also responsible for keeping their animals in conditions that do not risk human health and environmental hygiene. Under the same article, municipalities, in coordination with the health authority, control and handle stray animals. |
Ecuador - Rights of nature - Environmental Code of Ecuador | Código Orgánico del Ambiente (COA) | The Environmental Code was published in 2018. It aims to “guarantee the right of people to live in a healthy and ecologically balanced environment, as well as protect the rights of nature for the realization of good living.” This code was the base for reforming the Criminal Code, which increased the punishment for animal cruelty. This law contains administrative sanctions, including fines, animal confiscation, community service, prohibition to acquire or keep animals temporarily or permanently, and payment of veterinary, food, and maintenance costs required for the animal’s recovery, among others. The environmental code contains environmental management provisions, including wildlife, urban fauna, climate change, waste management, etc. Under this code, the welfare of domestic animals and wildlife is a duty. It establishes the obligations and responsibilities related to animals. Regulations, control management, and coordination of the parameters outlined in this law lay on the Autonomous decentralized Municipal or Metropolitan Governments. For instance, cities have the power to regulate animal welfare concerning the ownership of animals and during the rearing, commercialization, breeding, transportation, and euthanasia of animals. Another example of this power vested in the cities and municipalities is the responsibility to establish plans and programs to prevent, manage, and control animal populations. This includes informative and educational campaigns on animal welfare, sterilization, and responsible adoption. |
Ecuador - Rights of nature - Civil Code | CÓDIGO CIVIL | Even though the constitution has indirectly granted animals rights as they are part of nature, they continue to be categorized as movable objects by the civil code. However, the most recent reform to the civil code is from 2005, meaning the current civil code still needs to be updated to comply with the 2008 constitution and subsequent constitutional court decisions. Article 585 defines movable objects as those that can be transported from one place to another, either by their force, like animals (which is why they are called “semovientes”), or by an external force, like inanimate things. Article 639 states that “domestic animals are subject to domain” (or complete ownership). It is important to note that the bill for animal welfare is currently in the hands of the National Assembly. Changing the categorization of animals in the civil code to “sentient beings” is one of the many topics regulated by this bill. |
Ecuador - Farm animals - Organic Code of agricultural health | Ley Organica de Sanidad Agropecuaria de Ecuador | The organic code of agricultural health of 2017 has as its primary objective to 1) prevent the entry, dissemination, and establishment of pests and diseases; promote animal welfare; and 2) control and eradicate pests and diseases that affect plants and animals and that could represent a phytosanitary and animal health risk. This law creates the Regulatory agency for Phytosanitary and Zoosanitary Control. This agency is responsible for regulating and controlling animal health and welfare, plant health, and food to maintain and improve the adequate conditions of agricultural production. |
Ecuador - Environmental - Organic Procedural Code | Ley 0 Registro Oficial Suplemento 506 de 22-may, 2015 | This excerpt is from Ecuador's General Procedural. It contains provisions concerning the representation of nature. These provisions state that any person may file a lawsuit claiming damages on behalf of nature. More specifically, under the articles in Chapter II, nature can be legally represented by any person, entity, collectivity, or by the ombudsperson, who may also act on their initiative. Article 30 establishes who can be a plaintiff and a defendant. Nature is within the definition of these parties. |
Ecuador - Environmental - Decreto Ejecutivo 752 | Regulations to the Code of the Environment | Decreto 752 regulates the environment code. It comprises seven books that regulate each of the books in the Environmental Code regulating topics such as natural heritage, environmental quality, climate change, the coastal marine zone, environmental incentives, etc. These books contain chapters, sections, and provisions concerning wildlife, urban fauna, protected areas, production, and sustainable use, etc. This regulation establishes that all wildlife species are protected by the government, and gives special priority to native, endemic, threatened, and migratory species. It prohibits the commercial trade of wildlife from being used as pets without authorization; the commercial trade of native, endemic, threatened, and migratory wildlife species directly taken from their natural habitat; and other prohibitions that the environmental authority may establish. This executive decree also regulates the application of The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) in Chapter V, articles 106-121. |
Ecuador - Dog control - Acuerdo Nº 0116 | Interministerial Agreement for the Responsible Ownership of Dogs | This regulation has been in effect since 2009, and it seeks to regulate the responsible ownership of dogs. It focuses on those breeds that are not recommended as pets because they are considered dangerous. This is with the purpose of protecting the health and life of the citizens (Article 1). This regulation establishes the standards of welfare for the keeping of dogs, duties, and obligations of owners and keepers. It regulates the breeding and commercialization of dogs, population control, dogs as companion animals, dangerous dogs, working dogs, and service dogs. |
Ecuador - Dangerous dog - Regulation for the Responsible ownership of Dogs in Ecuador | Reglamento de Tenencia y Manejo Responsable de Perros | This regulation has been in effect since 2009, and it seeks to regulate the responsible ownership of dogs. It focuses on those breeds that are not recommended as pets because they are considered dangerous. This regulation establishes the standards of welfare for the keeping of dogs, duties, and obligations of owners and keepers. In addition, it regulates the breeding and commercialization of dogs, population control, dogs as companion animals, dangerous dogs, working dogs, and service dogs. |
Ecuador - Cruelty - Criminal Code Excerpt | Excerpt Código Orgánico Integral Penal | This excerpt is from the Criminal Code of Ecuador, Chapter 4, crimes against the environment and nature or "Pacha mama." The crimes against animals are outlined in this chapter. More specifically, Section 2, "Crimes of private action against animals that are part of the urban fauna," articles 249-250. Under the current criminal code, causing injury to an animal is punished with confinement in jail for two to six months. If the act involves cruelty or torture, the punishment is six to twelve months of confinement in jail. Sexual conduct with an animal and sexual exploitation of an animal is also punishable. The death of an animal resulting from sexual conduct is considered an aggravating factor punishable with confinement in jail between one to three years. If the animal dies due to circumstances other than sexual behavior on the animal, the punishment is confinement in jail for six months to one year. Finally, If death is the product of cruel acts, confinement will last one to three years. Dog fighting, abandonment of companion animals, and mistreatment are also prohibited. |
Ecuador - Circus - Acuerdo Ministerial Nº 062 | Acuerdo Ministerial Nº 062 | The Ministry of the Environment issued ministerial agreement 062, which regulates the use of wild animals in circuses. This regulation aims to eliminate wildlife trafficking, trade, and cruelty. |
Eastern Band of Cherokee - Natural resources - Sec. 14-10.10- Cutting timber, removing rock, trapping animals | The Cherokee Code. Part II. Section 14. Article III. Sec. 14-10.10 |
This statute is intended to preserve natural resources and protect wild animals from any trapping conducted without the knowledge of a property owner or the Tribe. The language provides for both land owner through a tribal assignment or lease, as well as lands that are reserved and used exclusively by the Tribe. The language also restricts any person, firm, or corporation from engaging in this conduct without consent and knowledge from the land owner and/or the Tribe. |
Eastern Band Cherokee - Animal Control - Sec. 19.1, Animal Control Department | Eastern Band Cherokee, Sec. 19-19.1 |
This section of the Eastern Band Cherokee Code describes the purpose of the Tribe's Animal Control Department. The Eastern Band Cherokee Animal Control Code includes Sections 19.1 through 19.7. Each section addresses a different topic within the Tribe's animal control, ranging from administrative purposes to restrictions and regulations. |
Decreto Supremo N.° 010-2022-MIDAGRI, 2022 (Peru) | Este Decreto Supremo expedido por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego del Perú, aprueba el Reglamento Sanitario para la Producción y Comercialización de Material Genético de Animales de Producción. El objetivo de este decreto es establecer disposiciones para la aplicación de medidas sanitarias en la producción y comercialización de material genético de animales de producción, contribuyendo a la vigilancia epidemiológica, prevención, control y erradicación de enfermedades que afecten a los animales. Todo lo anterior con la finalidad de evitar la propagación y diseminación de enfermedades que afecten el estatus sanitario del país. | |
Decreto Supremo 038-2001-AG, 2001 (Peru) | Decreto Supremo 038-2001-AG | Esta ley establece las áreas naturales legalmente protegidas y los ecosistemas del Perú, su importancia para los estudios y el desarrollo científico, ecológico y sostenible, así como sus usos permitidos. |
Decreto Supremo 011-84-AG, 1984 - Peru | 011-84-AG | Esta ley considera necesario promover la cría de ganado de lidia como interés nacional. |
Decreto Supremo 007-2021, 2021 - Peru (2021) | Decreto Supremo 007-2021, 2021 - Peru | El objeto de esta ley es describir una serie de infracciones y sanciones en materia forestal y de fauna silvestre. Establece quiénes pueden sancionar a quienes infrinjan una norma y garantiza la potestad sancionadora a las administraciones competentes. La ley busca proteger los principios de las Leyes 28763, 27444 y demás normas aplicables en materia de protección y conservación de la materia forestal y de fauna silvestre. |
Decreto Supremo 006-2002-SA - Peru (2002) | Decreto Supremo 006-2002-SA | Este decreto aprueba la Ley 27596, Ley Reguladora del Régimen de los Perros, y todas las partes que la componen. A continuación, la ley proporciona el texto de la ley y sus secciones relativas a la propiedad, las sanciones, el cuidado y otros temas relacionados. |
Decreto Supremo 004-2019-MC, 2019 - Peru | Decreto Supremo 004-2019-MC, 2019 | Esta ley tiene como objetivo regular los criterios para evaluar si un evento público puede ser considerado, o "califica", como evento cultural no deportivo. Entre los eventos que pueden entrar en esta categoría se encuentran, entre otros, la ópera, el ballet, el teatro y el circo. La ley modifica la Ley 30870, que establecía los criterios para evaluar si un espectáculo puede considerarse un acontecimiento cultural no deportivo. En lo que respecta específicamente a el derecho animal, la ley establece que los mensajes y las acciones del evento no deben incitar al odio o la violencia contra los animales u otros seres vivos no humanos. |
Decreto Supremo 004, 2014 - Peru | Decreto Supremo 004, 2014 | Esta ley aprueba la lista actualizada de categorización y clasificación de las especies de animales salvajes legalmente protegidas en las siguientes categorías: en peligro crítico, en peligro, vulnerable, casi amenazada y con datos insuficientes. Describe las normas y prohibiciones relativas a las actividades relacionadas con las especies en peligro, así como las normas relativas a la exportación de dichos animales con fines culturales o científicos. |
Decreto Supremo 001-2017-MIMP, 2017 - Peru | 001-2017-MIMP | Esta ley pretende regular y promover el uso de perros guía para discapacitados visuales, incluyendo la atención veterinaria a los perros, la certificación y registro de su condición de perro guía, el adiestramiento y las condiciones de uso. |
DE - Woodchuck - § 797. Woodchuck or groundhog not protected wildlife | 7 Del.C. § 797 | This Delaware statute declares that the woodchuck or groundhog will not be considered protected wildlife. |
DE - Wildlife - Chapter 1. Protected Wildlife | 7 Del.C. § 101 - 204 | These statutes comprise Delaware's protected wildlife provisions. The section outlines the powers and duties of the Department of Fish and Wildlife as well as how funds derived from fishing and hunting licenses may be used. The code also explains the procedure private parties may take when protected wildlife injures crops. |
DE - Veterinary - Chapter 33. Veterinarians. | 24 Del.C. § 3300 - 3323 | These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
DE - Trust for care of an animal - Chapter 35. Trusts | 12 Del.C. § 3555 | Delaware enacted its pet trust law in 2006. A trust for the care of one or more specific animals living at the settlor's death is valid. The trust terminates upon the death of all animals living at the settlor's death and covered by the terms of the trust. |
DE - Tether, dog - Chapter 9. Dogs. | 16 Del.C. § 3044F | This Delaware statute addresses the requirements for indoor and outdoor facilities housing dogs. It includes storage, drainage, waste disposal, ventilation, lighting, shelter, height, and surface requirements. Food, water, and use of tethers are also addressed. The tether shall be of a type commonly used for the size dog involved, made of material not normally susceptible to being severed by the dog through chewing or otherwise, and shall be attached to the dog by means of a well-fitted collar that will not cause trauma or injury to the dog. The tether shall be a minimum of 10 feet in length and allow the dog convenient access to the dog house and to food and water containers. |
DE - Spay, Neuter and Feral Cat - Subchapter II. Animal Population Control Program and Spay/Neuter Fund | 16 Del.C. § 3010F - 3021F | This chapter represents Delaware's Animal Population Control Program. The section beings with findings from a 2002 study of how many dogs and cats were reclaimed, adopted out, or euthanized. It also has a definitional section that includes a definition for "feral cat." The chapter also describes its funding base and what parties are qualified to receive assistance under the Spay/Neuter Fund. Effective on June 29, 2006, it became mandatory for all cats and/or dogs of reproductive age to be spayed or neutered and inoculated for rabies prior to adoption from any private animal rescue groups and animal shelters. |
DE - Skunks and Raccoons - § 795. Prohibition of sale or transportation of live skunks or raccoons | 7 Del.C. § 795 | Without a permit from the state of Delaware, it is illegal to possess or sell a live skunk or raccoon. |
DE - Sharks - § 928A. Trade in shark fins; penalty | 7 Del.C. § 928A | This Delaware statute prohibits people from possessing, selling, trading, or distributing a shark fin unless a person possesses a license to do so from the State. The statute also lists the penalty for violations. |
DE - Restaurant - § 122. Powers and duties of the Department of Health and Social Services | 16 Del.C. § 122 | This statute concerns the powers and duties of Delaware's departments of health and human services. A 2020 amendment in subsection (3)(u)(6) states that, "[n]otwithstanding any regulation to the contrary, the owner of a food establishment or beer garden may permit leashed dogs in the owner's beer garden or on the owner's licensed outdoor patio." |
DE - Research - Subchapter VI. Research Animal Retirement Act | 16 Del.C. § 3090F - 3092F | The purpose of this subchapter is to ensure that healthy cats and dogs that are no longer needed for research, education, testing, or other scientific purposes are made available for adoption instead of euthanized and to create a process for adoption through agreements with local shelters or rescue groups. When a research facility no longer needs a cat or dog that does not pose a health or safety risk to the public, the research facility shall either offer the animal to a rescue organization or shelter for adoption or offer it for adoption through private placement. |
DE - Rabies - Subchapter I. Rabies Control in Animal and Human Populations | 3 Del.C. § 8201 - 8213 | The purpose of this chapter is to control and suppress the spread of rabies among the domestic and wild animal populations of Delaware. Any person owning a dog 6 months of age or older in this State shall have that dog vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian. Any person owning a cat 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the cat vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian. Any person owning a ferret 6 months of age or older in this State shall have the ferret vaccinated against rabies by a veterinarian. |
DE - Property - § 3050F. Dogs deemed personal property; theft; penalty | 16 Del.C. § 3050F | Dogs are considered personal property in Delaware. |
DE - Police Dog - § 9816. Emergency care of police dogs | 16 Del.C. § 9816 | This 2023 Delaware law states that a paramedic or other EMS provider may provide emergency medical services to an injured police dog at the scene of an emergency that has resulted in the police dog's injury. They may also transport the police dog to a designated veterinary facility and provide emergency medical services to the police dog during transport to the facility, if the paramedic or EMS provider deem it necessary for the police dog's survival. |