Statute by category | Citation | Summary |
MI - Wildlife Conservation -Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M. C. L. A. 324.41101 - 41105 | These sections describe the regulatory powers of the Department of Natural Resources in issuing conservation orders protecting fish, game, and birds. |
MI - Wildlife Conservation - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act | MCL 324.40501 | This Section describes the Department of Natural Resource's authority to co-operate with the federal government and to use hunters' license fees for wildlife restoration. |
MI - Wildlife Conservation - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Article III. Natural Resources Ma | MCL 324.40101 to MCL 324.40120 | These sections define game animals and lay out the regulations for taking/hunting them. Moreover, the statute clarifies that the animals are property of the people of the state and are managed by the state for their benefit. This statute also contains the Scientific Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act passed in August of 2014. The Act allows the Legislature or bipartisan Natural Resources Commission to designate a wildlife species as game, but Natural Resources Commission orders must be consistent with its duty to use sound science. Section 324.40112 also sets out the state's hunter harassment provision. |
MI - Veterinary - Chapter 333. Health. Public Health Code | MCLA 333.18801 - 18838 | These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
MI - Trapping - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.42501 - 42507 | These sections describe the regulations for trapping for furs, hides and pelts. This includes the requirement for a fur dealer's license and for a monthly report of all pelts on hand. |
MI - Transgenic and Nonnative Organisms - Chapter 324.Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act | M.C.L.A. 324.41301 to 324.41305 | The following Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act sections lists which transgenic and non-native organisms are either restricted or prohibited in the state of Michigan. In addition to listing a species as prohibited or restricted, the statute also grants authority to the Commission of Natural Resources (for all species except insects or plants) and to the Commission of Agriculture (for insect and plant species only) to add or delete an organism from either list. The statute also provides exceptions—with qualifications—to possessing a restricted or prohibited species; provisions in which a person can introduce a prohibited or restricted species; and circumstances in which a person is not considered to be in possession of a restricted or prohibited species. |
MI - Statute of Limitations -Chapter 58. Limitation of Actions | M.C.L.A. 600.5805 | This Michigan statute outlines the statute of limitations for injuries to persons or property. Under the statute, actions for malpractice have a two-year statute of limitation. |
MI - Service Animal - Chapter 750. Michigan Penal Code. The Michigan Penal Code. | M.C.L.A. 750.50a | This statute makes it a misdemeanor to (1) willfully and maliciously assault, beat, harass, injure, or attempt to assault, beat, harass, or injure a service animal that he or she knows or has reason to believe is a service animal used by a person with a disability; or (2) willfully and maliciously impede or interfere with, or attempt to impede or interfere with, duties performed by a service animal that he or she knows or has reason to believe is a service animal used by a person with a disability. Violation is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 90 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both. |
MI - Service Animal - Chapter 750. Michigan Penal Code. The Michigan Penal Code. | M.C.L.A. 750.50c | This statute outlines the penalty for the intentional physical harm or interference with a police dog or horse. The statute provides for a misdemeanor in the case of interference to the animal and a five-year felony where the animal was killed or seriously physically injured. If the interference was committed during the commission of another felony, then the penalty rises to a potential two-year imprisonment. |
MI - Running at Large - Chapter 433. Animals Running at Large. | M.C.L.A. 433.11 - 20 | This chapter of Michigan laws deals with animals running at large. In Michigan, an owner cannot allow an animal (defined here as cattle, horses, sheep, swine, mules, burros, or goats) to run at large. In addition, a person that is not the owner of the animal cannot willfully and knowingly allow the animal to run at large. Any person who allows an animal to run at large will be guilty of a misdemeanor. Law enforcement is authorized to take possession of any animal that is running at large. Once the animal is in possession of law enforcement, the owner of the animal must be notified or a notice must be placed in the newspaper within 30 days. |
MI - Research - Chapter 333. Health. Public Health Code. | M.C.L.A. 333.2671 - 2678 | This set of Michigan laws proclaims that "[t]he public health and welfare depend on the humane use of animals for the diagnosis and treatment of human and animal diseases." It also creates an animal research advisory board which may regulate and establish standards pursuant to section 2678 controlling the humane use of animals. Further, the department, its representative, or a member of the animal research advisory board may inspect any premises or property on or in which animals are kept for experimental purposes for the purpose of investigation of compliance with board standards. A person shall not keep or use animals for experimental purposes unless registered to do so by the department. |
MI - Pollution - Environmental Protection Act: Pollution (Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act) | M.C.L.A. 324.1701 - 1706 | These sections lay out the process and standards to determine a pollution violation, actions for declaratory and equitable relief, the burden of proof, and affirmative defenses to such violations. |
MI - Poisonous Substances - § 750.437 Exposing poisonous substances where liable to be eaten by beasts | M.C.L.A. 750.437 | This Michigan statute makes a person liable and guilty of a misdemeanor if any animal on the person's property is exposed to or consumes a known poisonous substance. The statute makes an exception for poisons that are mixed only with vegetables or poisons for the destruction of predatory or dangerous prowling animals. |
MI - Pet Trusts - Chapter 700. Estates and Protected Individuals Code. Estates and Protected Individuals Code. | M. C. L. A. 700.7408 (formerly M. C. L. A. 700.2722) | A trust may be created to provide for the care of a designated domestic pet or animal alive during the settlor's lifetime. A trust created under this subsection terminates on the death of the animal or, if the trust was created to provide for the care of more than 1 domestic or pet animal alive during the settlor's lifetime, on the death of the last surviving animal. |
MI - Ordinances - Chapters 81 to 113 Fourth Class Cities. | M. C. L. A. 91.1 | This Michigan statute provides that a city incorporated under the provisions of this act has, and the council may pass ordinances relating to, the following general powers: To provide for the issuing of licenses to the owners and keepers of dogs and to require the owners and keepers of dogs to pay for and obtain such licenses; and to regulate and prevent the running at large of dogs, to require dogs to be muzzled, and to authorize the killing of dogs running at large or not licensed in violation of an ordinance of the city. |
MI - Ordinances - CHAPTER 287. ANIMAL INDUSTRY. DOG LAW OF 1919. | M. C. L. A. 287.289a | This Michigan law provides that a board of county commissioners may establish, by ordinance, an animal control agency. The animal control agency shall have jurisdiction to enforce this act in any city, village or township which does not have an animal control ordinance. The county's animal control ordinance shall provide for animal control programs, facilities, personnel and necessary expenses incurred in animal control. |
MI - Ordinances - CHAPTER 287. ANIMAL INDUSTRY. DOG LAW OF 1919. | M. C. L. A. 287.290 | This Michigan statute enables a city, village or township to adopt an animal control ordinance to regulate the licensing, payment of claims and providing for the enforcement thereof. |
MI - Natural Resources -Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. Natural Resources and Environmental Pro | MCL 324.1101 -1102 | These sections describe the ability of courts and the Commission to review the Department of Natural Resources decisions and the ability for the public to circulate and sign petitions. |
MI - Lost Property - Chapter 434. Lost and Unclaimed Property. Lost Property. | M. C. L. A. 434.21 - 29 | This section comprises Michigan's Lost Property statutes. |
MI - Livestock - Chapter 287. Animal Industry. Animal Industry Act | M. C. L. A. 287.701 - 747 | This Michigan act is known as the "Animal Industry Act." The act is intended to protect the health, safety, and welfare of humans and animals, by requiring disease testing of imported animals, certification, and reporting of infected animals. A newly amended section (287.746) also concerns the tethering or confinement of animals such as pregnant sows and veal calves in manners that restrict lying, standing, fully extending limbs, or turning freely. |
MI - Lien - 570.185. Lien of mechanic, artisan, or tradesman for manufacture of goods or keeping or care of animals | M.C.L.A. 570.185 | This Michigan law states that when a person delivers any horse, mule, neat cattle, sheep, or swine to be kept or cared for to another person, that person shall have a lien thereon for the keeping and care of such animals, and may retain possession of the same until such charges are paid. |
MI - Leash - 287.262. Licensing and control of dogs; hunting dogs; female dogs in heat; straying dogs | M. C. L. A. 287.262 | This section of the Dog Law of 1919 provides that any dog over six months must be registered and wear a collar at all times. It also mandates that female dogs in heat must be kept on their owners' premises or restrained on a leash. The overall leash requirement is less clear, stating that it is unlawful for an owner to allow a dog "to stray unless held properly in leash." This does appear to mandate a statewide leash requirement for dogs. |
This is the second wolf-related ballot measure for the November 4, 2014 election that also operates as a veto referendum. If the proposal is approved, it would uphold Public Act 21 of 2013, which authorizes the Natural Resources Commission to directly designate game species (including wolves) and determine hunting seasons. In Michigan, a "Yes" vote on a veto referendum upholds the law and a "No" vote rejects the law. As a result, the referendum's supporters are campaigning for a "No" vote. |
MI - Initiatives - Proposal 14-1, Keep Michigan Wolves Protected | Proposal 14-1 (2014) |
This proposal for 2014 is a referendum of Public Act 520 of 2012, which authorizes the establishment of the first open hunting season for wolves. It will appear on the November 4, 2014 ballot. The measure will UPHOLD Public Act 520, which allows the authorization of wolf hunting seasons in Michigan. In Michigan, a "Yes" vote on a veto referendum upholds the law and a "No" vote rejects the law. As a result, the referendum's supporters are campaigning for a "No" vote. |
MI - Initiatives - Michigan Proposal 3 (mourning dove hunting) | 2006 Michigan Proposal 3 |
In 2006, Michigan voters were presented with Proposal 3 that would have legalized the hunting of mourning doves by adding the species to the state game list. The measure was defeated by a 69 to 31 percent vote. |
MI - Impound - Chapter 287. Animal Industry. Use of Dogs and Cats for Research. | MCL 287.388 | This Michigan statute provides that a dealer, a county, city, village, or township operating a dog pound or animal shelter shall not sell or otherwise dispose of a dog or cat within 4 days after its acquisition. If the dog or cat has a collar, license, or other evidence of ownership, the operator of the pound or shelter shall notify the owner in writing and disposition of the animal shall not be made within 7 days from the date of mailing the notice. |
MI - Hunting/Recreational Trespass - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.73101 - 73302 | These sections describe the Department of Natural Resources ability to enforce and prosecute persons who enter upon the land of another, who remove or destroy signs or posters or enclose someone else's land without permission. These sections also describe the potential liability of landowners. |
MI - Hunting, Internet - 750.236a. Engaging in, providing or operating facilities for, or providing or offering to provide equipment | M. C. L. A. 750.236a, 236b, 236c | A person in Michigan is not allowed to: (1) engage in computer-assisted shooting; provide or operate, with or without remuneration, facilities for computer-assisted shooting; or (3) provide or offer to provide, with or without remuneration, equipment specially adapted for computer-assisted shooting. Violation is a misdemeanor punishable by imprisonment for not more than 93 days or a fine of not more than $500.00, or both. |
MI - Hunting - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.40112 | This law makes it a crime to interfere or obstruct someone in the lawful taking of animals. |
MI - Hunting - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M. C. L. A. 324.41701 - 41712 | These sections set out the guidelines for private shooting preserves, including the species of wild animals and birds permitted to be hunted. |
MI - Hunting - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.41901 - 41905 | These sections describe the powers of the Department of Natural Resources to regulate and even to close areas to hunting. |
MI - Hunting - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.42701 - 42714 | These sections describe the licensing of and regulations of breeders and dealers, including zoological parks. These sections also describe the parameters for enclosures and pens. |
MI - Hunting - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.43301 - 43303 | These sections place limitations on acreage held for sporting purposes and on acreage within 2 miles of other lands held for sporting purposes. |
MI - Humane Slaughter - Chapter 287. Animal Industry. Humane Slaughter of Livestock. | M.C.L.A. 287.551 - 556 | A typical state law that imposes the requirements of humane slaughter upon the commercial operations of the state. The law describes humane methods of slaughter, which include ritual slaughter methods. It also makes the statement that no slaughterer, packer or stockyard operator shall shackle, hoist or otherwise bring livestock into position for slaughter by any method which shall cause injury or pain. However, the director, by administrative order, may exempt from compliance with this act, for a period not to exceed 1 year after the effective date of this act, any slaughterer, packer or stockyard operator if he finds that an earlier compliance would cause such person an undue hardship. Any person who violates any provision of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. |
MI - Habitat Protection - Wilderness, Wild, and Natural Areas (Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act) | M.C.L.A. 324.35101 - 35111 | These sections define, identify, and set guidelines for the protection of wilderness, wild, and/or natural areas. |
MI - Habitat Protection - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.30101 - 301113 | These sections describe the necessity and process of obtaining a permit to build a marina, canal or any other project that affects any inland lake, stream or bottomland. |
MI - Foxes - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.43101 - 43104 | These sections lay out the regulations and prohibited acts with regard to foxes in captivity. |
MI - Forfeiture - Chapter 750. Michigan Penal Code. The Michigan Penal Code | M.C.L.A. 750.53 | This statute provides that a person violating any of the animal cruelty statutes may be arrested without warrant, similar to the arrest of those found disturbing the peace. Further, the official making the arrest has a duty to seize the animals involved and place them in the custody of the jurisdiction. |
MI - Food animal - § 750.477a Sale of unlabelled horse and dog meat | M.C.L.A. 750.477a | This Michigan statute makes it a misdemeanor for an individual to knowingly sell any horse or dog meat unless it is plainly labelled. |
MI - Fishing - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.48701 - 48727 | These sections lay out the guidelines for sport fishing including legal fishing devices, the open season for each species as well as the minimum legal size requirement for each species of fish. |
MI - Fish & Wildlife, Generally Powers - Chapter 324. Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act. | M.C.L.A. 324.501 - 507 | These sections lay out the creation, jurisdiction, powers and duties of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources. |
MI - Fish & Wildlife Law Enforcement - Part 16. Enforcement of Laws for Protection of Wild Birds, Wild Animals, and Fish | M.C.L.A. 324.1501 - 1616 | These sections lay out the powers, including the power to serve criminal process, and jurisdiction of conservation officers, peace officers, and volunteer conservation officers. |
MI - Fighting Generally - Chapter 750. Michigan Penal Code. The Michigan Penal Code | MCL 750.49 | The anti-animal fighting provision prohibits conduct related to animal fighting, including but not limited to organizing or being a spectator at a fight and training or using animals for fighting. |
MI - Ferrets - Chapter 287. Ferrets | M. C. L. A. 287.891 - 901 | This chapter concerns ownership of ferrets in Michigan. A person shall not own or harbor a ferret over 12 weeks of age unless the ferret has a current vaccination against rabies with an approved rabies vaccine. A person may engage in hobby breeding of ferrets provided all requirements are met under Section 287.893. A person shall not release a ferret into the wild or abandon a ferret. |
MI - Exotic Pets - Chapter 287. Animal Industry; Wolf-dog Cross Act | MCLA 287.1001 - 1023 | This Michigan law bans acquisition and possession of wolf-dog hybrids, though it grandfathered animals already owned as pets at the time of the law's enactments. In order to maintain public safety and animal welfare, the state created a strict permit system for those owners who were allowed to keep their already-existing pets. |
MI - Exotic Pets - Chapter 287. Animal Industry; Large Carnivore Act | M. C. L. A. 287.1101 - 1123 | This Michigan law bans acquisition and possession of large carnivores (big cats and bears), though it grandfathered animals already owned as pets at the time of the law's enactment. In order to maintain public safety and animal welfare, the state created a strict permit system for those owners who were allowed to keep their already-existing pets. The statute also outlines minimal care requirements, transportation guidelines, and procedures for when a large carnivore suspected of carrying rabies bites a human or livestock. |
MI - Exotic Pets - CHAPTER 287. ANIMAL INDUSTRY; ANIMAL INDUSTRY ACT | M. C. L. A. 287.731 | Michigan completely prohibits the importation into the state of "any species having the potential to spread serious diseases or parasites, to cause serious physical harm, or to otherwise endanger native wildlife, human life, livestock, domestic animals, or property." For other wild or exotic animals, Michigan regulates various aspects of their importation, such as requiring physical exams by vets, negative disease tests, and proper animal care and restraint. |
MI - Equine Liability - Chapter 691. Judiciary. Equine Activity Liability Act | MCLA 691.1661 - 1667 | This act stipulates that an equine sponsor or professional, or any other person, is immune from liability for the death or injury of a participant, which resulted from the inherent risks of equine activities. However, there are exceptions to this rule: a person will be held liable for injuries if he or she commits a negligent act or omission that results in the proximate cause of injury or death, and if he or she fails to make reasonable and prudent efforts in ensuring the safety of the participant. In addition, a person will also be held liable for the injury of an equine activity participant if he or she is injured on the land or at a facility due to a dangerous latent condition of which was known to the equine sponsor, professional or other person. |
MI - Enforcement - Chapters 760 to 777 Code of Criminal Procedure. | M. C. L. A. 764.16 | This law authorizes private citizens to make arrests. |
MI - Endangered - Part 365. Endangered Species Protection | M. C. L. A. 324.36501 - 07 | The state of Michigan defines an endangered species as "any fish, plant life, or wildlife that is in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant part of its range, other than a species of insecta determined by the department or the Secretary of the United States Department of the Interior to constitute a pest whose protection under this part would present an overwhelming and overriding risk to humans." Violation of the taking provision constitutes a misdemeanor punishable up to 90-days in jail and/or up to $1,0000 in fines. |