NC - Dangerous Dog - Chapter 67. Dogs. Article 1A. Dangerous Dogs. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 67-1 to 18; N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-196, 130A-200 |
These North Carolina statutes comprise the state's dangerous dog and dog bite laws. Among the provisions include misdemeanor penalties for an owner if a dangerous dog attacks a person and causes physical injuries requiring medical treatment in excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) and strict liability in civil damages for any injuries or property damage the dog inflicts upon a person, his property, or another animal. Another statute provides that any person brought to receive medical treatment for a dog bite must report it to the local health director and the animal must be confined for a ten day observation period. |
NC - Dangerous Dogs - Chapter 67. Dogs |
N.C.G.S.A. § 67-14.1 |
This North Carolina statute provides that any dog which trails, runs, injures or kills any deer or bear on any wildlife refuge, sanctuary or management area designated by the Wildlife Resources Commission, during the closed season for hunting with dogs on such refuge or management area, is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and any wildlife protector may destroy it by humane method. Any unmuzzled dog running at large in such area shall be impounded and notice shall be published in some newspaper published in the county for two successive weeks. If no owner comes to claim the dog, it may be destroyed within 15 days after publication. |
NC - Dogs - Consolidated Dog Laws |
N.C.G.S.A. § 14-81 to 82; N.C.G.S.A. § 14-401.17; § 19A-20 to 44; § 19A-60 to 69; § 67-1 - 36; § 90-187.7; § 113-291.5; § 130A-184 to 204; § 145-13; § 160A-186; § 160A-212 |
These North Carolina statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Among the provisions include pet shop provisions, rabies vaccination laws, and the dangerous dog chapter. |
NC - Domestic Violence - Chapter 50B. Domestic Violence. § 50B-3. Relief |
N.C.G.S.A. § 50B-3 |
This North Carolina law reflects the state's provision for protective orders in cases of domestic abuse. Per section (a)(8), a protective order may provide for possession of personal property of the parties, including the care, custody, and control of any animal owned, possessed, kept, or held as a pet by either party or minor child residing in the household. The court may also order a party to refrain from cruelly treating or abusing an animal owned, possessed, kept, or held as a pet by either party or minor child residing in the household as outline in (a)(9)(b1). |
NC - Ecoterrorism - § 99A-1. Recovery of Damages for Exceeding the Scope of Authorized Access to Property |
N.C.G.S.A. § 99A-1, 2 |
This law is known as North Carolina’s Property Protection Act and is what many consider to be a new variation of ag-gag law. § 99A-2 imposes a civil punishment for “exceeding the scope of authorized access to property.” A person exceeds access to authority by intentionally gaining access to the non-public areas of another’s premises and removing (and subsequently distributing) documents, recording images or sounds, placing a camera on the premises, conspiring in organized retail theft, or interfering with property. The punishment for violation of the Property Protection Act can result in equitable relief, compensatory damages, costs and fees, and exemplary damages of $5,000 per day that a defendant has acted in violation. The law is effective January 1, 2016. |
NC - Endangered Species - Subchapter IV. Conservation of Marine and Estuarine and Wildlife Resources. Article 25. Endangered an |
N.C.G.S.A. § 113-331 to 113-350 |
This North Carolina statutory section comprises the state's endangered species provisions. Endangered species is defined as any native or once-native species of wild animal whose continued existence as a viable component of the State's fauna is determined by the Wildlife Resources Commission to be in jeopardy or any species of wild animal determined to be an "endangered species" pursuant to the Endangered Species Act. The statute empowers the Wildlife Resources Commission to list species and also outlines the criteria for listing. |
NC - Equine Activity Liability - Article 1. Equine Activity Liability |
N.C.G.S.A. § 99E-1 to 99E-9 |
This act stipulates that an equine sponsor or equine professional, or any other person, including corporations and partnerships, are immune from liability for the death or injury of a participant, which resulted from the inherent risks of equine activities. New provisions added in 2013 now also protect a farm animal activity sponsor, a farm animal professional, or any other person engaged in a farm animal activity, including a corporation or partnership, shall not be liable for an injury to or the death of a participant resulting from the inherent risks of farm animal activities. However, there are exceptions to this rule: a person, corporation, or partnership will be held liable for injuries of an equine activity participant if he or she displays a willful and wanton or intentional disregard for the safety of the participant and if he or she fails to make reasonable and prudent efforts in ensuring the safety of the participant. |
NC - Exotic pets - Chapter 153A. Counties. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 153A-131; N.C.G.S.A. § 160A-187 |
These two North Carolina statutes provide that a city or county may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the possession or harboring of animals which are dangerous to persons or property. |
NC - Foxes- 113-291.4. Regulation of foxes; study of fox and fur-bearer populations |
N.C.G.S.A. § 113-291.4 |
This statute controls the taking of foxes and the various acceptable methods for doing so. Foxes may be taken with dogs year-round. Foxes are only allowed to be taken by a firearm under certain exceptions and they are not allowed to be taken by any electronic calling device. The statute further states that the Wildlife Resources Commission is directed to study foxes and fur-bearer populations and that subject to the findings from those studies the Commission may open a season if it finds that fox populations in a particular area are adequate to support a harvesting of that population. Lawful methods for taking game animals apply to taking foxes when an open season is declared. The Commission must implement a system of tagging foxes and fox furs with a special tag. No foxes or furs may be sold without a tag. The Commission is also authorized to declare a closed season if it finds that hunting foxes with dogs causes a harmful affect on turkey restoration projects. The Commission also has the authority to establish reasonable population control measures if a contagious animal disease is found in a local fox population. |
NC - Fur/Dealer Licenses - Chapter 113. Conservation and Development. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 113-273 |
Defines "dealer" and all rules applicable to obtaining a dealer license. Defines "fur-dealer license" and "fur dealers" as those involved in the lawful buying and selling of wild animals or their skins, pelts, or fur. Defines "controlled hunting preserve operator licenses," "game bird propagation licenses," "furbearer propagation licenses" and "taxidermy licenses." |
NC - Hotels - § 72-7.1. Admittance of pets to hotel rooms |
N.C.G.S.A. § 72-7.1 |
This North Carolina laws states that innkeepers may permit pets in rooms used for sleeping purposes and in adjoining rooms. Persons bringing pets into a room in which they are not permitted are in violation of this section and punishable according to subsection (d). All sleeping rooms in which the innkeeper permits pets must contain a sign posted in a prominent place in the room stating that pets are permitted in the room. |
NC - Hunting - Chapter 113. Conservation and Development. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 113-295 |
This law reflects North Carolina's hunter harassment provision. Under the law, it is unlawful for a person to interfere intentionally with the lawful taking of wildlife resources or to drive, harass, or intentionally disturb any wildlife resources for the purpose of disrupting the lawful taking of wildlife resources. Incidental interference is excluded from the statute. Violation of this subsection is a Class 2 misdemeanor for a first conviction and a Class 1 misdemeanor for a second or subsequent conviction. |
NC - Hunting - § 113-291.1A. Computer-assisted remote hunting prohibited |
N.C.G.S.A. § 113-291.1A |
This North Carolina law states that it is unlawful for a person to engage in computer-assisted remote hunting or provide or operate a facility that allows others to engage in computer-assisted remote hunting if the wild animal or wild bird being hunted or shot is located in this State. |
NC - Initiatives - Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment |
Session Law 2018 - 96 |
This amendment would acknowledge the right to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife, and to use traditional methods to hunt, fish and harvest wildlife. The amendment does not define “traditional methods.” |
NC - Licenses - Chapter 160A. Cities and Towns. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 160A-212 |
This North Carolina statute provides that a city shall have power to levy an annual license tax on the privilege of keeping any domestic animal, including dogs and cats, within the city. However, this section shall not limit the city's authority to enact related ordinances. |
NC - Licenses - § 130A-192. Animals not wearing required rabies vaccination tags |
N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-192 |
This North Carolina statute provides that the Animal Control Officer shall canvass the county to determine if there are any dogs or cats not wearing the required rabies vaccination tag. If the animal is wearing an owner identification tag, or if the Animal Control Officer otherwise knows who the owner is, the Animal Control Officer shall notify the owner in writing to have the animal vaccinated against rabies and to produce the required rabies vaccination certificate within three days. If the animal is not wearing an owner identification tag and the Animal Control Officer does not otherwise know who the owner is, the Animal Control Officer may impound the animal. The duration of the impoundment of these animals shall be established by the county board of commissioners, but the duration shall not be less than 72 hours. During the impoundment period, the Animal Control Officer shall make a reasonable effort to locate the owner of the animal. |
NC - Lien - Chapter 90. Medicine and Allied Occupations. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 90-187.7 |
This North Carolina statute provides that any animal placed in the custody of a licensed veterinarian for treatment, boarding or other care, unclaimed by its owner for a period of more than 10 days after written notice by registered or certified mail, shall be deemed to be abandoned and may be turned over to the nearest humane society, or dog pound or disposed of as such custodian may deem proper. The giving of proper notice relieves such custodian of liability resulting from the disposal. |
NC - Malpractice - Chapter 90. Medicine and Allied Occupations. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 90-21.12 |
This North Carolina statute provides the standard of health care in actions for damages for personal injury or death arising out of medical-based malpractice. Under the statute, the plaintiff must prove by the greater weight of the evidence that the health care provider’s actions fell below the standards of practice of other health care professionals similarly trained and situated in the same or similar communities. |
NC - Ordinances - § 160A-186. Regulation of domestic animals |
N.C.G.S.A. § 160A-186 |
This North Carolina statute provides that a city may by ordinance regulate, restrict, or prohibit the keeping, running, or going at large of any domestic animals, including dogs and cats. The ordinance may provide that animals allowed to run at large in violation of the ordinance may be seized and sold or destroyed after reasonable efforts to notify their owner. |
NC - Ordinances - § 67-4.5. Local ordinances |
N.C.G.S.A. § 67-4.5 |
This North Carolina statute provides that nothing in the dangerous dog laws shall be construed to prevent a city or county from adopting or enforcing its own program for control of dangerous dogs. |
NC - Rabies - § 130A-195. Destroying stray or feral animals in quarantine districts |
N.C.G.S.A. § 130A-195 |
This North Carolina statute provides that when quarantine has been declared and dogs and cats continue to run uncontrolled in the area, any peace officer or Animal Control Officer shall have the right, after reasonable effort has been made to apprehend the animals, to destroy the uncontrolled dogs and cats and properly dispose of their bodies. |
NC - Service Animals - § 20-187.4. Disposition of retired service animals |
N.C.G.S.A. § 17F-21 (formerly N.C.G.S.A. § 20-187.4) |
This statute allows for a retired service animal to be transferred to an officer or employee who had custody of the animal during the animal's public service, a surviving spouse or surviving children of a deceased officer or employee who had custody of the animal during its service, or an organization dedicated to assisting retired service animals. |
NC - Trusts - § 36C-4-408. Trust for care of animal |
N.C.G.S.A. § 36C-4-408 |
This North Carolina provides that a trust for the care of one or more designated domestic or pet animals alive at the time of creation of the trust is valid. Further, no portion of the principal or income may be converted to the use of the trustee or to any use other than for the benefit of the designated animal or animals. The trust terminates upon the death of the animal named or the last surviving animal named in the trust. |
NC - Veterinary - Article 11. Veterinarians. |
N.C.G.S.A. § 90-179 to 187.17 |
These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
ND - Assistance Animals - Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws |
NDCC 25-13-01 to 06 ; 47-16-07.5 - 7.6 |
The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and guide dog laws. |
ND - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Laws (Chapter 36-21.1) |
NDCC 36-21.1-01 to 15; § 36–21.2–01 to 15; § 12.1-20-02, 12.1-20-12 |
This North Dakota section comprises the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. |
ND - Damages - § 36-21-13. Exemplary damages for injuries to domestic animals |
NDCC 36-21-13 |
This North Dakota statutes provides that exemplary damages may be applied for any wrongful injury to an animal committed willfully or by gross negligence |
ND - Dogs - Consolidated Dog Laws |
NDCC 11-11-14; 20.1-04-12 - 12.2; 20.1-05-02.1; 23-36-01 - 09; 36-21-10 - 11; 40-05-01 -2; 40-05-19; 42-03-01 - 04; 43-29-16.1; 12.1-17-09 |
These statutes comprise North Dakota's dog laws. Among the provisions include municipal powers to regulate dogs, rabies, control laws, provisions that define dogs as a public nuisance, and laws concerning dogs that harass big game or livestock. |
ND - Eagle - Chapter 20.1-04. Birds, Regulations. |
NDCC 20.1-04-05 (repealed 2017) |
(Repealed 2017) North Dakota has a statute that specifically prohibits any taking or possession of bald and golden eagles or their parts. Included in the prohibited acts are take, kill, hunt, possess, pursue, or even disturb. Buying and selling are not specifically listed, but are presumed to be included in possess. |
ND - Ecoterrorism - Chapter 12.1-21.1. Animal Research Facility Damage |
NDCC 12.1-21.1-01 to 05 |
This chapter concerns unlawful interference with animal facilities. Under the section, a person may not intentionally damage or destroy an animal facility or the property or animals located therein; exercise control over the animals or property; enter an animal facility not open to the public with the intent on committing prohibited acts; enter a facility and remain concealed to commit prohibited acts; or intentionally release an animal at a facility. Violation is a class B felony if damage is $10,000 or more, a class C felony if the damage is at least $500 to under $10,000, and a class A misdemeanor if damage is less than $500. Entering an animal facility and using or attempting to use a camera, video recorder, or any other video or audio recording equipment is a class B misdemeanor. |
ND - Endangered Species - Chapter 20.1-09. Propagation of Protected Birds and Animals |
NDCC 20.1-01-01 - 02, NDCC 20.1-09-01 - 05 |
These North Dakota statutes provide a state definition for endangered species as well as laws relating to possession and propagation of protected animals. |
ND - Equine Activity - Chapter 53-10. Equine Activity Sponsor or Professional. |
NDCC 53-10-01; NDCC 53-10-02 |
This North Dakota statute provides that an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional is not liable for an injury to or the death of a participant engaged in an equine activity and no participant may maintain an action against an equine activity sponsor or professional. Statutory definitions are provided, including "participant," "equine activity," and who is considered an "equine sponsor" or "equine professional." Liability is not limited by this statute where the equine professional knowingly provided faulty tack or equipment, failed to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine the ability of the participant to engage safely in the equine activity, owns or otherwise is in lawful possession of the land or facilities upon which the participant sustained injuries because of a known, dangerous latent condition, or if he or she commits an act or omission that constitutes willful or wanton disregard for the safety of the participant or intentionally injures the participant. |
ND - Hunting - NDCC, 20.1-01-11 Hunting and harassing game from aircraft, motor vehicle, or snowmobile prohibited |
NDCC 20.1-01-11 |
This North Dakota statute states that no person operating or controlling the operation of any aircraft or motor vehicle in the state may intentionally kill, chase, or harass any wild animal or wild bird, protected or unprotected, unless exceptions under the statute apply. Also no person, while operating a snowmobile in the state, may intentionally kill, chase, flush, or harass any wild animal or wild bird, protected or unprotected. |
ND - Hunting - Chapter 20.1-01. General Provisions. |
NDCC 20.1-01-31 |
This law reflects North Dakota's hunter harassment provision. Under the law, no person may intentionally interfere with the lawful taking of wildlife on public or private land by another or intentionally harass, drive, or disturb any wildlife on public or private land for the purpose of disrupting a lawful hunt. Also, no person may remove with or tamper with a legally set trap. This section does not apply to any incidental interference arising from lawful activity by public or private land users or to landowners or operators interfering with hunters on land owned or operated by that individual. |
ND - Hunting, Internet - § 20.1-01-35. Hunting through the internet prohibited--Penalty |
NDCC 20.1-01-35 |
This law prohibits hunting through the Internet or otherwise enabling such activity as described in the law. A person who violates this section is guilty of a class C felony. |
ND - Initiatives - Constitutional Measure 1 (right to hunt) |
Constitutional Measure 1 (2000) |
This amendment would provide that hunting, trapping, and fishing are a valued part of residents' heritage and will be preserved for the people and managed by law and regulation for the public good. It passed in 2000 (77% of votes). |
ND - Initiatives - Initiated Constitutional Measure 3 (right to farm) |
Measure 3 (2012) |
This measure proposed in the 2012 stated: The right of farmers and ranchers to engage in modern farming and ranching practices shall be forever guaranteed in this state. No law shall be enacted which abridges the right of farmers and ranchers to employ agricultural technology, modern livestock production and ranching practices. It passed by 66.9% of voters. |
ND - Initiatives - Initiated Statutory Measure 2 (game farm hunts) |
Measure 2 (2010) |
This 2010 ballot measure provided: A person is guilty of a class A misdemeanor if the person obtains fees or other remuneration from another person for the killing or attempted killing of privately-owned big game species or exotic mammals confined in or released from any man-made enclosure designed to prevent escape. This section does not apply to the actions of a government employee or agent to control an animal population, to prevent or control diseases, or when government action is otherwise required or authorized by law. It failed at the polls (43.4%). |
ND - Initiatives - Prevention of Animal Cruelty Initiative, Measure 5 |
Initiative, Measure 5 (2012) |
This initiated statutory measure would create section 36-21.1-02.1 of the North Dakota Century Code. This measure would make it a class C felony for an individual to maliciously and intentionally harm a living dog, cat or horse and provide a court with certain sentencing options. The measure would not apply to production agriculture, or to lawful activities of hunters and trappers, licensed veterinarians, scientific researchers, or to individuals engaged in lawful defense of life or property. It failed at the polls in 2012 (34.6% yes). |
ND - Livestock - State Board of Animal Health |
NDCC 36-01-00.1 - 36 |
This Chapter of North Dakota laws deals with the state board of animal health, state veterinarian, and special provisions for keeping certain non-traditional livestock. Section 36-01-08.2 states that any person who keeps a mountain lion, wolf, or wolf hybrid in captivity must obtain an identification number from the state board. Section 36-01-08.4 also provides that a person may not keep a skunk or raccoon in captivity, and that the state board must adopt rules concerning the keeping of a primate, wolf, or wolf-hybrid in captivity. The remainder of the chapter deals primary with infectious disease control in livestock, although section 36-01-31 contains a ban on the keeping of a live venomous reptile. |
NDCC 60-01-34 to 43 |
These statutes comprise North Dakota's lost property provisions. |
ND - Rabies - Chapter 23-36. Rabies Control. |
NDCC 23-36-03 |
This North Dakota statute provides that the appropriate health department, or an agency acting on the department's behalf, may seize and euthanize, impound at the owner's expense, or quarantine any animal if the state health officer, or the state health officer's designee, has probable cause to believe the animal presents clinical signs of rabies. |
ND - Trust - Chapter 59-12. Creation, Validity, Modification, and Termination of Trust |
NDCC 59-12-08 |
North Dakota's pet trust law was enacted in 2007. A trust may be created to provide for the care of an animal alive during the settlor's lifetime. The trust terminates upon the death of the animal or, if the trust was created to provide for the care of more than one animal alive during the settlor's lifetime, upon the death of the last surviving animal. |
ND - Vehicle - § 39-08-19. Penalty for harassment of domestic animals |
NDCC 39-08-19 |
This North Dakota statute states that any person operating a motorcycle, snowmobile, or other motor vehicle who willfully harasses or frightens any domestic animal, is, upon conviction, guilty of a class B misdemeanor and is also liable for the value of the animal and exemplary damages.
ND - Veterinary - Chapter 43-29. Veterinarians |
NDCC 43-29-01 to 19; 43-29.1-01 - 08 |
These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
NE - Assistance Animal - Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws |
Neb. Rev. St. § 49-801; Neb. Rev. St. § 20-126 - 131.04; Neb. Rev. St. § 28-1313 - 1314; Neb. Rev. St. § 54-603; Neb. Rev. St. § 28-1009.01 |
The following statutes comprise the state's relevant service animal, assistance animal, and guide dog laws. |
NE - Cruelty - Article 9. Livestock Animal Welfare Act |
Neb. Rev. St. § 54-901 - 913 |
In 2010, Nebraska enacted the Livestock Animal Welfare Act. The act makes the intentional abandonment, neglect, or cruel mistreatment of livestock (bovine, equine, swine, sheep, goats, domesticated cervine animals, ratite birds, or poultry) a Class I misdemeanor (Class IV felony for subsequent offenses). Further, the act criminalizes "indecency with a livestock animal," which is a Class III misdemeanor. A person who is convicted of a Class IV felony under 54-903 (the abandonment/cruel neglect or mistreatment provision) shall also be ordered by the sentencing court not to possess a livestock animal for at least 5 years after the date of conviction. |
NE - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Laws (Article 10) |
Neb. Rev. St. § 28-1001 - 1020 |
This Nebraska statutory section comprises the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. The cruelty provision provides that a person who abandons or cruelly neglects an animal is guilty of a Class I misdemeanor. Intentional animal cruelty results in a Class I misdemeanor for the first offense and a Class IV felony for any subsequent offense, unless such cruel mistreatment involves the knowing and intentional torture, repeated beating, or mutilation of the animal where such an act automatically results in a Class IV felony. Animal means any vertebrate member of the animal kingdom, but does not include an uncaptured wild creature (which appears to exclude otherwise heinous, intentional acts to wildlife). |
Neb. Rev. St. § 54-617 to 54-624 |
These Nebraska statutes outline the state's dangerous dog laws. Among the provisions include a requirement that the dog must be restrained when not in a secure enclosure on the owner's property. There is also a requirement that owners must post warning signs on the property notifying people that a dangerous dog is present. If a dangerous dog bites a person, the owner can be found guilty of a Class IV misdemeanor and the dog will be destroyed. |
NE - Dogs - Consolidated Dog Laws |
Neb. Rev. St § 14-102; § 15-218 - 220; § 16-206; 16-235; § 17-526, 17-547; § 25-21,236; § 37-525; § 37-705; § 54-601 - 616; § 54-617 - 624; § 54-625 - 650; § 71-4401 - 4412 |
These Nebraska statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Among the provisions include the municipal authority to regulate dogs at large and licensing, rabies control, and dangerous dog laws. The set of laws relating to commercial pet dealers and breeders is also provided. |