
Displaying 21 - 29 of 29
Title Authorsort descending Citation Alternate Citation Summary Type
Brazil - Constitutional Provision - Animal TITLE Vlll, CHAP. VI, ART. 225

Article 8 of the Constitution provides for legal concern about animals.(See, VII. of Paragraph 1.) 

The Convention on Biological Diversity in Portuguese

A Convençno da Biodiversidade foi assinada no Rio de Janeiro em 1992, por 156 Estados e uma organizaçno de integraçno econômica regional. No período de 5 a 14 de junho de 1992.

Revista Brasileira de Direito Animal Volume 10

Brazilian Animal Rights Review
Ano 7 | Volume 10 | Jan - Jun 2012

Foreword | Editorial | 9

Doutrina Internacional | International Papers

O mercado negro de espécies silvestres: a luta contra o crime organizado transnacional no comércio

Brazil - Federal Decree on Anti-Cruelty

This is a short summary of the federal decree that gives federal jurisdiction over some domestic animal issues.

PROJETO DE LEI Nº ____, DE 2007 (in portuguese) PROJETO DE LEI Nº ____, DE 2007 Institui o Código Federal de Bem-Estar Animal, estabelecendo diretrizes e normas para a garantia de atendimento aos princípios de bem-estar animal nas atividades de controle animal, experimentação animal e produção animal, através da otimização dos processos de desenvolvimento econômico e científico, com o aprimoramento das técnicas e investimentos que garantam maior eficiência, lucratividade e operacionalidade, controle e prevenção sanitário-ambientais, capacitação e preservação das condições de bem-estar do trabalhador, bem como o atendimento à legislação e recomendações nacionais e internacionais. Statute
Suica - Habeas Corpus Official Diary for October 4th 2005

First case to consider that a chimpanzee might be a legal person to come before the court under a petition for Habeas Corpus.

First national report for the Convention on Biological Diversity - BRAZIL Brazil Ministry of Environment This is Brazil's first national report for the Convention of Biological Diversity. The report explains the balance between the interests of countries, which are sources of, and conserve, biological diversity (Brazil and other tropical countries) and the nations that are principally users of such biodiversity (the industrialised countries, consumers of the products of biodiversity and of genetic resources for their biotechnological development). Article
HOT, CROWDED, AND LEGAL: A LOOK AT INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURE IN THE UNITED STATES AND BRAZIL David N. Cassuto & Sarah Saville Cassuto & Sarah Saville 18 Animal L. 185 (2012) Over the last sixty years, industrial agriculture has expanded in the United States and throughout the world, including in Brazil. Any benefit this expansion has brought comes at significant environmental and social costs. Industrial agriculture is a leading contributor to global climate change, air and water pollution, deforestation, and dangers in the workplace. This Article discusses the impact of industrial animal agriculture in the U.S. and Brazil. It also examines the laws pertaining to industrial agriculture in both countries and provides a comparative analysis of the two legal regimes. Finally, this Article concludes with the observation that although the price to the U.S. and Brazil of remedying these impacts are high, the costs to humans, animals, and the environment by failing to do so is immeasurable. Article
Brazil Lane Azevedo Clayton

Brief Summary of Brazil's Legal Structure for Animal Issues
Lane Azevedo Clayton (2011)


Derecho animal en Brazil

Topical Introduction
