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Citation | Summary |
RI - Disaster Planning - Emergency Support Function 11 | The State of Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency is tasked with the coordination of emergency response and plans. Emergency Support Function 11, "Provides situational awareness and coordinates support for; the protection of the state’s agricultural and natural resources during emergencies; the emergency sheltering of pet animals; animal health issues; provide technical expertise, of animal and agricultural emergency management; ensure the safety and of the state’s meat, poultry, and dairy production facilities within the state." | |
RI - Breeders - Part 4. Rules and Regulations Governing Animal Care Facilities | 250 RI ADC 40-05-4.1 - .14 | These rules and regulations are established to provide minimum standards to govern all licensed or registered animal care facilities in Rhode Island. They serve as standards for the construction and maintenance of such facilities, the care of animals in those facilities, as well as the criteria for inspectors to use when conducting inspections for licensure or in response to a complaint concerning their operation. They are considered minimum standards that must be maintained. |
PA - Veterinary Issues - Rules of Professional Conduct | 49 PA ADC § 31.21 | The State Board of Veterinary Medicine is empowered under section 5(2) of the act (63 P. S. § 485.5(2)) to adopt rules and regulations of professional conduct appropriate to establish and maintain a high standard of integrity, skill and practice in the profession of veterinary medicine. In accordance with this authority, the Board has determined that the following rules are necessary in the public interest to protect the public against unprofessional conduct on the part of veterinarians. |
PA - Rehabilitation, wildlife - Subchapter P. Wildlife Rehabilitation | 58 PA ADC § 147.301 - 312 | Under this Pennsylvania chapter of regulations, the Director may issue a permit to an individual who meets the requirements of 34 Pa.C.S. § 2901(a) (relating to authority to issue permits) and this subchapter for the purpose of wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife capture and transportation, and educational use of rehabilitation wildlife. "Wildlife rehabilitation"is defined as the treatment and temporary care of injured, diseased and displaced wildlife, and the subsequent release of healthy wildlife to appropriate habitats in the wild. |
PA - Permits, Menagerie - Chapter 147. Special Permits | 58 PA ADC § 147.281 - 287 | These Pennsylvania regulations relate to safeguards for public safety, humane care and treatment, adequate housing and nutrition, sanitation, safety, acquisition and disposal of wildlife kept in menageries. Under the regulations, it is unlawful to keep wildlife in an unsanitary or unsafe condition or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The regulations outline requirements for cage construction, food and water provision, waste disposal, and drainage. |
PA - Permits - Subchapter M. Exotic Wildlife Dealer | 58 PA ADC §147 .241 - 246 | These Pennsylvania regulations relate to the housing and care of exotic wildlife and public protection from wildlife that is being held or transported by exotic wildlife dealers. Under the regulations, it is unlawful to keep exotic wildlife in confinement in an unsanitary or unsafe condition, or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The regulations outline requirements for housing, cage construction, food and water provision, waste removal. and drainage. |
PA - Permits - Chapter 133. Wildlife Classification. | 58 PA ADC § 133.1 - .6; 58 PA ADC § 133.21; 58 PA ADC § 133.41 | This set of Pennsylvania regulations defines terms used such as protected mammals, protected birds, endangered species, threatened species, and furbearers. |
PA - Exotic Pets - Subchapter N. Exotic Wildlife Possession | 58 PA ADC § 147.261 - 262 | This subchapter relates to the housing and care of exotic wildlife, and public protection from exotic wildlife held or transported by a person under the act or this part. |
PA - Exotic Pets - Chapter 137. Wildlife | 58 PA ADC § 137.1 - 35 | This set of administrative regulations prohibits the importation, possession, selling, offering for sale or release of certain species such as lynx, bobcat, coyote, wolf, bears, raccoons, nutria, skunks, all families of nonhuman primates, certain birds, game taken from the wild, and game or wildlife held in captivity. Exemptions includes zoos and circuses. A person wishing to import lawfully acquired wildlife, or parts thereof, shall first obtain an importation permit from the Commission. Another section makes it unlawful for a person to possess live wildlife taken from a wild state subject to certain exceptions. |
PA - Disaster - State Emergency Managment Plan | The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is the agency in charge of emergency response in the state. The issue of animals in disaster are dealt with in Emergency Support Function #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex (2021). | |
OR - Rehabilitation, wildlife - Chapter 635. Department of Fish and Wildlife. | OR ADC 635-044-0200 - 635-044-0310 | [Note: repealed 2015] Under this set of Oregon regulations, any person desiring to hold any bird, mammal, amphibian or reptile for the purpose of wildlife rehabilitation must first obtain a Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife. The requirements and conditions to obtain a permit is also provided. In addition to an Oregon Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit, persons possessing this permit must also obtain a federal permit for species protected by federal law and provide a copy of the current valid federal permit to the Department. Other sections provide prohibited species under the permit and facility requirements. |
OR - Primates - 603-011-0381 Importation of Nonhuman Primates | OR ADC 603-011-0381 | This Oregon regulation provides that no person shall ship, move, or import into this state any nonhuman primates (including, but not limited to, monkeys, baboons, gibbons, chimpanzees, and marmosets) without first obtaining a permit from the Department. Further, all nonhuman primates shipped, moved, or imported into this state shall also be accompanied by an official health certificate certifying that said animals are free from the following human pathogenic agents. |
OR - Hunting, Internet - 635-065-0740. Hunting Prohibited | OR ADC 635-065-0740 | It is unlawful in Oregon to engage in computer-assisted hunting (Internet hunting) or provide or operate facilities for computer-assisted hunting in Oregon. As used in this act, “computer-assisted hunting” (Internet hunting) means the use of a computer or any other device, equipment, or software to remotely control the aiming and discharge of a firearm, bow, or any other weapon to hunt any game bird, wildlife, game mammal, or other mammal, and “facilities for computer-assisted remote hunting” means real property and improvements on the property associated with hunting, including hunting blinds, offices and rooms equipped to facilitate computer-assisted remote hunting. Nothing in subsection (8) of this section prohibits the use of computer-assisted hunting by employees or agents of county, state or federal agencies while acting in their official capacities. |
OR - Hunting - Division 64 . Privately Held Exotic and Game Mammals. | OR ADC 635-064-0000 to 0010 | It is unlawful to hunt, kill, or attempt to hunt or kill, exotic mammals or game mammals held or obtained by private parties. Exceptions under the statute include the slaughter of such an animal for meat, leather, or fur production, euthanization of such an animal for scientific, health, safety or other valid husbandry concerns, or the department's Wildlife Division Director may authorize any person to hunt or kill such an animal if the Division Director determines it would be in the best interest of sound wildlife management. |
OR - Hunting - 635-064-0010. Privately Held Exotic and Game Mammals | OR ADC 635-064-0010 | Under this Oregon regulation, it is unlawful to hunt, kill, or attempt to hunt or kill, exotic mammals or game mammals held or obtained by private parties. Exceptions under the statute include the slaughter of such an animal for meat, leather, or fur production, euthanization of such an animal for scientific, health, safety or other valid husbandry concerns, or the department's Wildlife Division Director may authorize any person to hunt or kill such an animal if the Division Director determines it would be in the best interest of sound wildlife management. |
OR - Exotic Pets - Division 11. Livestock Health and Sanitation. Exotic Animals | OR ADC 603-011-0700 to 0725 | This set of regulations includes the Oregon Department of Agriculture's rules governing the possession of non-human primates. Individuals wishing to possess a non-human primate must be qualified by experience and education, have an approved facility, and must obtain an exotic animal permit from the Department. All permittees must comply with the agency's rules for the housing and care of non-human primates and any additional permit conditions that the Department imposes. |
OK - Veterinarian Issues - Professional Conduct | OK ADC 775:10-5-30 | The following acts and/or omissions shall be considered unprofessional conduct and shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the Oklahoma Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners. |
OK - Restaurant, animals - 310:257-11-54. Prohibiting animals | OK ADC 310:257-11-54 | This Oklahoma regulation relates to animals in food establishments. Subsection (d) states that dogs and cats may be allowed in outdoor dining areas, provided the dog or cat is controlled by the owner or handler of the animal and nine conditions are met. Among the conditions include a requirement for a separate entrance to the outdoor dining area, a prohibition on direct contact with the animals by employees, a process to keep the area clean from animal excrement, and a requirement that food and water receptacles for the animals be single-use, disposable containers. |
OK - Rehabilitation, wildlife - Chapter 25 Wildlife Rules | OK ADC 800:25-38-1 to 12 | The following Oklahoma regulations detail that a license is needed for any person who wishes to rehabilitate wildlife. A person must renew this license annually for a fee of ten (10) dollars unless that person has violated any of these provisions or was found not to be taking proper care of the animal during the animal's rehabilitation. In such a case, a person must wait a minimum of one year before that person can renew his or her license. These regulations also relieve the Department of Wildlife from liability and costs incurred by the licensee. Additionally, these regulations require a licensee to report any listed endangered or threatened species; require a record of veterinary visits; require a record of the type of species lodged at the facility; require proper facilities; and require proper release of rehabilitated animals and proper disposal of animals that cannot be rehabilitated. |
OK - Rabies - 310:599-3-9.1. Required immunization of dogs, cats, and ferrets | OK ADC 310:599-3-9.1 | This Oklahoma regulation states that the owner or custodian of a domestic dog, cat, or ferret shall cause the animal to be vaccinated against rabies by the time the animal is four months of age and at regular intervals thereafter according to the label directions of an approved rabies vaccine for use in that species, or as prescribed by ordinances or rules adopted by a municipality within whose jurisdiction the animal owner resides. |
OK - Importation - Subchapter 25. Wildlife Classified as Domesticated and Exempt | OK ADC 800:25-25-1 - 3 | The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish a list of wildlife that are to be considered domesticated and, therefore, exempt from licensing and permit requirements of the Department. |
OK - Health - Subchapter 3. Rabies Control | OK ADC 310:599-3-1 to 12 | These regulations contain Oklahoma's rabies provisions. |
OK - Disaster Planning - Emergency Operations Plan ESF 11 | The purpose of this Emergency Support Function (ESF) #11 Annex is to coordinate State agencies, OKVOAD, Federal and other response entities in efforts to control and eradicate, as appropriate, any outbreak of a highly contagious or economically devastating animal/zoonotic (i.e. transmitted between animals and people) disease, or any outbreak of an economically devastating plant pest or disease; ensure the safety and security of the commercial food supply; protect natural resources; and provide for the safety and well-being of household pets during an emergency response or evacuation situation. [See FEMA Disaster Assistance Policy DAP9523.19 Title: “Eligible Costs Related to Pet Evacuation and Sheltering” for definition of “Household Pet”.] | |
OK - Commercial Breeder Act Regulations - Chapter 55. Commercial Pet Breeders | OK ADC 35:55-1-1 to 35:55-7-6 | Pursuant to the authority granted in the Oklahoma Commercial Breeders Act, these Oklahoma Department of Agriculture, Food, and Forestry regulations out line the licensing procedures, the standards of care, the transportation, and the record keeping provisions Oklahoma commercial breeders must follow. |
OK - Breeders - Commercial Pet Breeder Operations Guidelines | OK ADC 532:15-1-1 - 532:15-7-6 | These regulations describe standards for pet breeders including sufficient food and water, regular exercise, veterinary care, adequate grooming, natural or artificial light during daylight hours, adequate space in living quarters, protection from the elements and extreme temperatures, and adequate resting time between breeding cycles, that ensures the general health and well-being of all pets the commercial pet breeder owns.“Commercial pet breeder” means any person that possesses or has possessed at any time in the last twelve months eleven or more adult intact female animals for use in breeding or dealing in animals for direct or indirect sale or for exchange in return for consideration. Household pets kept by breeders which the breeder has registered with the Board as not being used in breeding or dealing shall not be counted under this definition. Mandated record-keeping is outlined in Subchapter 7, which includes a required pet health history provided to purchasers. |
OK - Breeder - Title 532. Board of Commercial Pet Breeders | OK ADC 532:1-1-1 to 8 | Title 532 of the Oklahoma Administrative Code establishes the Board of Commercial Breeders and implements the Commercial Pet Breeders Act, codified at 59 O.S. § 5001 et. seq. Chapter 1 establishes the organization, operation, and purpose of the Board. |
OH - Rabies - 901:1-17-05 Dogs and cats | OH ADC 901:1-17-05 | This Ohio regulation states that all dogs and cats imported into Ohio must be accompanied by a certificate of veterinary inspection indicating freedom from disease and be currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the national association of state public health veterinarian's (NASPHV) compendium of animal rabies control recommendations. |
OH - Exotic Pets - 901:1-17-12 Non-domestic animals | Ohio Admin. Code § 901:1-17-12 | Under this Ohio regulation, no non-domestic animal shall be imported into the state of Ohio unless accompanied by a permit issued prior to entry and certificate of veterinary inspection, is free of evidence of any contagious or infectious diseases or parasites harmful to humans or animals, and is in full compliance with all state and federal agencies rules and regulations. The specific disease requirements listed in the remainder of the rule concern only animals such as Cervidae (deer, moose, etc.), Bovidae (antelope, wild cattle, etc.), Suidae (sporting and feral swine), Tayassuidae (peccarie), and Psittacine birds. |
NY - Wild animal, possession - Part 820. Required Annual Reporting of the Presence of Wild Animals | 19 NY ADC 820.1 to .3 | This set of New York regulations provides a form for individuals keeping wild animals to report with the city, town or village clerk within whose jurisdiction the animal is owned, possessed or harbored, on or before April 1st of each year. General Municipal Law (GML), section 209-cc requires the State Fire Administrator, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Conservation, to develop and maintain a list of the common names of wild animals that are reported annually to local authorities. |
NY - Rehabilitators, wildlife - Part 184. Wildlife Rehabilitators. | 6 NY ADC 184.1 - 7 | These New York regulations concern the qualifications for appointment as a state wildlife rehabilitator. Section 184.1 first states that, "The purpose of this Part is to establish a specially trained group of individuals, collectively called wildlife rehabilitators, to provide for the care of injured and debilitated wildlife so that such wildlife may be returned to the wild." Under the chapter, "wildlife rehabilitation" means the practice of providing care for injured or debilitated wildlife, including their capture, housing, feeding, emergency treatment and release to the wild. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4117.1. Drive to finish | 9 NY ADC 4117.1 | Every race must be contested by every horse in the race and every horse must be driven to the finish. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4043.2. Restricted use of drugs, medication and other substances | 9 NY ADC 4043.2 | This regulation states which drugs and medications are permitted to be used in racehorses in New York, and how and when they may be administered. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4002.8. Qualifications for license | 9 NY ADC 4002.8 | If the New York State Racing and Wagering Board finds that an applicant meets the criteria for financial responsibility, experience, character and fitness, then it will issue an occupational license to that person. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4002.23. License qualifications for private trainer | 9 NY ADC 4002.23 | A private trainer's license may be issued to an applicant who has an ownership or lease interest in a horse exceeding 50 percent if that person has been a licensed owner for one year, has three years of experience with Thoroughbred racehorses, and passes written and practical exams. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4002.22. License qualifications for trainer | 9 NY ADC 4002.22 | The qualifications for an initial trainer's license are 12 months as a licensed assistant trainer in NY, or 12 months in another jurisdiction with a certificate from track stewards in that state. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4002.21. License requirements for assistant trainer | 9 NY ADC 4002.21 | An assistant trainer's license may be issued to a person who is 18 years old, has three years of experience, is vouched for by the trainer by whom he or she is to be employed, and passes a written exam (or oral) and a practical exam. |
NY - Horse Racing - Section 4002.1. Occupational licenses | 9 NY ADC 4002.1 | Sec. 4002.1 requires that anyone participating in any thoroughbred race meet as a managing owner, racing owner, trainer, assistant trainer, jockey, apprentice jockey, jockey agent, veterinarian, farrier, stable employee, track supplier, equipment supplier, salesman, agent or operator of any concession to have an occupational license issued by the New York State Racing and Wagering Board. |
NY - Endangered Species - Part 182. Endangered and Threatened Species of Fish and Wildlife | 6 NY ADC 182..1 - .17 | This set of New York regulations concerns endangered, threatened, and species of special concern. Section 182.5 provides a list of native species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Under Section 182.7, the department may issue a license to a person to transport, sell, import and/or possess a listed species for purposes it deems legitimate. |
NV- Rehabilitation, wildlife - Chapter 504. Wildlife Management and Propagation. | NV ADC 504.492 - 498 | These Nevada regulations are about permits to rehabilitate wildlife. These regulations reveal where an application for a wildlife rehabilitation permit can be obtained, what must be included on the application, where to return the application, the required documents that must also be submitted with the application, the expiration of the permit, and the roles and the responsibilities of the permit holder. Additionally, the following regulations also provide information about euthanizing wildlife that is not listed as endangered or threatened species, as well as how to euthanize a species that is listed as endangered or threatened. |
NV - Wildlife - Chapter 504. Wildlife Management and Propagation. | This administrative provision restricts the shipment, transportation and exportation of wildlife subject to limited exceptions. | |
NV - Rabies - Chapter 441A. Infectious Diseases; Toxic Agents | NV ADC 441A.410 to 445 |
NAC 441A.410 Appointment of rabies control authority; ordinance providing for rabies control program; authority of county, city or town to require licenses for dogs, cats and ferrets; duty of county, city or town to provide certain information to State Health Officer or repres |
NV - Rabies - 441A.435. Owner required to maintain dog, cat or ferret currently vaccinated | NV ADC 441A.435 | This Nevada regulation states that an owner of a dog, cat or ferret shall maintain the dog, cat or ferret currently vaccinated against rabies in accordance with the provisions of this section and the recommendations set forth in the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control, 2008 edition, published by the National Association of State Public Health Veterinarians, Inc. A licensed veterinarian may exempt a dog, cat or ferret from vaccination for health reasons. |
NV - Exotic Wildlife - NAC 504.471 Restrictions on shipment, transportation and exportation of wildlife | NV ADC 504.471 | This administrative provision restricts the shipment, transportation and exportation of wildlife subject to limited exceptions. |
NV - Exotic Animals - Possession, Transportation, Importation, Exportation and Release of Wildlife | NV ADC 503.108 - 140 | These Nevada regulations concern the restrictions on importation, transportation and possession of certain species. Under 503.110, the importation, transportation or possession of the species of live wildlife or hybrids thereof including, but not limited to, freshwater sharks, piranhas, alligators and caimans, mongooses and meerkats, coyotes, and wild dogs is prohibited. Exemptions include zoos, aquariums, limited duration entertainment or commercial photography, research or scientific use, and a tax-exempt nonprofit organization that exhibits wildlife solely for educational or scientific purposes. Some animals may be possessed, transported, imported and exported without a permit or license issued by the Department such as monkeys and other primates, elephants, all felines, except mountain lions and bobcats, and wolves, among others. |
NV - Disaster Planning - State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) | According to the Division of Emergency Management - Homeland Security, "The objective of the State Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan (SCEMP) is to reduce the possible consequences of an emergency by preventing loss of life and injuries; reducing damage to infrastructure, buildings, and homes; thus accelerating the resumption of normal daily life activities; and to the maximum extent possible, protect the environment." The plan contains several references to both service animals and household pets, which are excerpted below. | |
NM - Veterinary reporting - CONDUCT | NM ADC | This New Mexico regulation appears to allow permissive reporting of animal cruelty by veterinarians. Subsection (T) states: "The reporting of cruelty or illegal action is not a violation of confidentiality." |
NM - Scientific - 19.35.6. Authorized Uses of Wildlife for Education, Law Enforcement, Research and Scientific Purposes | - 17 NMAC | This New Mexico rule issued by the department of game and fish and all persons provides information on the taking and possession of protected wildlife for scientific and educational purposes. |
NM - Rehabilitation, wildlife - 19.35.5. Wildlife Rehabilitation Permits | 19.35.5 NMAC | The stated objective of this regulation is to establish and implement a system for the issuance and use of permits for the rehabilitation of sick, injured, orphaned or otherwise incapacitated wildlife for return to the wild or other authorized disposition in New Mexico. |
NM - Exotic Pets - 19.35.7. Importation of Live Nondomestic Animals Birds and Fish | N.M. Admin. Code - 23 | This regulation covers persons who desire to bring wildlife species into the state of New Mexico. It may include the general public, pet importers, holders of Class A park licenses, department permitees and others. The stated objective is, "[t]o provide consistent criteria for the importation of live non-domesticated animals into New Mexico and to protect native wildlife against the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases, undesirable species and address human health and safety issues." |
NM - Disaster Planning - New Mexico Emergency Operations Plan | The New Mexico All-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan has an Emergency Support Function (ESF) that deals with animal safety provisions. In addition to food safety, livestock, and zoonotic disease concerns, the plan addresses the "safety and well-being of household pets, service animals, farm animals, and zoo animals during an emergency response or evacuation situation." |