Full Title Name:  Pennsylvania State Emergency Plan, Emergency Support Function #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources (2021)

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  Emergency Support Function #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex (2019) Last Checked:  April, 2023
Summary: The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is the agency in charge of emergency response in the state. The issue of animals in disaster are dealt with in Emergency Support Function #11 - Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex (2021).
Documents:  PDF icon Pennsylvania Emergency Operations Plan.pdf (2.06 MB)

The Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) is the agency responsible for disaster response and coordination. In the Commonwealth Emergency Operations Plan of 2019, several Emergency Support Functions (ESFs) are listed (plan available at https://www.pema.pa.gov/Preparedness/Planning/Pages/default.aspx).

Emergency Support Function #11, the Agriculture and Natural Resources Annex, states as two of its purposes are to "Provide bulk food supplies; monitor animal feed and food production facilities and the health of livestock and food crops; coordinate animal safety/sheltering; protect natural, cultural, and historic resources.” (page 18 of pdf).


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