Statute by category![]() |
Citation | Summary |
IN - Farriers - PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (LICENSING OF FARRIERS) RULES, 1965 | Licensing of Farriers Rules, 1965 | The Rules, drafted under Section 38(2) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, regulate farriers (persons who attach shoes to hooves of animals). It is mandatory for farriers to obtain a license. |
IN - Health - Article 17. Animal Health and Animal Products. Chapter 18. Crimes and Infractions | I.C. 15-17-18-1 - 13 | This set of Indiana laws covers diseased livestock and the sale of domestic animals. It also provides that a person responsible for livestock or poultry who knowingly or intentionally permits the livestock or poultry to run at large commits a Class B misdemeanor. Another provision states that a person may not import to or export from Indiana for the purpose of sale any dog under the age of eight (8) weeks unless the dog is transported with its dam. |
IN - Humane Slaughter - Chapter 5. Meat and Poultry Inspection; Humane Slaughter Act | I.C. 15-17-5-1 to 31 | This Indiana statutory section comprises both the state's meat processing laws and humane slaughter provisions. The state board responsible for carrying out this Act are empowered to adopt rules governing humane methods to make livestock or poultry insensible to pain before incision of an instrument for severance of the carotid arteries. The rules must conform as far as applicable to the regulations promulgated under the Federal Humane Slaughter Act. Most of the laws in this section pertain to inspection of commercial livestock facilities and the labeling of postmortem and antemortem animals. However, violation of the humane slaughter provisions appear to result in a Class B misdemeanor where there has been a "reckless violation." |
IN - Hunting - 15-17-14.7-13 Types of weapons allowed during hunt; computer assisted remote hunting; sedation; restricted areas | I.C. 15-17-14.7-13 | This Indiana law states that a hunting preserve may not allow computer assisted hunting. |
IN - Hunting - Chapter 37. Harassment of Hunters, Trappers, and Fishermen | I.C. 14-22-37-1 to 14-22-37-3 | This section reflects Indiana's hunter harassment law. A person who knowingly or intentionally interferes with the legal taking of a game animal by another person with intent to prevent the taking commits a Class C misdemeanor. A person who fails to obey the order of a law enforcement officer to desist from conduct in violation of section 2 of this chapter commits a Class B misdemeanor if the law enforcement officer (1) observed the person or (2) has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has engaged in the conduct that day or intends to engage in the conduct that day on specific premises. |
IN - Initiatives - Question 1, Right to Hunt and Fish Amendment | Question 1 | Question 1 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment that appears on the 2016 general election ballot. The official summary states the following: "Provides that the right to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife is a valued part of Indiana's heritage and shall be forever preserved for the public good. Provides that the people have a right, which includes the right to use traditional methods, to hunt, fish, and harvest wildlife, subject only to the laws prescribed by the general assembly and rules prescribed by virtue of the authority of the general assembly to: (1) promote wildlife conservation and management; and (2) preserve the future of hunting and fishing. Provides that hunting and fishing are the preferred means of managing and controlling wildlife. Provides that this constitutional amendment does not limit the application of any laws relating to trespass or property rights. This proposed amendment has been agreed to by one general assembly." A "yes" vote is in favor of such a constitutional amendment and a "no" vote is against amending the state constitution. |
IN - Law enforcement - Chapter 42.5. Burial with Law Enforcement Animals or Service Animals | IC 23-14-42.5-1 - 7 | This chapter allows the cremated remains of a deceased law enforcement or military animal of a deceased owner to be scattered, placed, or interred in a manner described in this subsection before, after, or in conjunction with the interment of the remains of the deceased owner. The deceased animal's cremated remains may be scattered or placed on top of the deceased owner's burial plot or interred on top of the deceased owner's burial plot as long as the interment of the deceased animal's cremated remains does not encroach on a neighboring burial plot, involve disinterment of the owner, or involve digging greater than one foot of depth. The person owning the deceased animal must consent in writing and give this consent to the cemetery owner. If the deceased owner does not own the animal at the time of the deceased animal's death, the deceased owner may provide written notice in his or her last will, in a written designation to the cemetery, or in a funeral planning declaration. |
IN - Liens - 32-33-8-1 Feed and care bestowed upon livestock; mechanic's and tradesman lien | I.C. 32-33-8-1 | This statute allows the keeper of a livery stable or any person engaged in feeding horses, cattle, hogs, and other livestock to place a lien on any of the animals that he or she cares for. |
IN - Pet Shop Rules - PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (PET SHOP RULES), 2016 | 59 of 1960 | These Rules were drafted by the Central Government in exercise of its powers under Section 38(1) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The Rules make it mandatory for pet shops to be registered and sets out requirements for registration. The Rules set out the basic amenities that pet shops must have to ensure the welfare and health of animals. |
IN - Property - (Repealed by P.L.162-2006, SEC.49.) - Dogs as Personal Property for Taxation | I.C. 15-5-10-1 (Repealed by P.L.162-2006, SEC.49.) | Dogs are considered personal property in Indiana (repealed). |
IN - Registration of Cattle Premises - THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (REGISTRATION OF CATTLE PREMISES) RULES, 1978 | The Rules, adopted under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, provide for the registration of premises having five or more heads of cattle kept for the purpose of profit. The owner of the premises must apply for a certificate and the premises shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times. On premises where milch cattle are kept, a copy of Section 12 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act must be displayed in the local language. The provision prohibits the performance of 'phooka' or 'doom dev '. | |
IN - Slaughter - PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (SLAUGHTER HOUSE) RULES, 2001 | The Rules, drafted under the Prevention of Cruelty Act, 1960, regulates slaughterhouses where ten or more animals are slaughtered in a single day. Animals may not be slaughtered in slaughterhouses that are not recognized or licensed. Animals that are pregnant, or have offspring less than three months old, or are less than three years months old, or which have not been certified by a veterinary doctor as being in a fit condition, may not be slaughtered. The Rules prescribe conditions for welfare of animals that shall be slaughtered, as well as standards of hygiene that are to be followed by the slaughterhouse. | |
IN - Spay, neuter - Chapter 4. Spay-Neuter Requirement for Animal Care Facilities | IC 15-20-4-1 - 5 | This Indiana chapter added in 2016 concerns the spay-neuter requirements for animal care facilities. Beginning July 1, 2021, except as provided in this chapter, a companion animal shall be spayed or neutered before adoption from an animal care facility. |
IN - Transport of Animals - PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (TRANSPORT OF ANIMALS ON FOOT) RULES, 2001 | The Rules, drafted under the Prevention of Cruelty Act, regulate the transport of animals on foot. The rules apply to the transport of animals on foot is five kilometres or more from the boundary of the town/city/village of origin. New born animals whose navels have not completely healed, and those animals that are diseased, blind, emaciated, fatigues or have given birth in the past three days or that are likely to give birth during transport shall not be transported on foot. Animals may only be transported in their farm social groups. The owner of the animals must ensure that the animals have access to veterinary first aid equipment through their journey and that they have access to adequate water and fodder. | |
IN - Trust - 30-4-2-18. Trust to provide for care of an animal alive during settlor's lifetime | I.C. 30-4-2-18 | Indiana's pet trust law was enacted in 2005. The trust terminates upon the death of the animal or upon death of last surviving animal alive during settlor's lifetime. Property of a trust authorized by this section may be applied only to the trust's intended use, except to the extent the court determines that the value of the trust property exceeds the amount required for the trust's intended use. |
IN - Vehicle - Chapter 30. Immunity for Removing a Domestic Animal from a Locked Motor Vehicle | I.C. 34-30-30-1 - 4 | This Indiana chapter on pets in motor vehicles was enacted in 2017. Under the chapter, "domestic animal" means a dog, cat or other vertebrate animal kept as a household pet (not including livestock). Section 34-30-30-3 provides that a person who forcibly enters a motor vehicle to remove a domestic animal from a motor vehicle is liable for one-half the cost of repairing the damage to the motor vehicle caused by the forcible entry. To meet this immunity, the person must reasonably believe that the domestic animal is in imminent danger of suffering serious bodily harm. The person must do all the following first: (1) determine the motor vehicle is locked and forcible entry is necessary to remove the domestic animal; (2) call 911 or attempt to contact law enforcement/animal control; (3) use no more force than is necessary to remove the domestic animal from the vehicle; and (4) remain with the animal until first responders or law enforcement arrive. The statute gives complete immunity from the costs of damage to any first responder, law enforcement/animal control officer, public safety government employee, or veterinary professional. Finally, the chapter immunizes the owner of the domestic animal from liability for bites or physical injury to the rescuer. |
IN - Veterinary - Article 38.1. Veterinarians. | I.C. 25-38.1-1-1 to 25-38.1-5-5 | These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
IN - Wild Animal - Chapter 25. Importation Permit | I.C. 14-22-25-1 - 4 | In Indiana, a person needs a permit to import live fish or any living wild animal into the state for release. A permit may be granted only upon proof that the animals are free of a communicable disease, will not become a nuisance, and will not cause damage to a native wild or domestic species. |
IN - Wild Animal - Chapter 28. Permit to Take, Kill, or Capture Wild Animal Damaging Property | I.C. 14-22-28-1 - 5 | A person whose property is being damaged by a protected wild animal may be issued a free permit to take, kill, or capture the wild animal. The director prescribes how the animal is taken, when the permit expires, and the disposition of the animal. The director may deny a permit if the wild animal is not causing the damage or the person would abuse the privileges. |
IN - Wild Animals - Chapter 26. Wild Animal Permit | IC 14-22-26-1 - 6 | This set of laws deals with Wild Animal Permits in Indiana. Section 3 allows the Director to adopt rules that require permits to possess wild animals protected by laws or rules. The director may also adopt a rule that requires a permit to possess a wild animal that may be harmful or dangerous to plants or animals. Permits under this chapter may be suspended by the director and animal may be seized if the animal is in a position to harm another animal or the life or health of the animal is in peril. This chapter does not apply to licensed commercial animal dealers, zoological parks, circuses, or carnivals. |
IN - Wildlife (Protection) Act of 1972 | Act. No. 52 of 1972 |
India's Wildlife Protection Act of 1972 is a comprehensive piece of legislation that regulates sanctuaries, national parks, and zoos among other protected locations. Its primary aim is to curb the illegal trade in wildlife and the derivative parts. |
This law comprises India's Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002. According to the amended long title, it is "An Act to provide for the protection of wild animals, birds and plants and for matters connected therewith or ancillary or incidental thereto with a view to ensuring the ecological and environmental security of the country. " The Amendment Act also establishes the National Board for Wild Life. |
Article 1 states that, "The purpose of this Law is to prescribe matters relating to the prevention of cruelty to animals, the appropriate treatment of animals and other matters relating to the protection of animals, and to engender a feeling of love for animals among the people, thereby contributing to the development of respect for life and sentiments of amity and peace; and to prescribe matters relating to the control of animals, thereby preventing harm being done by animals to human life, body and property." |
KR - Cruelty - Animal Protection Act | Animal Protection Act (2004) |
Article 1 of this Act states that, "The purpose of this Act is to contribute to the cultivation of aesthetic sentiments, such as the respect for life, etc., through protecting the life and safety of animals by prescribing matters necessary for proper pro- tection and administration of animals such as the prevention of cruelty to animals, etc." |
KS - Abandon - Chapter 47. Livestock and Domestic Animals. | K. S. A. 47-835 | This Kansas statute provides that any animal placed in the custody of a licensed veterinarian that is unclaimed by its owner for a period of more than ten (10) days after written notice by registered or certified mail is given, shall be deemed to be abandoned and may be turned over to the nearest humane society, or dog pound or disposed of as the custodian may deem proper. The giving of notice to the owner of record immunizes the veterinarian from liability. |
KS - Assistance Animal - Consolidated Assistance Animal Laws | K. S. A. 39-1101 to 1113; 21-6416; 8-1542 | The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and service animal laws. |
KS - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty and Animal Fighting Laws | K. S. A. 21-6411 - 6418; 21-5504; 60-5401 | The Kansas anti-cruelty statutes define cruelty to animals as knowingly killing, injuring, maiming, torturing, burning or mutilating any animal. Also included as cruelty are abandoning any animal, failing to provide food, horse-tripping, and poisoning any domestic animal, unlawful disposition of animals, dog and cock-fighting. Cruelty to animals may be a misdemeanor or a felony. Exceptions are made for such things as veterinary practices, research experiments, rodeo and farming practices, euthanasia, and pest control. It is also illegal to allow a dangerous animal to run at large or to engage in sodomy with an animal. |
KS - Dogs - Consolidated Dog Laws | K. S. A. § 47-645 - 646a; 47-835; 47-1701 - 1737; 79-1301; 32-954; 29-409 | These Kansas statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Among the provisions include licensing of dogs, specific laws that outline the care of dogs in kennel situations, and laws pertaining to dogs who endanger livestock. |
KS - Ecoterrorism - Chapter 47. Livestock and Domestic Animals. | K. S. A. 47-1825 - 1830 | This section comprises Kansas' farm animal and field crop and research facilities protection act. Under the act, no person shall, without the effective consent of the owner and with the intent to damage the enterprise conducted at the animal facility, damage or destroy an animal facility or any animal or property in or on an animal facility. A person is also prohibited from exercising control over an animal or property. The act makes it illegal for a person to enter an animal facility that is not open to the public to take pictures or video. Violation is a nonperson felony if the property damage is $25,000 or more. Illegal entry that involves taking of pictures or video is a class A, nonperson misdemeanor. |
KS - Endangered Species - Chapter 32. Wildlife, Parks and Recreation | K. S. A. § 32-957 - 963 | These Kansas statutes set forth the state's endangered and threatened species provisions. Included are the related definitions and the rules for listing species. A permit is required for any form of possession or taking of a listed species. |
KS - Equine Activity Liability - Article 40. Assumption of Risk of Domestic Animal Activity. | K. S. A. 60-4001 to 4004 | This Kansas statute provides that any participant in domestic animal activities assumes the inherent risks of when such participant engages in a domestic animal activity. This limitation of liability operates legally as an affirmative defense of assumption of risk pleaded by the domestic animal activity sponsor or domestic animal professional. The statute also requires the visible displaying of warning signs that alert participants to the limitation of liability by law and any written contract must provide explicit language outlined in the statute. |
KS - Exotic Pets - Chapter 32. Wildlife, Parks and Recreation. | K. S. A. 32-1301 to 1312 | This set of Kansas statutes comprises the state's dangerous regulated animals act. Under the Act, a "dangerous regulated animal" means a live or slaughtered parts of lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs and mountain lions, or any hybrid thereof; bears or any hybrid thereof; and all non-native, venomous snakes. Except as provided in this section, it is unlawful for a person to possess, slaughter, sell, purchase or otherwise acquire a dangerous regulated animal. |
KS - Humane Slaughter - CHAPTER 47.LIVESTOCK AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS. | K. S. A. § 47-1401 to 1405 | This Kansas section comprises the state's humane slaughter act. The act first begins with a statement of policy requiring the humane slaughter of all livestock. A humane method is defined as a method whereby the animal is rendered insensible to pain by mechanical, electrical, chemical, or other means that is rapid and effective, before being shackled, hoisted, thrown, cast, or cut.& The law also allows slaughter by a method in accordance with ritual requirements of the Jewish faith or any other religious faith whereby the animal suffers loss of consciousness by anemia of the brain. Any person who violates any provision of this act is guilty of a misdemeanor. |
KS - Hunting - Unlawful Acts. 32-1014. Obstruction or impeding of lawful activities | K. S. A. 32-1014 | This Kansas law reflects the state's hunter harassment provision. Under the law, no person shall willfully obstruct or impede the participation of any individual in the lawful activity of hunting, furharvesting or fishing. The law does not apply to law enforcement and does not limit the right of landowners or their tenants to limit trespass. |
KS - Initiatives - Amendment 1, Right to Hunt and Fish (2016) | Amendment 1 | Amendment 1 is a legislatively referred constitutional amendment in the 2016 general election. The explanatory statement on the ballot says, "This amendment is to preserve constitutionally the right of the public to hunt, fish and trap wildlife subject to reasonable laws and regulations. The right of the public to hunt, fish and trap shall not modify any provision of common law or statutes relating to trespass, eminent domain or any other private property rights." A "yes" vote would constitutionally preserve the right of the public to hunt, fish and trap wildlife that has traditionally been taken by hunters, trappers and anglers. A "no" vote would provide for no constitutional right of the public to hunt, fish and trap wildlife. It would maintain existing state laws and rules and regulations governing hunting, fishing and trapping wildlife. |
KS - Liens - 58-207. Lien for feed and care of livestock; sale for charges and expenses; assignment of lien | K.S.A. 58-207 | Keepers of livery stables, and all others engaged in feeding horses, cattle, hogs, or other livestock, shall have a lien upon such property for the feed and care bestowed by them. If reasonable or stipulated charges for such feed and care are not paid within sixty (60) days after the charges become due, the property may be sold, provided, however, that any lien created by this act may be assigned. |
KS - Pet Sales - Chapter 47. Livestock and Domestic Animals. | K. S. A. 47-1701 to 1737 | The following statutes comprise Kansas' Pet Animal Act. The Act outlines the requirements for pet shop operator licensing and animal dealers. |
KS - Pet Trusts - Chapter 58A. Kansas Uniform Trust Code. | K. S. A. 58a-408 | This Kansas statute provides that a trust may be created to provide for the care of an animal alive during the settlor's lifetime (note that it does not state "domestic" or "pet" animal). The trust terminates upon the death of the animal or, if the trust was created to provide for the care of more than one animal alive during the settlor's lifetime, upon the death of the last surviving animal. Property of a trust authorized by this section may be applied only to its intended use, except to the extent the court determines that the value of the trust property exceeds the amount required for the intended use. |
KS - Racing - 74-8801 to 74-8842. Parimutuel Wagering | K. S. A. §§ 74-8801 to 74-8845 | This statute creates the Kansas Racing and Gaming Commission. The Commission has the power to observe and inspect all racetracks and is responsible for promulgating regulations including regulations establishing what drugs and at what levels are allowable in the blood or urine of horses and greyhounds. The statute specifies age limits for horses and greyhounds to be able to race. Horses cannot compete until they reach 2 years of age. Greyhounds cannot compete in a race until they reach the age of 15 months. In order to construct or own a racetrack facility a license must be obtained from the Commission. |
KS - Rehabilitation - 32-953. Rehabilitation permit | K. S. A. 32-953 | This Kansas law states that a rehabilitation permit is required to perform wildlife rehabilitation services. |
KS - Vehicle, animal - 60-5401. Immunity for damage to motor vehicle | K. S. A. 60-5401 | This Kansas law, effective in 2018, provides immunity for civil liability for damage to the motor vehicle if a person enters a motor vehicle to remove a vulnerable person or domestic animal. “Domestic animal” means a dog, cat or other animal that is domesticated and may be kept as a household pet, but does not include livestock. Several conditions must be met before a person is granted immunity under the law. |
KS - Veterinary - ARTICLE 8. REGISTRATION OF VETERINARIANS. | K. S. A. 47-801 to 856 | These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
KS - Wildlife - 32-956. Wildlife importation permits | K. S. A. 32-956 | This Kansas statute declares that the secretary will adopt rules and regulations that prohibit certain wildlife from the waters and land of the state. The statute then lists the criteria for such rules and regulations. |
KS - Wildlife Possession - Chapter 32. Wildlife, Parks and Recreation. | K. S. A. 32-1005 | Knowingly capturing, killing, or possessing for profit, or selling, bartering, purchasing or offering to do so as well as the shipping or transportation of wildlife constitutes the commercialization of wildlife. The possession of listed wildlife for commercial purposes is considered a "nonperson" misdemeanor or felony depending on whether the aggregate value is greater than $1000. Commerce in protected wildlife (including eagles) incurs at least the minimum fine and may also result in the confiscation of equipment, license sanctions, and restitution. |
KY - Assistance Animal - Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws | KRS §§ 525.010 - 220; 258.500, 258.991; 189.575; 383.085 | The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and service animal laws. |
KY - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Statutes | KRS § 525.125 - 137; KRS § 436.600 - 610 | These Kentucky statutes represent the state's anti-cruelty and animal fighting provisions. Under the law, animal cruelty in the first-degree (a class D felony) occurs when a person causes four-legged animals to fight for pleasure or profit. Exclusions under this section include, among others, the killing of animals when hunting, fishing, or trapping; as incident to the processing as food or for other commercial purposes; or for veterinary, agricultural, spaying or neutering, or cosmetic purposes. |
KY - Disaster - Chapter 39A. Statewide Emergency Management Programs | KRS § 39A.350 - 366 | Good Samaritan Act applies to registered volunteer health practitioners that provide health services for a host entity during an emergency. Health services include treatment, care, advice, guidance, and provision of supplies related to the health or death of an animal or to animal populations. |
KY - Dog Laws (also includes cats & ferrets) - Kentucky Consolidated Dog Laws (License, Impound, Bite, etc.) | KRS § 39F.040; KRS § 258.005 - 991; 150.390 | These Kentucky statutes comprise the state's Dog Laws, which were amended significantly in 2005. Included are all vaccination, licensing, animal control provisions, and the relevant dog bite statutes. Under Section 258.235, any person may kill or seize any dog which he sees in the act of pursuing or wounding any livestock, or wounding or killing poultry, or attacking human beings, whether or not such dog bears the license tag required by the provisions of this chapter. There shall be no liability on such person in damages or otherwise for killing, injuring from an attempt to kill, or for seizing the dog. That same section also comprises the state's new strict liability law for dog bites. Under Sec. 235(4), any owner whose dog is found to have caused damage to a person, livestock, or other property shall be responsible for that damage. |
KY - Domestic Violence - 403.740 Domestic violence order; restrictions | KRS § 403.720, 403.740 | In 2022, Kentucky amended its laws related to domestic violence protection orders to include domestic animals. "Domestic animal" is defined as a dog, cat, or other animal that is domesticated and kept as a household pet, but does not include animals normally raised for agricultural or commercial purposes. The definition of "domestic violence" was expanded to include "[a]ny conduct prohibited by KRS 525.125, 525.130, 525.135, or 525.137, or the infliction of fear of such imminent conduct, taken against a domestic animal when used as a method of coercion, control, punishment, intimidation, or revenge directed against a family member or member of an unmarried couple who has a close bond of affection to the domestic animal." Following a hearing, a court may issue a domestic violence order that awards possession of any shared domestic animal to the petitioner. |
KY - Ecoterrorism - Chapter 437. Offenses Against Public Peace | KRS § 437.410 - 429 | This chapter concerns the protection of animal enterprise facilities in Kentucky. Prohibited acts include exercising control over a facility or its property without consent of the owner, disruption or destruction of property of a facility, entering a facility with the intent to commit a prohibited act, and entering a facility with the intent to disrupt or damage the enterprise and then remaining on the grounds knowing that entry is forbidden. Any person who violates any provision of KRS 437.410 to 437.420 shall be subject to a fine of not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not less than 6 months but not more than 1 year, or both, for each violation. |