
Displaying 6011 - 6020 of 6754
Titlesort ascending Author Citation Summary Type
Breed Specific Legislation: Unfair Prejudice and Ineffective Policy Devin Burstein 10 Animal L. 313 (2004)

This comment examines breed specific legislation--the unfortunate attempt of legislatures throughout the country to address the valid concern over vicious dog attacks by prohibiting or strictly regulating entire breeds, most often pitbulls. To prevent the tragedies that can occur when a dog attacks a human, legislation must take aim at the heart of the problem, the human owners that allow, through negligence or intentional mistreatment and training, these attacks to occur.

Breed Specific Legislation: The Gap in Emergency Preparedness Provisions for Household Pets Amy Cattafi 32 Seton Hall Legis. J. 351 (2008)

This article examines the gap in the legislation and explore how this dilemma has come to pass. First it explores what breed-specific legislation actually is, and how it has developed in modern society. Next, this article addresses the scope of current emergency preparedness statutes. Finally, this article attempts to address the issues that are bound to arise in the future.

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) Table of Related Cases Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table provides links to cases involving BSL (breed-specific legislation).

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)

Brief Summary of Breed Specific Legislation (BSL)
Anna Jones (2017)

Topical Introduction
Breath of Life: Ethical Wind Power and Wildlife Reed Elizabeth Loder 10 Vt. J. Envtl. L. 507 (Spring, 2009)

From the article: This article examines the toll on wildlife associated with inland wind power generation, an issue ethically less amenable to balancing costs and advantages. I shall identify factors that should be considered in policy decisions on research, placement, and operation of wind facilities, providing some theoretical justifications for this ethical framework. Although I leave technical and legal analyses of wind policy largely to others, those perspectives inevitably implicate ethics. I contend that making explicit the ethical underpinnings of law and policy discussions results in a more reflective, deliberative process and more justified decisions.

Brazil's ban on live cattle exports 5000325-94.2017.4.03.6135 This is the case in which a court in Brazil banned live cattle exports from all Brazilian ports based on animal welfare concerns. It is the result of a lawsuit filed by the NGO "Foro Nacional para la Protección y Defensa de los Animales," who requested that this type of animal transport to be banned. In 2018, the court granted a temporary injunction prohibiting live cattle exports. However, this injunction was invalidated by a superior tribunal. In her opinion, the judge stated that "animals are not things. They are sentient living beings—individuals who feel hunger, thirst, pain, cold, anguish, and fear. " In its holding, the judge compares the treatment of animals to the treatment suffered by humans during the slave trade, stating that non-human animals suffer the same treatment in the name of commercial development. Furthermore, the judge concluded that the necessary methods to guarantee the health and well-being of animals in this type of transport were not being adopted and urged for the harmonization between the interests of human animals (economic interest or interest in providing food for the population) with the ethics that must preside over their relations with non-human animals, encouraging the country to be at the forefront in abolishing inappropriate handling and eradicating all types of cruelty against animals. Even though this is a landmark decision, it is important to mention that this is not a final decision constituting legal precedent, and a higher court can invalidate it if it is appealed. Case
Brazil - Dogs and Cats - Sao Paulo State Law n. 12.916 (no kill ordinance) Sao Paulo State Law n. 12.916, concerning stray dogs and cats

Sao Paulo state becomes the first Brazilian state to enact a law banning the killing of stray dogs and cat as a population control practice. The law n. 12.916 was enacted in April 16, 2008. The law asserts that animal control agencies shall work together with non-profits and other organizations to reach the law’s objective which is the sterilization of domestic animals as a form of population control, to establish adoption centers, and to put forward adoption programs for stray animals. In addition, the animal control agencies shall promote educational programs about responsible pet ownership.

Brazil - Crimes - Brazilian Environmental Crimes Law Law 9, 605 (Feb 12, 1998)

This law of Brazil seeks to protect wildlife and plants of the country, particularly endangered species. 

Brazil - Constitutional Provision - Animal TITLE Vlll, CHAP. VI, ART. 225

Article 8 of the Constitution provides for legal concern about animals.(See, VII. of Paragraph 1.) 

Brazil - Constitution (Portuguese) - Constituiclo Federal do Brazil - Protecclo dos Animais CHAPTER VI, ART. 225

Constituiclo Federal do Brazil - Protecclo dos Animais

