
Displaying 5981 - 5990 of 6754
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
State Spay and Neuter Laws Cynthia Hodges

Brief Summary of State Spay and Neuter Laws
Cynthia Hodges, J.D., LL.M., M.A. (2010)

Topical Introduction
The Cracking Facade of the International Whaling Commission as an Institution of International Law: Norwegian Small-Type Whaling Brian T. Hodges 15 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 295

This article discusses the fact that the International Whaling Commission has not expressly recognized the Makah tribe's aboriginal subsistence need, and instead has intentionally left the issue ambiguous. The only viable reason for the IWC to deny the Norwegians a quota under the same exemption is the "aboriginal" requirement. The IWC should clarify the legal ambiguities regarding the right to harvest whales, and it should grant subsistence right to Norwegian coastal fishermen.

Brief Summary of State Cat Laws Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal & Historical Center

Most state cat laws deal with anti-cruelty and health concerns, such as requiring rabies vaccinations. A majority of states address over-population by requiring shelters to sterilize animals they adopt out, but otherwise consider free-roaming and feral cats to be a local issue. Local governments deal with the problems associated with these cats, such as nuisance, trespass, property damage, and destruction of native wildlife.

Brief Summary of State Spay and Neuter Laws Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal and Historical Center

A majority of states have enacted laws requiring releasing agencies to sterilize cats and dogs they adopt out in an effort to reduce the number of unwanted animals. Exceptions to the mandatory sterilization laws are often made for owners and for medically unfit animals. Violations are punishable both civilly and criminally.

The Canadian Commercial Seal Hunt: In Search Of International Legal Protection For Harp Seals Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper considers several sources of international law as potential candidates to protect harp seals from cruelty and over-exploitation. Part I of this paper discusses the Canadian Marine Mammal Regulations, which are the legal-regulatory structure under which the hunt takes place. Part II describes the range and status of the main species targeted in the commercial seal hunt, namely, the harp seals. Part III reviews several several sources of international law as potential candidates to protect and conserve the targeted harp seals. This paper concludes that the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora(CITES) is the most likely candidate to protect harp seals from unsustainable trade, and that they should be listed as a protected species under Appendix II.

Table of Humane Society Enforcement Powers Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table outlines the powers granted to agents of humane societies in some states to enforce anti-cruelty statutes. Such powers include serving search warrants, seizing animals, and arresting offenders. Some states require that humane officers complete training and instruction related to investigating animal cruelty.

Topic Table
Animal Industry Interference (Ecoterrorism/Agroterrorism) Cynthia Hodges

Brief Summary of Animal Industry Interference ("Ag-Gag") Laws
Cynthia Hodges (2011)

Topical Introduction
Brief Summary of Ordinances for Pet Number Restrictions Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal & Historical Center

Some cities and towns have attempted to address pet nuisance issues by limiting the number of pets a person can own. These laws are sometimes challenged by pet owners because the laws impact pet owners’ property rights. However, courts usually uphold the laws if they are rationally related to protecting the public health, safety, and welfare.

Lacey Act Cynthia Hodges

Brief Summary of the Lacey Act
Cynthia Hodges, J.D., LL.M., M.A. (2010)

Topical Introduction
Brief Summary of Laws on Assistance Animals Cynthia F. Hodges Animal Legal & Historical Center

State and federal laws prohibit discrimination against disabled people who rely on service animals. Such laws try to protect the rights of disabled people and safeguard their service animals from harm. The penalties for violating these laws include fines, restitution, and imprisonment.

