
Displaying 5811 - 5820 of 6653
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Detailed Discussion of Dog Fighting Hanna Gibson Animal Legal and Historical Center

An in-depth article on the insidious crime of dogfighting, including information for investigators and prosecutors. The discussion focuses on the history, sociology, and and effects on communities due to dogfighting. Further included is a discussion of the relevant legal issues raised in prosecuting dogfighting offenders.

Brief Summary of Dog Fighting Laws Hanna Gibson Animal Legal and Historical Center

A brief overview of the history, scope, and legal status of dog-fighting.

Dog Fighting Hanna Gibson

Brief Summary of Dog Fighting Laws
Hanna Gibson (2005)

Topical Introduction
Overview of Dog Fighting Hanna Gibson Animal Legal and Historical Center This overview provides a description of outward signs that a dogfighting operation may be occurring. These include injuries to dogs, associated paraphernalia, and other signs. The paper also describe changes occurring in dogfighting laws to address challenges faced by communities. Article
Where's Fido: Pets are Missing in Domestic Violence Shelters and Stalking Laws Tara J. Gilbreath 4 Journal of Animal Law 1 (2008)

This article addresses two key areas of domestic violence law where disregard for the bond shared by an animal and owner places both the animal and the domestic violence victim in danger. The first of these situations is the majority of domestic violence shelters’ refusal or inability to allow victims to bring their animals with them. The second is the law’s blatant omission of a stalker’s threat of violence, and actual violence, towards animals from coverage by the nation’s anti-stalking laws. Both of these situations illustrate how refusal by the law to recognize the bond shared by human and animal place both in peril.

A Cover-Girl Face does not have to Begin with Animal Cruelty: Chapter 476 Gives Legal Force to Alternative Testing Methods Stacy E. Gillespie 32 MCGLR 461 (2001)

The article examines animal testing by providing detailed background information on toxicity testing, product injury and consumer safety, and alternative testing. In addition, the article provides information regarding the agencies that oversee animal testing. Finally, the article analyzes federal and state laws that exist to monitor animal testing, specifically focusing on California legislation.

Symposium: Confronting Barriers To The Courtroom For Animal Advocates - Introduction Clayton Gillete and Joyce Tischler 13 Animal Law 13 (2006)

On April 14, 2006, the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of New York University School of Law hosted a symposium on how to overcome some common courtroom barriers faced by animal advocates. Panelists discussed cultural and legal transitions, legal standing for nonhuman animals, and potential causes of action. Symposium participants included prominent attorneys, authors, philosophers, and professors specializing in the field of animal protection law.

New Law to Ensure the Protection of Animals in Spain Teresa Gimenez-Candela Animal Legal & Historical Center Law 32/2007, of 7th November for the care of animals during their exploitation, transport, experimentation and sacrifice. The law is composed of a Preamble and is structured in three titles, and is completed by an additional provision and six final provisions. This Act provides, in compliance with the European Community mandate, a set of principles on the care of animals and a schedule of offences and penalties that gives legal effect to the obligations under current regulations. The Act also provides the foundation for the system of penalties. This is accomplished by establishing a common denominator policy under which the autonomous local communities may exercise their powers. That common denominator guarantees the consistency necessary for the operation of the applicable rules and ensures a minimum proportionality in the sanctions. Article
New Law to Ensure the Protection of Animals in Spain Teresa Gimenez-Candela Animal Legal & Historical Web Center

This articles give an over view of the 2007 Spanish law for the protection of animals - In English.

The Historical and Contemporary Prosecution and Punishment of Animals Jen Girgen 9 Animal L. 97 (2003)

This article analyzes the role of the animal “offender,” by examining the animal trials and executions of years past. The writer argues that although the formal prosecution of animals as practiced centuries ago may have ended (for the most part), we continue to punish animals for their “crimes” against human beings. She suggests that we do this primarily to achieve two ends: the restoration of order and the achievement of revenge, and concludes with a call for a renewed emphasis on “due process” for animals threatened with punishment for their offenses.

