
Displaying 6151 - 6160 of 6649
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Animals in Circuses and the Laws Governing Them Anastasia Niedrich Animal Legal & Historical Center This paper provides a detailed analysis of the federal, state, and international laws that affect circus animals. It also focuses specific attention on three species (primates, elephants, and big cats) that are a special concern for circuses. The threats facing circus animals themselves and the audience members who attend circuses are outlined. Finally, several other countries' laws regarding circuses are presented as a comparison to U.S. law. Article
Is Recovered Really Recovered?: Recovered Species Under the Endangered Species Act James L. Noles 39 Cumb. L. Rev. 387 (2008-2009)

This article explores the delisting process for the Endangered Species Act undertaken by the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service. It examines the mechanism of the delisting process and then looks at the recovery of seventeen species delisted prior to 2007.

Norway Animal Welfare Act of 2010 Short Summary Norway Norway Summary, Norwegian Government

This document provides a short summary of the various provisions of the 2010 Norway Animal Welfare Act.

Norway Government Notes on 2010 Animal Welfare Act Norway Government Norway, Norwegian Government

This document, written by Norway's government, gives an overview of the various sections of the new 2010 Animal Welfare Act.


A national animal abuser registry has the potential to provide law enforcement agencies with a much-needed tool for tracking animal abusers, but no such registry exists. This Comment first discusses existing state and federal criminal registries for sex offenders, child abusers, and elder abusers. It determines that existing criminal registries often contain inaccurate entries and that they have little deterrent effect, making their potential infringement on offenders’ Constitutional rights and other collateral consequences difficult to justify.  

This Comment then turns to the viability of a national animal abuse registry, discussing the link between the abuse of animals and violence towards other humans. Although no state or national animal abuse registries currently exist, several states have tried to pass legislation that would create such registries. In the absence of state-run registries, independent animal interest groups have formed registries of their own. This Comment explores the inherent drawbacks of volunteer-run, financially unaccountable organizations promulgating information about animal abusers. It then concludes that government funding and staffing could fix the accountability gaps that exist with the registries developed by private organizations and proposes a framework for a national animal abuse registry.

YOU DON’T OWN ME: FERAL DOGS AND THE QUESTION OF OWNERSHIP Stacy A. Nowicki 21 Animal L. 1 (2014) Feral dogs occupy an ambiguous position, challenging standard categories of domestication, wildness, and property ownership. This ambiguity, in turn, complicates the legal status of feral dogs. Feral dogs’ property status is particularly critical, as whether a feral dog is owned by someone, or no one at all, hold implications not only for civil and criminal liability in incidents involving feral dogs, but also the legal ability of animal rescue organizations to intervene in the lives of feral dogs. Part II of this Article summarizes the application of property law to animals, particularly highlighting the role played by an animal’s status as wild or domestic; Part III explores the factors distinguishing feral dogs from other canines, determining that feral dogs should properly be situated as domestic animals; Part IV discusses the legal landscape relevant to feral dogs, focusing particularly on ownership and liability; and Part V examines the ways in which the property status of feral dogs may impact an animal rescue organization’s ability to care for those animals. Article
When Fido is Family: How Landlord-Imposed Pet Bans Restrict Access to Housing Kate O'Reilly-Jones 52 Colum. J.L. & Soc. Probs. 427 (Spring, 2019) Renters today face widespread landlord-imposed pet restrictions. At the same time, Americans increasingly view their pets as family members, and many do not see giving up their animals as an option when looking for housing. Consequently, pet-owning renters often struggle to find suitable places to live and end up compromising on quality, location, and safety. As homeownership drops and renting becomes more prevalent across the United States, landlord-imposed pet restrictions increasingly constrain choices, effectively reducing access to housing for many Americans. These policies particularly impact low-income families and those with socially-maligned dog breeds.

This Note analyzes how landlord-imposed pet restrictions burden renters with dogs, with a particular focus on renters in the Los Angeles area. Parts II and III explain how legal and cultural attitudes toward pets are evolving, and how public and private restrictions constrain pet ownership. Part IV discusses the impact of landlord-imposed pet restrictions on renters and compares the situation to non-rental contexts in which people have sacrificed their own well-being to protect their pets. Part V asserts that the Fourteenth Amendment Due Process Clause and the penumbral right to privacy can be interpreted to protect pet-owning families from government-imposed pet restrictions. It argues that while these constitutional protections do not apply in the private rental context, they do suggest that landlords unreasonably infringe on renters' privacy interests and that legislators should act to constrain landlord control.
Animal Reserach Policy in Australia Siobhan O'Sullivan Animal Legal & Historical Center (2006)

This paper looks at the effects of the changes in the law dealing with decision making about animals in research. The author suggests that the transparency sought by some was not realized, but that such transparency may not be as important as originally thought.

Animal Research: Policy, Public Perception, and the Problems of Transparency Siobhan O'Sullivan Australia Animal Law Paper (2005)

This paper looks at the effects of the changes in the law dealing with decision making about animals in research. The author suggests that the transparency sought by some was not realized, but that such transparency may not be as important as originally thought.

PRINCIPLES OF ANIMAL RESEARCH: REPLACEMENT, REDUCTION, REFINEMENT, AND RESPONSIBILITY Bryan D. Ogden 2 Animal L. 167 (1996) This article was adapted from remarks from Bryan D. Ogden at a symposium held by the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College on September 23, 1995 regarding issues affecting domestic and captive animals. Article
