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Folks come to law smithies with tort troubles. Those troubles follow this general scenario: Allegedly, someone has breached a duty owed that damaged another’s right, thus calling for a duty of smithies to fix it. In this nation’s separation of government powers, that scenario initiates a job for the judicial branch, where courts are the shop smithies. Within their job description and among its many work orders lies the issue of pet loss remedy. That remedy will be the focus of this Essay; but first, all remedy of any kind must be put in context.

Never Enough: Animal Hoarding Law Courtney G. Lee 47 U. Balt. L. Rev. 23 (2017) ABSTRACT Animal hoarding, a disorder that causes sufferers to acquire animals compulsively despite the inability or unwillingness to provide them with adequate care, is a widespread, costly, often underestimated problem that causes more animal suffering than all acts of intentional cruelty combined. Not only are animals harmed, but humans are as well, from dependents that live with hoarders to members of the surrounding communities to the hoarders themselves. Current laws do not address the issue effectively, and recidivism rates are close to 100%. This Article seeks to increase awareness of the animal hoarding problem and offers suggestions as to how the law might evolve to better manage and resolve these complex cases. Article
The Animal Welfare Act at Fifty Courtney G. Lee 95 Neb. L. Rev. 194-247 (2016) Part II summarizes the background of the law, its enactment, and its amendments; Part III discusses the species covered, or not covered, by the AWA; Part IV considers the effectiveness and necessity of current animal testing procedures in light of growing technological advancements; Part V compares laboratory testing in other countries; Part VI explores the fates of laboratory animals no longer needed by their facilities; and Part VII offers some recommendations for improvements to the AWA. Article
Detailed Discussion of Anti-maltreatment Laws in France and Spain Loïs Laimene Lelanchon Animal Legal & Historical Center

In terms of animal protection, France has paved the way for Spain to adopt a solid legislation. French and Spain legislations are based on the Roman law tradition and encounter difficulties to detach themselves from the concept of animal-machine. The penal protection was at first initiated in both countries on the ground of the protection of public morality. Later on, the criminal provisions relating to intentional cruelty towards animals have been shaped around the notion of maltreatment.

Overview of Dog Racing Laws Chelsea Lenard Animal Legal & Historical Center This article begins with a brief history of dog racing laws in the United States. It then goes on to discuss the declining interest in dog racing and its causes and compares the nine states that still have dog racing laws enacted, detailing specific provisions from each state. The article ends with a potential new problem, despite the trend in banning the sport, which is: what will happen to all the displaced dogs? Article
2006-2007 Case Law Review Kathryn Leonard 3 J. Animal L. 193 (2007)

This article provides a tabular summary of the major animal law cases of 2006 to 2007.

Jonah Swallows the Whale: An Examination of American and International Failures To Adequately Protect Whales From Impending Exti David S. Lessoff 11 J. Envtl. L. & Litig. 413

This article discusses the various loopholes within the IWC that have rendered the Commission's regulations and imposition of quotas meaningless. The IWC's inability to impose penalties against nations has not curtailed harvesting of whales in excess of IWC quotas and, as a result, whale stocks continue to plummet throughout the world.

Overview of Medical Research Animals Nikki Leung Animal Legal & Historical Center This overview examines various federal regulations on animal biomedical testing within the United States as well as the industry’s standards and trends. The application of the federal Animal Welfare Act and regulations issued by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are discussed. The importance of self-regulation mainly through the Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care (AAALAC) is also outlined. Article
Medical Research Animals Nikki Leung

Brief Summary of Medical Research Animals
Nikki Leung (2014)


Topical Introduction
Detailed Discussion of Medical Research and Animals Nikki Leung Animal Legal & Historical Center This paper will examine the various federal regulations on animal biomedical testing within the United States as well as the industry’s standards and trends. The first four sections examine the FDA requirements for medical products in the United States, federal animal welfare regulations, the general structure of a research facility, and industry regulations for animal use. The second half of this paper examines the species of animals used in research as well as their source of purchase. Accepted methods of euthanasia per species are also examined. By comparing the options available for a research facility to animal use regulations in the United States, it is hoped that the structure of animal welfare in the laboratory can be understood from both economic and legal motivations that influence animal research use today. Article
