
Displaying 1 - 10 of 369
Title Citation Alternate Citation Agency Citation Summary Type
OK - Importation - Subchapter 25. Wildlife Classified as Domesticated and Exempt OK ADC 800:25-25-1 - 3 OAC 800:25-25-1 - 3 The purpose of this Subchapter is to establish a list of wildlife that are to be considered domesticated and, therefore, exempt from licensing and permit requirements of the Department. Administrative
US - AWA - Subpart D. Specifications/Standards for Nonhuman Primates 9 C.F.R. § 3.75 to .92 This portion of the AWA regulations contains the humane care provisions for non-human primates. Included are requirements for housing facilities, primary enclosures, provisions for psychological well-being, feeding, watering, sanitization, employee requirements, and transportation standards. Administrative
VT - Exotic pet, wildlife - § 4709. Importation, stocking wild animals 10 V.S.A. § 4709 VT ST T. 10 § 4709 This Vermont law provides that a person may not bring into the state or possess any live wild bird or animal of any kind, unless the person obtains from the commissioner a permit to do so. Applicants shall pay a permit fee of $100.00. Statute
Animal Legal Defense Fund; Animal Welfare Institute; Valerie Buchanan; Jane Garrison; Nancy Megna, plaintiffs-appellants v. Ann In this federal action, plaintiffs (ALDF, the AWI, and three individuals) challenged the USDA's decision not to adopt a Draft Policy that would have provided guidance to zoos, research facilities, and other regulated entities in how to ensure the psychological well-being of on-human primates in order to comply with the Animal Welfare Act. While the district court found that the USDA's decision did not constitute a reviewable final agency decision, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the lower court did indeed have authority under the Administrative Procedures Act to review the agency's decision not to create a policy. On June 4, 2007, the Court vacated the previous opinion and dismissed the appeal with prejudice. Two judges wrote separate opinions, concurring and dissenting in part. Pleading
HI - Wildlife - Chapter 183D. Wildlife. H R S § 183D-1 - 66 HI ST § 183D-1 - § 183D-66 These statutes comprise Hawaii's wildlife provisions. Statute
MI - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Statutes (MCL 750.49 - 70) M. C. L. A. 750.49 - 70a; M.C.L.A. 750.158 MI ST 750.49 - 70a; 750.158 The Michigan Legislature has designed three primary provisions related to cruelty to animals: intentional infliction of pain and suffering, duty to provide care, and anti-animal fighting. The intentional infliction of pain and suffering provision carries the most severe penalties for animal cruelty and a violation is automatically a felony. A violation of the duty to provide care provision is initially a misdemeanor, which becomes a felony for a second or subsequent violation. A violation of the anti-animal fighting provision is either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the severity of conduct related to fighting. The provision does not apply to the lawful killing of livestock or customary animal husbandry of livestock, or lawful fishing, hunting, trapping, wildlife control, pest or rodent control, and animal research. Statute
DE - Exotic Animals - Chapter 903. Exotic Animal Regulations 3 DE ADC 903-1.0 - 14 3 Del. Admin. Code 903-1.0 to 14 These regulations govern the permitting process, possession, sale, rehabilitation and exhibition of exotic animals, i.e., live wild mammals, hybrids of wild mammals, and live reptiles not native to or generally found in the State of Delaware. The State Veterinarian or her or his designee shall have the authority to administer these regulations and shall be solely responsible for making the determinations required herein. Administrative
ND - Endangered Species - Chapter 20.1-09. Propagation of Protected Birds and Animals NDCC 20.1-01-021 - 02, NDCC 20.1-09-01 - 05 ND ST 20.1-01-01 - 02, 20.1-09-01 - 05 These North Dakota statutes provide a state definition for endangered species as well as laws relating to possession and propagation of protected animals. Statute
WY - Rehabilitation - Chapter 45. Wildlife Rehabilitation WY ADC GAME POSS Ch. 45 s 1 - 24 WY Rules and Regulations GAME POSS Ch. 45 s 1 - 24 The purpose of this regulation is to provide for the care of sick, injured, debilitated or orphaned wildlife, excluding big game animals and trophy game animals, by permitted wildlife rehabilitators and to provide criteria for the issuance of permits to such wildlife rehabilitators. In accordance with this regulation, wildlife rehabilitators issued permits pursuant to this regulation may acquire sick, injured, debilitated, or orphaned wildlife and provide necessary treatment in order that the wildlife may be returned to live in the wild independent of human aid and sustenance. As soon as it can be determined that sick or injured wildlife is not likely to recover within one-hundred eighty (180) days, the wildlife shall be euthanized; unless Department approval is given for extended care. Administrative
AL - Wildlife - § 9-2-13. Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources -- Authority to prohibit importation of birds, anim Ala. Code 1975 § 9-2-13 AL ST § 9-2-13 This Alabama law provides that the Commissioner of Conservation and Natural Resources may, by regulation, prohibit the importation of any animal when such importation is not in the best interest of the state. However, this does not apply to those animals used for display purposes at circuses, carnivals, zoos, and other shows or exhibits. Importing a prohibited animal into the state is a Class C misdemeanor with a fine of $1,000 - 5,000, or jail for 30 days, or both. Statute
