
Displaying 61 - 70 of 369
Title Citation Alternate Citation Agency Citation Summary Type
FL - Rehabilitation, wildlife - 68A-9.006. Wildlife Rehabilitation Permit. 68 FL ADC 68A-9.006 Rule 68A-9.006, F.A.C. This Florida regulation sets forth the requirements to obtain a permit for wildlife rehabilitation. Administrative
IN - Exotic Pets - Article 9. Fish and Wildlife. Rule 3. Mammals. 312 IAC 9-3-18.5 Exotic mammals. 312 IN ADC 9-3-18.5 312 IAC 9-3-18.5 This regulation lists certain exotic mammals that may not be taken (harmed, harassed, or killed) and establishes restrictions on the possession and sale of those exotic mammals. Administrative
NE - Endangered Species - Article 8. Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act Neb. Rev. St. § 37-801 to 811 NE ST § 37-801 to 811 These statutes comprise the Nebraska Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation Act. Included are the definitions used in the Act, the legislative intent behind the Act, and the duty of the commission that oversees the Act. Violation of the Act constitutes a Class II misdemeanor. Statute
VA - Endangered Species - Article 6. Endangered Species. Va. Code Ann. §§ 29.1-563 - 570 VA ST §§ 29.1-563 - 570 The taking, transportation, possession, sale, or offer for sale within the Commonwealth of any fish or wildlife appearing on any list of threatened or endangered species published by the United States Secretary of the Interior pursuant to the provisions of the federal Endangered Species Act of 1973 (P.L. 93-205), or any modifications or amendments thereto, is prohibited except as provided in § 29.1-568. Interestingly, the state mandates that anyone who keeps a non-native or exotic reptile must keep the reptile so as to prevent it from running-at-large or escaping.  Violation of this provision is a Class 2 misdemeanor. Statute
Orangutana, Sandra s/ Habeas Corpus Orangutana, Sandra s/ Habeas Corpus This decision was decided on an appeal of the writ of habeas corpus brought on behalf of an orangutan named Sandra after it was denied in its first instance. Pablo Buompadre, President of the Association of Officials and Attorneys for the Rights of Animals (AFADA) brought a writ of habeas corpus against the Government of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and the City Zoological Garden of Buenos Aires on behalf of the hybrid of two different orangutan species, Sandra. AFADA sought the immediate release and relocation of Sandra to the primate sanctuary of Sorocaba, in the State of Sao Paulo in Brazil. AFADA argued that Sandra had been deprived illegitimately and arbitrarily of her freedom by the authorities of the zoo, and that her mental and physical health was at the time deeply deteriorated, with imminent risk of death. For the first time, basic legal rights were granted to an animal. In this case, Argentina’s Federal Chamber of Criminal Cassation ruled that animals are holders of basic rights. The Court stated that “from a dynamic and non-static legal interpretation, it is necessary to recognize [Sandra] an orangutan as a subject of rights, as non-human subjects (animals) are holders of rights, so it imposes her protection." Case
US - Chimpanzees - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Endangered Status for Chimpanzee and Pygmy Chimpanzee 1990 WL 325467 (F.R.) 50 CFR Part 17 RIN 1018-AB23

The Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) reclassifies wild populations of the chimpanzee and all populations of the pygmy chimpanzee from threatened to endangered status. Both species have declined through such problems as massive habitat destruction, excessive hunting and capture by people, and lack of effective national and international controls. This rule will enhance the protection of the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, for these species. Captive populations of the chimpanzee will continue to be classified as threatened, and individuals of that species in the United States will continue to be covered by a special regulation allowing activities otherwise prohibited.

NE - Exotic Wildlife - 008 Keeping Wildlife in Captivity 163 NE ADC Ch. 4, § 008 Neb. Admin. R. & Regs. Tit. 163, Ch. 4, § 008 This Nebraska regulation lists species that are unlawful to keep unless a person is issued a Captive Wildlife Permit, a Controlled Shooting Area Permit, a Rehabilitation Permit or a Scientific Collectors Permit, issued by the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission or under a captive cervine permit issued by the Nebraska Department of Agriculture. Captive Wildlife Permits shall not be issued for wild birds or wild mammals which have been taken or removed from the wild. Provisions for public auctions that deal in captive wild bird or mammals are described in 008.004. Importation and exportation of wildlife are also detailed in this rule. Administrative
TX - Dangerous - Subchapter E: Dangerous Wild Animals V. T. C. A., Health & Safety Code § 822.101 - 116 TX HEALTH & S § 822.101 - 116 Chapter 822, Subchapter E regulates the keeping of dangerous wild animals. It imposes a registration requirement upon the owner of a dangerous wild animal and also sets forth insurance requirements. One thing to note is that Texas animal cruelty laws do not apply to these wild animals. Statute
NJ - Endangered - Chapter 2A. Wildlife Generally NJSA 23:2A-1 to 23:2A-1:16 NJ ST 23:2A-1 to 23:2A-1:16 These statutes comprise the New Jersey Endangered and Nongame Species Conservation Act. The definitions used in the Act are described as well as the rules for listing species, the powers and duties of the supervising department, and the designation of funding.  Under the statute, violation of the Act incurs a civil penalty of $250-5,000. In 2014, provisions were added for the prohibition on import, sale, or purchase of ivory products. In 2018, a law was added that prohibits a person from using a wild or exotic animal in a traveling animal act. Statute
VT - Primates - Rule 300. Animal Welfare Regulations. VT ADC 2-4-300:1.1 - .88 Vt. Admin. Code 2-4-300:1.1 to 3.88 These Vermont regulations provide animal welfare standards for all licensees, including recordkeeping requirements, holding periods, and inspection provisions. Subpart D then outlines the specifications for the humane handling, care, treatment, and transportation of nonhuman primates. Facility requirements, feeding, watering, veterinary care, and transportation requirements are described, among other things. Administrative
