Genetic Engineering

Displaying 1 - 10 of 14
Titlesort ascending Summary
US - Patent - Patentability of Inventions and Grant of Patents The Patent Act governs the law of patents in the United States. Currently, the Patent and Trademark Office functions to issue patents, for which genetically engineered animal species may legally be patented in the United States.
MI - Transgenic and Nonnative Organisms - Chapter 324.Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act The following Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act sections lists which transgenic and non-native organisms are either restricted or prohibited in the state of Michigan. In addition to listing a species as prohibited or restricted, the statute also grants authority to the Commission of Natural Resources (for all species except insects or plants) and to the Commission of Agriculture (for insect and plant species only) to add or delete an organism from either list. The statute also provides exceptions—with qualifications—to possessing a restricted or prohibited species; provisions in which a person can introduce a prohibited or restricted species; and circumstances in which a person is not considered to be in possession of a restricted or prohibited species.
Human Identity: The Question Presented by Human-Animal Hybridization
Genetic Engineering and Animals
From Microbe to Man
Diamond v. Chakrabarty

In this case, the Supreme Court of the United States asserts that patent protection may exist for "anything under the sun," so long as it is created by man.  This has permitted genetically engineered animals to be patentable subject matter in the United States.  For more information on patent protection in the United States, see the Patent Act. 

Detailed Discussion of Genetic Engineering and Animal Rights: The Legal Terrain and Ethical Underpinnings

This paper discusses the legal, environmental, and ethical dilemmas involved with genetic engineering technology and its creation of transgenic animal species. Currently, transgenic animal species are patentable subject matter in both the United States and in Europe and the use of such technology is largely left unregulated. This paper discusses the pros and cons that genetic engineering technology bring to the modern world in light of the relative absence of legal barriers facing genetic engineers.

Brief Summary of Genetic Engineering and Animals

This paper provides a brief overview of the pros and cons of genetic engineering technology and its creation of and patenting of transgenic animal species.

Brief Summary of Genetic Engineering and Animals

This is a very brief overview of the ethical and legal circumstances surrounding the genetic modification of animals.
