Full Statute Name:  West's Utah Code Annotated. Title 23a. Wildlife Resources Act. Chapter 5. Enforcement and Violations. Part 3. Violations

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Primary Citation:  U.C.A. 1953 § 23A-5-321 - 322 (formerly U.C.A. 1953 § 23-20-29, 23-20-29.5) Country of Origin:  United States Last Checked:  January, 2025 Alternate Citation:  UT ST § 23A-5-321 - 322 (formerly UT ST § 23-20-29, 23-20-29.5) Historical: 
Summary: This section reflects Utah's hunter harassment provisions. A person is guilty of a class B misdemeanor who intentionally interferes with the right of a person, licensed and legally hunting, to take wildlife by driving, harassing, or intentionally disturbing any species of wildlife for the purpose of disrupting a legal hunt, trapping, or predator control. A person adversely affected, or the state, may bring a civil action for damages resulting from the violation or a seek a restraining order. This section does not apply to incidental interference with a hunt caused by lawful activities including, but not limited to, ranching, mining, and recreation.

§ 23A-5-321. Interference with hunting prohibited--Action to recover damages--Exceptions--Criminal penalty

(1) A person may not interfere with the right of a person licensed and legally hunting under Chapter 4, Licenses, Permits, Certificates of Registration, and Tags, to take wildlife by driving, harassing, or intentionally disturbing a species of wildlife for the purpose of disrupting a legal hunt, trapping, or predator control.

(2) A person who violates this section is subject to the penalty provided in Section 23A-5-301.

(3) A directly affected person or the state may bring an action to recover civil damages resulting from a violation of Subsection (1) or a restraining order to prevent a potential violation of Subsection (1).

(4) This section does not apply to incidental interference with a hunt caused by lawful activities including ranching, mining, and recreation.

Laws 2023, c. 103, § 143, eff. July 1, 2023.

§ 23A-5-322. Interference with hunters or hunting activity--Criminal penalty

A person who intentionally interferes with a person who is licensed and taking wildlife legally under Chapter 4, Licenses, Permits, Certificates of Registration, and Tags, or disrupts an activity involving a legal hunt, trapping, falconry, or predator control may be charged with a violation under Section 76-9-102 if that interference or disruption constitutes a violation under Section 76-9-102.

Laws 2023, c. 103, § 144, eff. July 1, 2023.

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