Decreto 1608 regulates the Code of Natural Renewable Resources and environmental protection regarding terrestrial wildlife, as well as all the activities and products relating to this resource. Even though Decreto 1608 lays out general dispositions for the conservation and protection of terrestrial wildlife, Article 5 establishes that Decreto 1608 applies to “the management of cetaceans, sirenians, pinnipeds, marine and semi-aquatic birds, sea turtles and fresh or brackish water, anuran batrachians and all other species that do not complete their life cycle in the aquatic environment, but that depend on it for their subsistence.”
In order to guarantee the efficient use of wildlife and its products, Decreto 1608, requires specific licenses for the exploitation of wildlife and its products. It establishes the parameters and limitations for the activity of hunting and the granting of licenses for this purpose. It entrusts the National Institute of Renewable Natural Resources and the Regional Corporations the management, preservation, promotion and protection of the wildlife. These entities also have the power to grant special licenses for the activities regulated in this decreto. It establishes the time and space limitations for hunting.
Some of the topics that Decreto 1608 regulates are:
- Special rules for the protection and management of the terrestrial wildlife. It regulates programs for restoration, conservation and preservation of wildlife species. It regulates the activity of hunting and the requirements for obtaining a license. It also has title concerning the exploitation of wildlife by zoo-breeders, hunting preserves and faunal territories. It regulates the requirements, restrictions and conditions for zoos to be allowed to operate. Finally, Decreto 1608 regulates the concerning to transport of wildlife specimens and their products and importation and exportation of animals.
- Among the general prohibitions, Article 220 prohibits “the use of dogs as a system of harassment or persecution in the hunting of deer.” It prohibits the use of substances that cause the deterioration of the environment in hunting, specifically, “The destruction or deterioration of nests, dens, burrows, caves, eggs or offspring of wildlife animals, or the places that constitute their habitat.” Article 221 makes it illegal to export wildlife specimens, with exception of animals destined to scientific research or those expressly authorized by the national Government.
- The penalties for non-compliance with this regulation go from warnings to fines and closure of the establishment that deal with wildlife specimens. License suspension and revocation, confiscation of wildlife specimens, wildlife products, and equipment used to commit the violations may also occur, depending on the type of infraction.