Full Statute Name:  Decreto 1500 de 2007

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Primary Citation:  Decreto 1500 de 2007 Country of Origin:  Colombia Last Checked:  February, 2018 Date Adopted:  2007 Historical: 
Summary: This decreto establishes the technical rules that frame the system of inspections, supervision and controls over meat processed for human consumption. These health requirements must be met at every step of the chain, from primary production to marketplaces. Article 31, lays out the requirements for the antemortem and postmortem inspection of animals in slaughterhouses. Numeral 3 of this article establishes that slaughter methods must be humane. According to this article, animals must be slaughtered through non-cruel methods. Animals have to be appropriately stunned before being slaughtered. Slaughter must be done following correct techniques, avoiding unnecessary risks for the operator and suffering of the animal. The methods utilized must be authorized by the National Institute for Drug and Food Supervision (INVIMA). This article establishes ritual religions as the only exception to humane slaughter. This process must be supervised and approved by the Invima.
Documents:  PDF icon DECRETO 1500 DE 2007 .pdf (301.48 KB)



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