Full Statute Name:  Código de Etica para el ejercicio profesional de la medicina veterinaria, la medicina veterinaria y zootecnia y zootecnia

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Popular Title:    Primary Citation:  LEY 576, 2000 Country of Origin:  Colombia Last Checked:  February, 2018 Date Adopted:  2000
Summary: This law reflects the Code of Ethics for the professional exercise of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry. This law contains the guidelines and standards of the veterinary professions that must be followed by veterinarians and veterinary zoo technicians to avoid veterinary malpractice liability. Ley 576, prescribes the type of behaviors that are not allowed and the circumstances were such behaviors could take place. In addition, this law also creates the tribunal of professional ethics for these professions, and the legal procedure that must be followed by this tribunal in the undertaking of investigations and hearing of users’ complaints. Furthermore, this law regulates the ethical behavior, and responsibilities of the veterinary professionals towards their clients, other colleagues, veterinary assistants, natural resources, and professional associations.
Documents:  PDF icon 7. Ley 576, 2000.pdf (163.48 KB)



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