PA - Veterinary - Chapter 14A. Veterinary Medicine Practice. |
These are the state's veterinary practice laws. Among the provisions include licensing requirements, laws concerning the state veterinary board, veterinary records laws, and the laws governing disciplinary actions for impaired or incompetent practitioners. |
PA - Trust - § 7738. Trust for care of animal - UTC 408 |
In 2006, Pennsylvania became the 32nd state to adopt a pet trust law. The law provides that a trust may be created to provide for the care of an animal alive during the settlor's lifetime. The trust terminates upon the death of the animal or, if the trust was created to provide for the care of more than one animal alive during the settlor's lifetime, upon the death of the last surviving animal. |
PA - Rehabilitation, wildlife - Subchapter P. Wildlife Rehabilitation |
Under this Pennsylvania chapter of regulations, the Director may issue a permit to an individual who meets the requirements of 34 Pa.C.S. § 2901(a) (relating to authority to issue permits) and this subchapter for the purpose of wildlife rehabilitation, wildlife capture and transportation, and educational use of rehabilitation wildlife. "Wildlife rehabilitation"is defined as the treatment and temporary care of injured, diseased and displaced wildlife, and the subsequent release of healthy wildlife to appropriate habitats in the wild. |
PA - Rabies - § 459-301. Quarantines |
This Pennsylvania statute outlines the procedures and regulations relative to the state rabies quarantine procedure for dogs. It also provides that any police officer or state dog warden may humanely kill any dog running at large in a rabies quarantined area without any liability for damages for such killing. |
PA - Rabies - Chapter 7A. Rabies Prevention and Control in Domestic Animals and Wildlife Act |
This chapter is known as the Rabies Prevention and Control in Domestic Animals and Wildlife Act. Every person living in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, who owns or keeps a dog or cat over three months of age, must have that dog or cat to be vaccinated against rabies. A person who violates any provision of this act commits a summary offense and shall, upon conviction, be sentenced to pay a fine not exceeding $300 for each violation. Each day of violation constitutes a separate offense. |
PA - Pittsburgh - CHAPTER 635: Other Animals And Fowl ( Article 3: Dogs, Cats, and Other Animals) |
These Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania ordinances prohibit any person from riding or driving any animal-drawn conveyance on any street or sidewalk within the city except by permit or by authorization from the Director of the Department of Public Works. Whoever violates this provision will be fined $100 for the first offense and $300 for any subsequent offenses. Additionally, these ordinances provide provisions related to rodeos and whoever violates these provisions will be punished by a fine not to exceed $1,000, imprisonment of up to 30 days, or both.
PA - Philadelphia - Chapter 10-100 Animals (Stables, Horse Ownership, Sale of Horsemeat - Secs. 10-107 - 10-108.2.) |
These Philadelphia, Pennsylvania ordinances require a person to obtain a license for operating a commercial stable; for renting a horse; for operating a horse drawn carriage, and for owning a horse in general. Not only do these ordinances provide information on how to obtain these licenses, but they also include horse care standards for each respective license. Penalties for violating these provisions and a prohibition on the sale of horse meat for human consumption are also included.
PA - Pet Sales - § 201-9.3. Dog purchaser protection |
This Pennsylvania statute comprises the state's Dog Purchaser Protection law. The law mandates disclosure of a dog's health history by a seller (defined as pet shop operator or other individual who sells dogs to the public and who owns or operates a kennel or pet shop licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture or the United States Department of Agriculture). If, within ten days after the date of purchase, a dog purchased from a seller is determined, through physical examination, diagnostic tests or necropsy by a veterinarian, to be clinically ill or dies from any contagious or infectious illness or any parasitic illness which renders it unfit for purchase or results in its death, the purchaser may exercise one of the described statutory elections. |
PA - Permits, Menagerie - Chapter 147. Special Permits |
These Pennsylvania regulations relate to safeguards for public safety, humane care and treatment, adequate housing and nutrition, sanitation, safety, acquisition and disposal of wildlife kept in menageries. Under the regulations, it is unlawful to keep wildlife in an unsanitary or unsafe condition or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The regulations outline requirements for cage construction, food and water provision, waste disposal, and drainage. |
PA - Permits - Subchapter M. Exotic Wildlife Dealer |
These Pennsylvania regulations relate to the housing and care of exotic wildlife and public protection from wildlife that is being held or transported by exotic wildlife dealers. Under the regulations, it is unlawful to keep exotic wildlife in confinement in an unsanitary or unsafe condition, or in a manner which results in maltreatment, mistreatment or neglect. The regulations outline requirements for housing, cage construction, food and water provision, waste removal. and drainage. |