Title![]() |
Citation | Summary | Type |
AU - Parks - National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 (SA) | National Parks and Wildlife Act 1972 |
An Act to provide for the establishment and management of reserves for public benefit and enjoyment; to provide for the conservation of wildlife in a natural environment; and for other purposes.
Statute |
AU - Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 (ACT) | Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 |
The Pest Plants and Animals Act 2005 (Pest Act) creates a system to identify and control potential pest plants and animals in the ACT. It provides a strategic framework for pest management. The objects of the Pest Act are to protect the Australian Capital Territories land and aquatic resources from threats posed by pest plants and animals by identifying, declaring and then managing pest plants and animals. |
Statute |
AU - Research - Animal Research Act 1985 (NSW) | Animal Research Act 1985 |
The NSW Act was introduced to protect the welfare of animals by ensuring that their use in research is always humane, considerate, responsible and justified. The 1995 Regulation incorporated the Australian Code of Practice for the Care and Use of Animals for Scientific Purposes into the legislation. Quorum The quorum for a meeting of the Panel is 7 members of the Panel, of whom: (a) at least one shall be a member appointed in accordance with section 6 (2) (a) or (b), (b) at least one shall be a member appointed in accordance with section 6 (2) (c) or (d), and (c) at least one shall be a member appointed in accordance with section 6 (2) (e), (f), (g) or (h). |
Statute |
AU - Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 (NSW) | Rural Lands Protection Act 1998 |
An Act to provide for the protection of rural lands; to provide for the establishment of the State Policy Council of Livestock Health and Pest Authorities and the constitution of livestock health and pest authorities and the State Management Council of Livestock Health and Pest Authorities and for the functions of those bodies; to regulate travelling stock reserves, stock watering places and the transportation of stock by vehicle; to provide for the control of certain pests; and for other purposes. |
Statute |
AU - Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 (QLD) | Threatened Species Protection Act 1995 |
The Nature Conservation Act 1992 is an act of the Parliament of Queensland that provides for the legislative protection of Queensland's threatened fauna and flora. As originally published, it provided for native animals and plants to be declared presumed extinct, endangered, vulnerable, rare or common. In 2004 the act was amended to more closely align with the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources categories: presumed extinct was changed to extinct in the wild and common was changed to least concern. |
Statute |
AU - Wildlife - Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 (NSW) | Game and Feral Animal Control Act 2002 |
The objects of this Act are: to provide for the effective management of introduced species of game animals; and to promote responsible and orderly hunting of those game animals on public and private land and of certain pest animals on public land. |
Statute |
AU - Wildlife - National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 (NSW) | National Parks and Wildlife Act 1974 | An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the establishment, preservation and management of national parks, historic sites and certain other areas and the protection of certain fauna, native plants and Aboriginal objects . | Statute |
AU - Wildlife - Nature Conservation Act 2002 (TAS) | Nature Conservation Act 2002 No. 63 of 2002 31.12.2002 |
An Act to make provision with respect to the conservation and protection of the fauna, flora and geological diversity of the State, to provide for the declaration of national parks and other reserved land and for related purposes. |
Statute |
AU - Wildlife - Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1977 (NT) | Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Act 1977 |
An Act to make provision for and in relation to the establishment of Territory Parks and other Parks and Reserves and the study, protection, conservation and sustainable utilisation of wildlife. |
Statute |
AU - Wildlife - Wilderness Protection Act 1992 (SA) | Wilderness Protection Act 1992 |
An Act to provide for the protection of wilderness and the restoration of land to its condition before European colonisation; and for other purposes. |
Statute |