
Displaying 6091 - 6100 of 6754
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Where Have All the Sea Otters Gone? Matthew Kuipers Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article begins by exploring the biology and habitat of the sea otter. It then discusses the history of human-sea otter interaction, and how the exploitation of otters for fur first led to the need for their protection. The current state of otter protection is analyzed, with specific focus on the Endangered Species Act and the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Finally, solutions for continued otter preservation are explained in conjunction with the major hurdles facing otter populations.

Detailed Discussion of Feral Cat Population Control Anthony E. LaCroix Animal Legal and Historical Center

Controversy has arisen over how best to deal with populations of feral cats. While cat advocates fight against killing cats, bird advocates and others see them as destructive to protected species. Legal issues of property ownership, causation, and classification of cats are central to the question of human liability for feral cats.

ANOTHER WEAPON FOR COMBATING FAMILY VIOLENCE: PREVENTION OF ANIMAL ABUSE Charlotte A. Lacroix 4 Animal L. 1 (1998) In this article, the author postulates that there is more than a mere coincidence between various forms of family violence. Furthermore, that acts of cruelty towards family pets are a form of family violence that has been largely unrecognized by the legal community. Admitting that much research still needs to be done to establish that there is a link between abuse towards people and abuse towards animals, the author invites the reader to consider this multi-victim approach to family violence and offers the strengthening of animal cruelty laws as a solution to this grave societal problem. Article
Biological Overview of the Domestic Cat Anthony E. LaCroix Animal Legal and Historical Center

The domestic cat can be traced to the African Wild Cat. The species became close to humans in ancient Egypt. Cats are athletic and agile, which contributes to their skill as predators.

Brief Summary of Feral Cat Population Control Anthony E. LaCroix Animal Legal and Historical Center

This is a brief overview of feral cat population issues. Opposing viewpoints on cat control are presented. Issues of legal liability for cat predation are explored.

Overview of Feral Cat Population Control Anthony E. LaCroix Animal Legal and Historical Center

This is an overview of issues regarding feral cats. Concerns about feral cat populations include the spread of disease and predation of endangered or protected species of birds. There is disagreement over how best to deal with cat overpopulation.

Feral Cats Tony LaCroix

Brief Summary of Feral Cat Population Issues
Tony LaCroix (2006)


Topical Introduction
The Cormorant Conflict Nathan LaFramboise Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper analyzes the conflicting management goals for the double-crested cormorant in Canada and the United States. In doing so, the paper answers the question whether one can predict how the migratory, double-crested cormorant population will be managed through international law, when the United States perceives the rise of the cormorant population an economic and biological threat, but where Canada views the cormorant’s comeback a biodiversity success story.

BIOETHICS AND ANIMAL EXPERIMENTATION Arthur B. LaFrance 2 Animal L. 157 (1996) This article was adapted from remarks from Arthur B. LaFrance at a symposium held by the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund of Northwestern School of Law of Lewis & Clark College on September 23, 1995 regarding issues affecting domestic and captive animals. Article
Animal Experimentation: Lessons from Human Experimentation Arthur Birmingham LaFrance 14 Animal Law 29 (2007)

Conventional wisdom tells us that animal experimentation is a relevant precursor to human experimentation. The failings of human experimentation to protect human subjects, however, raise serious questions as to the safety and appropriateness of experimentation on animals. The federal government and medical community, since World War II, have used the Nuremberg Code and the federal “Common Rule” to determine how to conduct human experimentation ethically. Due to political or economic factors, government entities, hospitals, researchers, and pharmaceutical companies have continued to conduct human experimentation without the informed consent of their subjects. These human experiments have often achieved meaningless—or worse—devastating results. Because safeguards have failed with human experimentation, the federal and local governments, in conjunction with animal advocacy organizations, should take a series of concrete steps to eliminate an experimenter’s ability to cause pain, suffering, and unnecessary death to animals.

