
Displaying 6601 - 6610 of 6649
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Overview of Municipal Animal Control Ordinances Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview discusses the power of municipalities to enact ordinances. It then highlights some common subjects for animal care and control within municipal codes.

Veterinary Malpractice Rebecca Wisch

Brief Summary of Veterinary Malpractice
Rebecca F. Wisch (2003; updated 2010)

Topical Introduction
How Can I Report Animal Abuse Shown on Social Media? Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This FAQ discusses the issue of reporting animal cruelty witnessed on a social media website. Article
Overview of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview of the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act provides annotations that link into a more detailed legal discussion of the Act. The summary reviews the historical underpinnings behind the passage of the Act and an examination of the major amendments to the original Act. Finally, the legal issues and controversies spawned by challenges to the Act are briefly summarized.

Table of State Animal Sexual Assault Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This table details state laws prohibiting sexual conduct between humans and animals. The majority of states (49) have some provision that criminalizes engaging in sexual conduct with animals. Currently, West Virginia lacks such a law. States are somewhat split between categorizing first offenses misdemeanors or felonies (23 misdemeanor, 26 felony, depending on severity of conduct in states like Nevada and Texas). Subsequent convictions may result in enhanced penalties in many states (felony offenses for second or subsequent convictions). These laws may also require the perpetrator to undergo psychological counseling and may restrain future ownership of animals. Topic Table
Emotional Assistance Animals in Rental Housing: A How-to Guide Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides some general information on how to seek help when a person needs an emotional support animal to function in daily life and a landlord enforces a "no pets" policy.

2018 Statutory Amendment Table Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This document provides a summary and table illustrating amendments to state laws in 2018. Topic Table
FAQ on Service Animals and Air Travel Rebecca F. Wisch This FAQ provides a short explanation of the law and regulations related to service animals on U.S. commercial airlines. Article
Detailed Discussion of State Cat Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This discussion analyzes the relevant state laws that affect cats. It also raises and attempts to answer several questions directed to cat owners, including licensing of cats, the feral cat problem, and state vaccination requirements.

Table of State Humane Slaughter Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table presents an overview of state humane slaughter acts. It includes an examination of the legal methods of slaughter, religious/ritual exemptions, the animals covered, and the penalties for violation.

