
Displaying 5991 - 6000 of 6754
Titlesort ascending Author Citation Summary Type
Brief Summary of Animals in Circuses and the Laws Governing Them Anastasia Niedrich Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief summary describes some of the state and federal laws that concern circuses. The threats facing both circus animals and the patrons who attend circuses are outlined.

Brief Summary of Animals and Philosophy Alissa Branham Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief summary examines the historical philosophical figures who contributed to the modern animal rights movement.

Brief Summary of Animal Testing Laws Katie C Galanes Animal Legal and Historical Center

A brief summary describing how and why animal testing is used within the commercial products industry. The summary explores the Animal Welfare Act and its impact on animal testing. In addition, the summary attempts to explain the complexities that surface during debates regarding animal testing and some of the arguments made by both animal advocates as well as those who favor the use of animal testing.

Brief Summary of Animal Rights Joseph Lubinski Animal Legal and Historical Center

This summary provides a short overview of the animal rights, detailing the different positions of those involved as well as the history of the movement.

Brief Summary of Animal Euthanasia Alexandra Kleinfeldt Animal Legal & Historical Center. This article offers a brief summary of the topic of euthanasia of animals. It shows an overview of the reasons behind animal euthanasia, different euthanasia methods, and who may perform euthanasia. The article also refers to the states' approach to animal euthanasia. Article
Brief Summary of Ag-gag Laws Alicia Prygoski Animal Legal & Historical Center

As industrialized farming (also known as factory farming) has become more common in our nation’s culture, concern for the welfare of farmed animals has increased, as well.

Brief Summary of Convention on Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) David Favre Animal Legal & Historical Center

This article provides an introduction to the operation and provisions of the international treaty CITES which has been signed by over 150 countries to control the trade of endangered species.

Brief Overview of Veterinary Client Issues Akisha R. N. McGee The Animal Legal and Historical Center

This is a brief view of the boundaries of a person's relationship with his or her veterinarian.

Brief Overview of Trainer Responsibility for Racehorse Breakdowns in New York Cynthia F. Hodges The Animal Legal and Historical Center

This brief summary presents reasons why trainers should be held criminally liable when racehorses break down under the New York anti-cruelty statute, Agriculture and Markets Law § 353. This section prohibits anyone from unjustifiably overdriving, torturing, injuring, or killing animals. By racing unfit horses, the trainers are not only withholding medical care, but are causing pain and further injury to the horses, which is cruel under the statute. Knowingly racing an unfit horse meets the definition of “cruelty” under § 353, and a guilty trainer should be held to account.

Brief Overview of Retail Pet Stores Ashley Duncan Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief overview discusses the welfare issues that arise at retail pet establishments. It also outlines the types of laws that cover such pet shops.

