
Displaying 5961 - 5970 of 6655
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Brief Overview of Commercial Breeder Laws Robyn F. Katz Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief summary discusses what a commercial breeder does and what laws govern breeding operations. It then goes into how loopholes in state laws allow puppy mills to thrive. The article concludes with the idea that more states need to adopt stricter breeder laws and consumers need to do their part by not buying puppies raised in puppy mills.

Overview of Commercial Breeder Laws Robyn R. Katz Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview discusses the only federal law that marginally addresses commercial breeders (the Animal Welfare Act). It then discusses various state laws that regulate commercial breeding, and how the lack of enforcement at the state level allows puppy mills to exist.

What is a Puppy Mill? Robyn F. Katz Animal Legal & Historical Center

This short summary gives a description of what constitutes a "puppy mill."

Origins of Animal Law: Three Perspectives Richard J. Katz: National Advisor, Michael C. Blumm: Faculty Advisor, and Holly Anne Gibbons: Law Student Editor 10 Animal L. 1 (2004)

This article provides three different perspectives on the origins of the Animal Law Review based at Lewis & Clark School of Law.

The Constitutional Scheme of Animal Rights in India Taruni Kavuri Animal Legal & Historical Center This article summarizes the Constitution of India and its impact on animal protection in the country. Article
Introduction to Criminal Law in India Taruni Kavuri Animal Legal & Historical Center This article provides a brief summary of the criminal law system in India as it relates to animal protection offenses. Article
Overview of Animal Laws in India Taruni Kavuri Animal Legal & Historical Center This article summarizes animal protection laws in India. Article
Introduction to the Indian Judicial System Taruni Kavuri Animal Legal & Historical Center This article explores the structure of the Indian judicial system. Article
Damages for the Injuring or Killing of an Animal in Swiss Law Eveline Schmeider Kayasseh Animal Legal & Historical Center

A discussion of the state of the Swiss law on the issue of damages for companion animals after the changes of the 2003 legislation (in English).

2010 LEGISLATIVE REVIEW Jenny Keatinge & Richard Myers 17 Animal L. 415 (2011)

This article gives a summary of important animal-related legislation from 2010.

