
Displaying 6591 - 6600 of 6649
Title Authorsort descending Citation Summary Type
Overview of States that Prohibit BSL Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This document lists the states that prohibit the regulation of dogs by local governments based on breed, commonly known as breed-specific legislation. The laws are divided into two general categories: (1) states that prohibit breed-specific legislation (BSL) in all animal regulation (10 states); and (2) states that prohibit BSL in dangerous/vicious dog laws (16 states). In total, there are approximately 22 states with some sort of anti-BSL legislation (combining both (1) and (2) together, and not counting DE, IL, and VA twice because they have both such laws). The pertinent part of the legislation is included in this list as well as a link to the actual laws. A further distinction has to be made in the application of some of these laws in the dangerous dog category. Some laws state that municipalities may not regulate dangerous dogs based solely on breed while other laws simply say that breed cannot be used to prove a dangerous dog declaration. Article
Table of State Humane Slaughter Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table presents an overview of state humane slaughter acts. It includes an examination of the legal methods of slaughter, religious/ritual exemptions, the animals covered, and the penalties for violation.

Table of 2014 Amendments to State Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This table summarizes the statutory amendments that occurred in 2014. The table gives a brief description of the changes and links to the actual text of the laws.

Topic Table
Table of State Commercial Pet Breeders Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This table covers state laws and administrative regulations affecting commercial dog breeders. The table defines a commercial breeder, describes whether a state has an upper limit of dogs a breeder can possess at one time, whether a state has minimum standards of care, inspection provisions, and penalties for violations. Topic Table
Pet Purchaser Protection/Puppy "Lemon Laws" Rebecca F. Wisch

Brief Summary of Pet Sales
Rebecca F. Wisch (2005; updated 2010)

Topical Introduction
State and Municipal Regulation of Dogs Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This paper overviews the general police power local municipalities have over the regulation of dogs. In doing so, the paper touches upon the subjects of local dog regulation and the associated caselaw. The paper also discusses preemption of local dog laws by overriding state laws.

Brief Summary of Local and State Dog Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This summary examines the nature and authority of state and local dog laws. It also describes the general subjects included in dog laws, such as loose dogs and impoundment procedures. The concept of preemption of local laws is also defined.

Table of State Laws Concerning Minimum Age for Sale of Puppies Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center This table summarizes state laws and administrative regulations concerning the minimum age to sell a puppy. Approximately 28 states and D.C. have a law or regulation that addresses the sale of puppies under a certain age (usually 8 weeks). Topic Table
Overview of Companion Animal Sales Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This overview provides the answer to the question of what a purchaser of an ill dog or defective dog can do. Included is a summary of contract law affecting pet sales, the relevant provisions under the UCC's sale of goods, and state pet purchaser protection laws.

Brief Summary of Dog Bite Laws Rebecca F. Wisch Animal Legal & Historical Center

This brief overview examines the basic provisions of most state dog bite laws, including the traditional elements of negligence and principles of strict liability.

