Displaying 1 - 4 of 4
Title![]() |
Alternate Citation | Agency Citation | Summary | Type |
CA - Exotic pets - § 671. Importation, Transportation and Possession of Live Restricted Animals | 14 CA ADC s 671 | 14 CCR § 671 | California prohibits possession of enumerated species without a permit. Permits are not granted for private pet possession. | Administrative |
CA - Importation - Subchapter 3.2. Importation of Wild Animals | Cal. Admin. Code tit. 17, § 30070 - 30086 | 17 CCR §§ 30070 - 30086 | This set of regulations establishes the import permit and quarantine requirements for wild and exotic animals. | Administrative |
CA - Permits - CHAPTER 3. MISCELLANEOUS. Permits for Restricted Species | 14 CA ADC s 671.1 - 671.6 | 14 CCR § 671.1 - 671.6 | Permits are required for possession of restricted species, but the department does not issue permits for exotics pets. | Administrative |
CA - Research animals - Group 5. Care of Laboratory Animals | Cal. Admin. Code tit. 17, § 1150 -1159 | 17 CCR §§ 1150 -1159 | This set of regulations establishes certification requirements for research facilities that use live animals in experiments, sets minimum standards of care for research animals, and addresses the requirements for filing complaints with the Department of Public Health. | Administrative |