Full Title Name:  The Regulation and Protection of Animals Kept for Companionship: A Critical Analysis and Comparative Perspective (Table of Judgments)

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Lorraine Poole Place of Publication:  University of Malta Publish Year:  2007 Primary Citation:  Faculty of Laws, University of Malta 0 Country of Origin:  Malta

This Table of Judgments accompanies the thesis from Malta entitled, "The Regulation and Protection of Animals Kept for Companionship: A Critical Analysis and Comparative Perspective."



03-12-1891      Giovanni Sammut v Col. Emilius Hughes, First Hall, Civil Court

11-06-1906      John Rogerson noe v Joseph Dowling, COA

17-03-1921      Francesco Zammit v Michele Axisa, First Hall, Civil Court

28-11-1921      Giuseppa Giorgio et v Giorgio Grech et, COA

18-12-1946      Il-Pulizija v Maria Paris, Court of Magistrates

24-02-1947      Il-Pulizija v Maria Paris, COA

10-10-1953      Il-Pulizija v Mikiel Vella, Court of Criminal Appeal (Inferior)

22-12-1961      Michael Butler v Peter Christopher Heard, COA

04-03-1963      Lorenzo Mercieca v Salvatore Zammit, Civil Court, First Hall

10-01-1964      Paolo Mallia v Annetto Xuereb Montebello, COA

21-02-1967      Nazzareno Scicluna v Paolo Zahra, First Hall, Civil Court

28-02-1969      Anthony Farrugia ne v Carmello Calleja, COA

05-10-2001      Mark Anthony Amato v Charles Spagnol u b’digriet tal-21 ta` Novembru 1989 ġie kjamat fil-kawża Albert Howard, First Hall, Civil Court

02-06-2003      Middle Sea Insurance p.l.c. kif surrogata fid-drittijiet tal-assigurat tagħha Paul Vella abbażi tal-polza ta’ assigurazzjoni u tal-liġi u l-istess Paul Vella v Victor Sammut, COA

03-10-2003      Collin Smith u Bernd Smith v Peter Muscat Scerri, First Hall, Civil Court

03-10-2003      Pacifico Fenech v William Ronald, First Hall, Civil Court


Corte di Cassazione

Cass. 49/944

Cass. 57/3019

Cass. 77/5226

Cass. 79/116

Cass. 98/12307

Cass. 99/2376

Cass. 01/4742


Court of Appeals of Texas

2001                 McDonald v State of Texas, Court of Appeals of Texas, 64 S.W.3d 86


UK Court of Appeals

23-03-1926      Buckle v Holmes Court of Appeal : Law Reports 1926. 2 K.B., p. 125






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