Full Title Name:  The Marine Mammal Protection Act: Fostering Unjust Captivity Practices Since 1972

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Stephanie Dodson Dougherty Place of Publication:  The Florida State University Publish Year:  2013 Primary Citation:  28 J. Land Use & Envtl. L. 337-367 (Spring 2013) 0 Country of Origin:  United States
Summary: Despite its species management and sustainable population objective, the MMPA suffers from several inherent shortcomings that ultimately impede the policy and conservation goals. These shortcomings include the industry-set standards, fractured agency responsibility, and a lack of regulation, the combination of which leads to the questionable educational value of the display industry and the promulgation of the conservation fallacy.
Documents:  PDF icon The Marine Mammal Protection Act Fostering Unjust Captivity Practices Since 1972.pdf (415.3 KB)

Copyright (c) 2013 The Florida State University Journal of Land Use and Environmental Law; Stephanie Dodson Dougherty. Reprinted with Permission.

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