Full Title Name:  North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan of 2021

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Country of Origin:  United States Citation:  NCEOP 2021 Last Checked:  April, 2023
Summary: The North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan is published by the North Carolina Department of Public Safety. The plan has a specific section on animal protection that is designed to help protect both domestic and wild animals. In the section on "scope," the plan says that "[a]nimal Protection actions will be aimed at all animals, whether owned, stray, or domestic, that may need help during disaster situations."
Documents:  PDF icon North Carolina Emergency Operations Plan of 2021.pdf (8.11 MB)

NC Emergency Operations Plan of 2021 available at  - https://www.ncdps.gov/emergency-operations-plan



A. PURPOSE The purpose of this appendix is to outline response activities to help protect domesticated and wild animal resources. Public health, the food supply, and environmental resources will be safeguarded when the animal population is protected. This appendix will also ensure the humane care and treatment of animals during disasters in order to increase compliance by citizens who may disregard evacuation recommendations due to a perceived inability to evacuate with their companion animals.

B. SCOPE Animal Protection actions will be aimed at all animals, whether owned, stray, or domestic, that may need help during disaster situations.

(page 143 of pdf)


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