Statute by category![]() |
Citation | Summary |
IN - Animal Sacrifice - THE KERALA ANIMALS AND BIRDS SACRIFICES PROHIBITION ACT, 1968 | 20 of 1968 | This law, specific to the state of Kerala, prohibits the sacrifice of animals and birds within the precincts of temples. No persons may officiate at, perform, or participate in an animal sacrifice - it is a criminal offence. |
IN - Animal Sacrifice - THE PUDUCHERRY ANIMALS AND BIRDS SACRIFICES PROHIBITION ACT, 1965 | 8 of 1965 | This law, specific to the Union Territory of Puducherry (formerly known as Pondicherry), prohibits animal sacrifice within the precincts of temples. Persons shall not perform, officiate at, or participate in animal sacrifice. |
IN - Animal Sacrifice - THE TELANGANA ANIMALS AND BIRDS SACRIFICES PROHIBITION ACT, 1950 | XXXII OF 1950 | The Act, specific to the South Indian state of Telangana, prohibits animal and bird sacrifice at places of public religious worship or in congregations associated with religious worship in a public street. Persons sacrificing animals can be imprisoned under this law. The law also prohibits persons from officiating at such animal sacrifices. Such persons can be fined. Animal sacrifice or officiating at an animal sacrifice is a cognizable offence—the accused can be arrested without a warrant. |
IN - Animal Testing - The Breeding of And Experiments On Animals (Control And Supervision) Rules, 1998 | G.S.R. 1074(E) | The Rules were drafted by the Committee for Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals through the powers delegated to it by the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960. The Rules do not ban scientific experiments on animals. However, they impose registration requirements for facilities that conduct experiments on animals, list out the conditions under which the animals must be stocked by the breeder and the establishment, and the methods by which the experiments must be conducted. |
IN - Animal Testing - THE BREEDING OF AND EXPERIMENTS ON ANIMALS (CONTROL AND SUPERVISION) RULES, 1998 | 1843. G.S.R. 1074(E), dated 15th December, 1998 | The Rules, drafted under the powers conferred by section (1)(1-A) and (2) of Section 17 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960, regulate the breeding and testing of animals in laboratories. It sets up an 'Institutional Animal Ethics Committee' that ensures the performance of experiments of animals in an establishment in a humane manner. The Rules specify the conditions that breeders are allowed to raise these animals in for testing, and the manner in which these animals must be treated in establishments where they are used for testing. |
IN - Assistance Animal - Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws | I.C. 3-11-9-5; 9-21-17-21; 16-32-3-1 - 5; 16-32-3.5-1 - 11; 22-9-6-5; 22-9-5-9.5; 22-9-5-20; 22-9-7-1 - 15; 35-31.5-2-295; 35-46-3-11.5 | These statutes comprise Indiana's assistance animal/guide dog laws. |
IN - Bite - Indiana Dog Bite Laws | IC 15-20-1-1 - 7; IC 35-47-7-4 | These Indiana statutes provide the state's dog bite laws. If a dog, without provocation, bites any person who is peaceably conducting himself in any place where he may be required to go for the purpose of discharging any duty imposed upon him by the laws of this state or by the laws or postal regulations of the United States of America, the owner of such dog may be held liable for any damages suffered by the person bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness. It also establishes the conditions under which an owner will be criminally liable if his or her dog bites another person. In Indiana, physicians treating dog bite injuries are required to report such injuries not more than 72-hours after the incident. |
IN - Breeder - Article 21. Commercial Dog Breeder Regulation | I.C. 15-21-1-1 - 15-21-7-1 | The laws set forth requirements for commercial breeders in Indiana, defined as a person who maintains more than twenty (20) unaltered female dogs that are at least twelve (12) months of age. These laws do not apply to humane societies, rescue groups, certain service and hunting dog breeders, foster homes, or hobby breeders. A person may not operate a commercial dog breeder or broker operation without first registering with the state. Failure to register is a Class A misdemeanor. The chapter sets forth minimum standards of care and requires that a breeder comply with federal standards of care set forth in 9 CFR 3.1 through 9 CFR 3.12. Enforcement of the chapter will fall to the Indiana state board of animal health, which may seek injunctive relief and impose civil penalties ranging from $500 - $5,000 for violations. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - CHHATTISGARH AGRICULTURAL CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 2004 | 25 of 2006 | The Act, specific to the state of Chhattisgarh, prohibits the slaughter of agricultural cattle—cows, calves, bulls, bullocks and male and female buffaloes. The law criminalizes the possession and sale of beef, and the transport of agricultural cattle from the state for the purpose of slaughter. The state government shall make rules for the economic rehabilitation of persons affected by the Act. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - DELHI AGRICULTURAL CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 1994 | The Act, specific to the National Capital Region of Delhi, prohibits the slaughter of agricultural cattle such as cows, calves, bulls and bullocks. The Act bans the transport of cattle from Delhi to places outside Delhi for the purpose of slaughter. Persons who wish to export cattle must apply for a permit and submit an undertaking that the cattle shall not be slaughtered. The burden of proof is on the person who is accused under the Act of the slaughter, transport, export, sale, purchase or possession of flesh of agricultural cattle. | |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - JAMMU & KASHMIR CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS ON COW SLAUGHTER | 12 of 1989 | The Jammu & Kashmir Ranbir Penal Code, 1989, prohibits the slaughter of bovines (oxes, bulls, cows and calves). Persons may not keep in their possession the flesh of slaughtered bovines. The provisions criminalize the sale and possession of the untanned hide, meat or flesh of gonds or possesses the carcass of a gond. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - JHARKHAND BOVINE ANIMAL PROHIBITION OF SLAUGHTER ACT, 2005 | 11 of 2005 | The Act, specific to the state of Jharkhand, prohibits the slaughter of bovine animals including cows, calves, heifers, bulls and bullocks. Persons may not transport bovine animals from the state to other states for slaughter, or export any bovine animals for slaughter. Persons may not sell, purchase or possess the flesh of bovine animals. The Act provides for the setting up of institutions for the maintenance and care of uneconomic cows by the government or local authorities. Violations of the Act would lead to imprisonment and fines. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL PRESERVATION (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1995 | The Act amends the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976. While the 1976 Act prohibited the slaughter of cows, the Amendment additionally prohibits the slaughter of bulls and bullocks. | |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - ORISSA PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1960 | This law, specific to the eastern Indian state of Orissa, prohibits the slaughter of cows. Bulls and bullocks may also not be slaughtered unless a certificate is obtained from a competent authority indicating that the bull or bullock is over fourteen years old. Cows, bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered if they have contagious or infectious diseases, or for experimentation in the interest of medical research. The government may establish institutions for the care of uneconomic cows. | |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - RAJASTHAN BOVINE ANIMAL (PROHIBITION OF SLAUGHTER AND TEMPORARY MIGRATION OR EXPORT) ACT, 1995 | 23 of 1995 | The law, specific to the western Indian state of Rajasthan, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their progeny. The sale and transport of beef is prohibited. Persons may not export bovine animals from the state to any place outside the state for the purpose of slaughter. Causing grievous hurt, bodily pain, disease or infirmity to a bovine animal shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment. Persons exercising powers under the Act are considered public servants. Persons acting in good faith in furtherance of the Act are protected from protected from legal proceedings. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - SIKKIM PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 2017 | 17 of 2017 | This law, specific to the North Eastern state of Sikkim, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their female progeny. 'Cows' under this Act refer to milking cows, dry cows, heifers and calves. Cows may not be slaughtered unless a certificate in writing is obtained from the Competent Authority. Persons slaughtering cows without obtaining a certificate shall be imprisoned and fined. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - TAMIL NADU ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1958 | 10 of 1958 | The law, specific to the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu, prohibits the slaughter of bulls, bullocks, cows, calves, male and female buffaloes and buffalo calves without a certificate from the competent authority. The certificate shall be granted if the animal is over ten years old and is unfit for work or breeding, or if it has been permanently incapacitated for work. The Act also criminalizes injuring an animal in order to make it fit for slaughter. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER REGULATION, 1967 | 1 of 1967 | The law, specific to the Union Territory of Andaman & Nicobar prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls and bullocks. Bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered only if they are over fifteen years of age or permanently unfit and unserviceable and on receipt of a certificate from a competent authority. Persons may not sell or transport beef products except for those beef products contained in sealed containers and imported into the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ANDHRA PRADESH PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER AND ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1977 | 11 of 1977 | The legislation, specific to the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh, prohibits the slaughter of cows and the calves of female buffaloes. Other animals may not be slaughtered without a certificate from a competent authority. Slaughter may be carried out only in specified places. Offences under the Act are punishable with imprisonment or fines. The law protects acts done in good faith under this Act or its rules. The Act provides for the establishment of institutions taking care of cows. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ASSAM CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 2021 | The Act, specific to Assam, prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. These animals may be slaughtered only on receipt of a certificate that states that the cattle (unless a cow) is over fourteen years old, or has (unless a cow, heifer or calf) become permanently incapacitated. These certified animals may only be slaughtered at registered slaughterhouses. Persons may not buy or sell beef or beef products except at permitted places. No person may transfer cattle from Assam to any district within the state that shares an international border with a foreign state where cattle slaughter is permitted. | |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE BIHAR PRESERVATION AND IMPROVEMENT OF ANIMALS ACT, 1955 | 2 OF 1956 | This law, specific to the state of Bihar, prohibits the slaughter of cows, calves, bulls, bullocks and female buffaloes. The prescribed authority may allow the slaughter of bulls and bullocks and female buffaloes under certain specific conditions. Persons may not export cows, female buffaloes, calves, heifers, buffalo calves, buffalo heifers, bulls and bullocks from the state. Animals that have infectious diseases must be segregated. Animal markets and fairs may not be held in infected areas. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE GOA ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1995 | 7 of 1996 | The law, specific to the state of Goa, allows the slaughter of bovines only when they are unlikely to be economical for the purpose of draught, agricultural operations, breeding, giving milk, or bearing offspring. Offences under the Act are cognizable—persons alleged to have committed an offence under the Act can be arrested without warrant. No legal proceedings can be instituted against the government or any officer of the government or local authority for actions done in good faith in pursuance of the Act. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE GOA, DAMAN AND DIU PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1978 | 13 of 1978 | This provision, specific to the regions of Goa, Daman and Diu, prohibits the slaughter of cows. However, it does not prohibit the import of cow meat into these regions. Only cows that are suffering or are the subject of medical research may be slaughtered. In these cases, prior permission to slaughter the cow must be obtained by a veterinary officer or officer of the Animal Husbandry Department. Beef may not be sold in these regions. The government or local authority must maintain institutions for the care of 'uneconomic' cows. Offences under this Act are cognizable (offender can be arrested without a warrant) and non-bailable (bail is not a matter of right). |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE HIMACHAL PRADESH PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1979 | 11 OF 1979 | The law, specific to the state of Himachal Pradesh, prohibits the slaughter of cows. No person may export cows for the purpose of slaughter. The law bans the sale of beef. Committing an offence under this Act may lead to imprisonment or fines. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE KARNATAKA PREVENTION OF SLAUGHTER AND PRESERVATION OF CATTLE ACT, 2020 | 1 of 2021 | The Act, specific to the South Indian state of Karnataka, prohibits the slaughter of cattle, restricts the transport of cattle from one part of the state to another for slaughter, and prohibits the sale, purchase and disposal of cattle for slaughter. The State may establish institutions for care and welfare of cattle. Persons and authorities acting in good faith to secure the objectives of the act are protected from the institution of legal proceedings. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE KERALA PANCHAYAT RAJ (SLAUGHTER HOUSES AND MEAT STALLS) RULES, 1996 | 13 or 1994 | These Rules regulate the operation of slaughterhouses and meat stalls. Animals may be slaughtered only in public or licensed slaughter houses within a village panchayat area. Slaughter houses may not be established within 90 metres of any house. Butchers require licenses for slaughtering animals. Animals may not be admitted to slaughter houses unless they are examined and certified as being free from contagious diseases. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE MADHYA PRADESH GOVANSH VADH PRATISHEDH ADHINIYAM, 2004 | 6 of 2004 | The law, specific to the state of Madhya Pradesh, criminalizes the slaughter of cows and their progeny, including bulls and bullocks. The Act criminalizes the possession and transport of beef and the transport of cows and their progeny for slaughter. The Act authorizes a competent authority to enter and inspect premises where they believe an offence under this Act has been or is likely to be committed. The state government must make rules for the economic rehabilitation of persons whose livelihoods have been affected by the Act. The Act imposes the burden or proof for an offence under the Act on the accused. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1976 | 9 of 1977 | The Act, specific to the western Indian state of Maharashtra, prohibits cow slaughter. Persons may also not slaughter other bovines such as bulls, bullocks, female buffaloes and buffalo calves without obtaining a certificate from the 'competent authority'. These animals may be slaughtered only at specified places. Committing an offence under the Act may lead to fines or imprisonment. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE ORISSA PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER RULES, 1966 | 5 of 1960 | The Rules, drafted under the Orissa Prevention of Cow Slaughter Act, 1960, prescribe conditions for the issue of a certificate for slaughter. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE PUDUCHERRY PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER | 6 of 1968 | The Act, specific to the Union Territory of Puducherry, prohibits the slaughter of cows, bulls and bullocks. Bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered in certain specific circumstances. The sale of beef is banned. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE PUNJAB PROHIBITION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1955 | 153 of 1956 | The Act, specific to the state of Punjab, criminalizes the slaughter of cows and bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. Beef may not to be sold. The Act provides for the establishment of institutions for the maintenance and care of uneconomic cows. Offences under the Act are punishable with fines or imprisonment. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - THE WEST BENGAL ANIMAL SLAUGHTER CONTROL ACT, 1950 | 22 of 1950 | The law, specific to the state of West Bengal, regulates the slaughter of bulls, bullocks, cows, calves, male and female buffaloes, buffalo calves and castrated buffaloes. Persons may not slaughter these animals without a certificate stating that the animal is over fourteen years of age and unfit for work or breeding, or that the animal has become permanently incapacitated from work or breeding due to age, injury, deformity or incurable disease. Animals under this Act may be slaughtered only in specific places. |
IN - Cattle Slaughter - UTTARAKHAND PROTECTION OF COW PROGENY ACT, 2007 | 6 of 2007 | The law, specific to the North Indian state of Uttarakhand, prohibits the slaughter of cows and their progeny, including bulls, bullocks, heifers and calves. Persons may not possess, sell, transport, or offer beef for sale. Persons may not 'leave vagrant' cows and their progeny and may not free a cow 'for wandering after milching her'. Persons committing an offence under the Act shall be fined or imprisoned. |
IN - Cow Slaughter - THE GUJARAT ANIMAL PRESERVATION ACT, 1954 | LXXII of 1954 | The Act, specific to the western Indian state of Gujarat, prohibits the slaughter of cattle. A person transporting cattle from one region or the state to another is deemed to be transporting them for slaughter unless they are able to prove otherwise. Persons are prohibited from selling, storing, transporting or offering for sale beef or beef products. Animals other than cattle may be slaughtered, but may be slaughtered only after a certificate is issued by the Competent Authority. Offences under this Act are cognizable—this means that offenders may be arrested without a warrant. Offences under this Act carry with them imprisonment or fines. |
IN - Cow Slaughter - THE HARYANA GAUVANSH SANRAKSHAN AND GAUMSAMVARDHAN ACT, 2015 | 20 of 2015 | The Act, specific to the North Indian state of Haryana, prohibits cow slaughter. A cow may be slaughtered only under certain conditions, and a person slaughtering a cow under these conditions must obtain a certificate from a registered veterinary practitioner. Cows cannot be exported for slaughter. Persons may not sell, store, keep or transport beef or beef products. The Act provides for the creation of a scheme or project for the conservation of indigenous breeds of cow. The Government must establish and maintain institutions to look after infirm, stray and 'uneconomic' cows. An offence under this Act carried with it imprisonment and fines. |
IN - Cow Slaughter - THE UTTAR PRADESH PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1955 | 1 of 1956 | The law, specific to the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, prohibits cow slaughter, the sale of beef or transport of beef. Cattle may be transported from one part of the state to another only on receiving a permit from the state government. The law criminalizes causing physical injury to cows and their progeny that is likely to endanger the life of the cows. This includes not providing cows with food or water. Violation of the law may result in a fine or imprisonment. |
IN - Cruelty - Consolidated Cruelty Statutes | I.C. 35-46-3-0.1 - 15; 36-8-3-18; IC 35-38-2-2.8 | These Indiana statutes set forth the anti-cruelty laws. As used in this chapter, "animal" does not include a human being. Among the provisions include anti-neglect, anti-animal fighting, and anti-abuse provisions. A person having a vertebrate animal in the person's custody who recklessly, knowingly, or intentionally abandons or neglects the animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor. A person who knowingly or intentionally purchases or possesses an animal for the purpose of using the animal in an animal fighting contest commits a Level 6 felony. A person who knowingly or intentionally abuses a vertebrate animal commits cruelty to an animal, a Class A misdemeanor, which may become a Level 6 felony under described circumstances. |
IN - Cruelty - Section 428 Indian Penal Code 860 | 45 of 1860 | The provision criminalizes killing, maiming, or 'rendering useless' any animal or animals of the value of ten rupees and upwards. |
IN - Cruelty - Section 429 Indian Penal Code 1860 | 45 of 1860 | Killing, poisoning, maiming, or 'rendering useless' cattle, including elephants, or any other animal worth over fifty rupees, is a criminal offence. |
The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 prohibits any person from inflicting, causing, or if it is the owner, permitting, unnecessary pain or suffering to be inflicted on any animal. The Act makes it a crime to beat, kick, torture, mutilate, administer an injurious substance, or cruelly kill an animal. It is also illegal to over-ride, over-drive, over-load, or work an unfit animal. It is an offense to cruelly transport, confine, chain or tether an animal. It is a violation to engage in animal fighting or shooting competitions in which animals are released from captivity to be shot. An owner commits an offense if he or she fails to provide sufficient food, drink or shelter, unreasonably abandons any animal, or permits any diseased or disabled animal to roam or die in any street.
IN - Dog - Consolidated Dog Laws | I.C. 15-17-6-1 - 14; 25-38.1-4-8 ; 15-20-2-1 - 7; 15-17-21-1; 6-9-39-1 - 9; 35-46-3-15; 15-20-3-1 - 4; 14-22-11-1; 14-8-2-89 | These Indiana statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Included are provisions on rabies, liability of owners for dog bites or damage to livestock, and taxation and registration laws, among others. |
IN - Domestic Violence - 31-9-2-42 “Domestic or family violence” | I.C. 31-9-2-42 | This section of the Family Law Code defines "domestic or family violence" as "[a]busing (as described in IC 35-46-3-0.5), torturing (as described in IC 35-46-3-0.5), mutilating (as described in IC 35-46-3-0.5), or killing a vertebrate animal without justification with the intent to threaten, intimidate, coerce, harass, or terrorize a family or household member." |
IN - Domestic Violence - 34-26-5-9 Ex parte orders; authority and jurisdiction of court; relief available | I.C. 34-26-5-9 | This Indiana law allows a court to grant ex parte orders for protection in cases of domestic or family violence. Effective July 1, 2017, a court may grant a petitioner the exclusive possession, care, custody, or control of any animal owned, possessed, kept, or cared for by the petitioner, respondent, minor child of either the petitioner or respondent, or any other family or household member. Additionally, the court may prohibit a respondent from removing, transferring, injuring, concealing, harming, attacking, mistreating, threatening to harm, or otherwise disposing of an animal described in subdivision (c)(6). |
IN - Draught Animals - THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO DRAUGHT AND PACK ANIMALS RULES, 1965 | Section 38 of the prevention of cruelty to Animals Act, 1960 | The Rules, drafted under Section 38(2) of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, 1965, regulate the weights that cattle and horses can draw. The Rules also stipulate the conditions under which animals may not be allowed to draw vehicles or carry loads. The Rules also prohibit the use of spiked sticks and bits. |
IN - Endangered Species - Chapter 34. Nongame and Endangered Species Conservation | I.C. 14-22-34-1 to 21 | These Indiana statutes set out the definitions related to endangered species and prohibit any form of possession of listed species, including taking, transporting, purchasing or selling except by permit. Listed species may be removed, captured, or destroyed if it is shown by good cause that the species are causing property damage or are a danger to human health. |
IN - Equine Activity Statute - Chapter 5. Equine Activities | I.C. 34-31-5-1 to 5 | This Indiana statute states that an equine activity sponsor or equine professional is not liable for an injury to a participant or the death of a participant resulting from an inherent risk of equine activities. Liability is not limited by this statute where the equine professional knowingly provided faulty tack or equipment, failed to make reasonable and prudent efforts to determine the ability of the participant to engage safely in the equine activity, owns or otherwise is in lawful possession of the land or facilities upon which the participant sustained injuries because of a known, dangerous latent condition, or if he or she commits an act or omission that constitutes reckless disregard for the safety of the participant or intentionally injures the participant. The statute also requires the visible displaying of warning signs or warnings provided in contracts that alert participants to the limitation of liability by law. |
IN - Exotic animals, contact - Chapter 26.5. Specified Animals | I.C. 14-22-26.5-1 - 9 | This set of Indiana laws was enacted in 2022. A person that owns or possesses a specified animal may not allow a member of the public to (1) come into direct contact with; or (2) enter into a proximity that allows for or permits direct contact with the specified animal, regardless of the age of the specified animal. Essentially, public contact with certain animals that include lions, tigers, leopards, jaguars, and mountain lions (or their hybrids) is prohibited. |
IN - Exotic Pet - Chapter 2. Definitions | I.C. 14-8-2-87 | This Indiana statute provides the definition of an exotic mammal, which does not include a feral cat or dog. |
IN - Exotic pet - Chapter 26. Wild Animal Permit. | I.C. 14-22-26-1 to 6 | This set of Indiana laws concerns the keeping of protected and dangerous wild animals. Under the law, a person must obtain a permit to possess these classes of animals. A permit may be suspended if an emergency exists (e.g., the animal is in peril or the animal is in a position to harm another animal). |
IN - Facility - 35-40-5-13 Witness under the age of sixteen allowed comfort | I.C. 35-40-5-13 | A child under 16 years old may bring a comfort item or comfort animal shall be allowed to remain in the courtroom with the child during the child's testimony unless the court finds that the defendant's constitutional right to a fair trial will be unduly prejudiced. |