
Statute by category Citationsort ascending Summary
Ministerial Resolution No. 0269-2017-MINAGRI - Peru (2017) This is regulation is issued by the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI). It orders the creation of a temporary working group with the purpose of drafting the corresponding regulations to the Law on Animal Protection and Welfare (Law 30407) regarding farm animals and captive wildlife.
IN - Transport of Animals - PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (TRANSPORT OF ANIMALS ON FOOT) RULES, 2001 The Rules, drafted under the Prevention of Cruelty Act, regulate the transport of animals on foot. The rules apply to the transport of animals on foot is five kilometres or more from the boundary of the town/city/village of origin. New born animals whose navels have not completely healed, and those animals that are diseased, blind, emaciated, fatigues or have given birth in the past three days or that are likely to give birth during transport shall not be transported on foot. Animals may only be transported in their farm social groups. The owner of the animals must ensure that the animals have access to veterinary first aid equipment through their journey and that they have access to adequate water and fodder.
Resolución Ministerial No. 0269-2017-MINAGRI , Peru (2017) Esta resolución es emitida por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego (MINAGRI) del Perú. En ella se ordena la creación de un grupo de trabajo temporal con el propósito de redactar el reglamento de la Ley de Protección y Bienestar Animal (Ley 30407) en relación con los animales de granja y la fauna silvestre en cautiverio.
IN - Registration of Cattle Premises - THE PREVENTION OF CRUELTY TO ANIMALS (REGISTRATION OF CATTLE PREMISES) RULES, 1978 The Rules, adopted under the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act, provide for the registration of premises having five or more heads of cattle kept for the purpose of profit. The owner of the premises must apply for a certificate and the premises shall be open for inspection at all reasonable times. On premises where milch cattle are kept, a copy of Section 12 of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act must be displayed in the local language. The provision prohibits the performance of 'phooka' or 'doom dev '.
Decreto Supremo N.° 010-2022-MIDAGRI, 2022 (Peru) Este Decreto Supremo expedido por el Ministerio de Agricultura y Riego del Perú, aprueba el Reglamento Sanitario para la Producción y Comercialización de Material Genético de Animales de Producción. El objetivo de este decreto es establecer disposiciones para la aplicación de medidas sanitarias en la producción y comercialización de material genético de animales de producción, contribuyendo a la vigilancia epidemiológica, prevención, control y erradicación de enfermedades que afecten a los animales. Todo lo anterior con la finalidad de evitar la propagación y diseminación de enfermedades que afecten el estatus sanitario del país.
Supreme Decree N° 010-2022-MIDAGRI (Peru) This Supreme Decree, issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of Peru, approves the Sanitary Regulation for the Production and Commercialization of Genetic Material from Farm Animals. It aims to establish provisions for the implementation of sanitary measures in the production and commercialization of genetic material from these animals, supporting epidemiological surveillance, and the prevention, control, and eradication of diseases affecting animals. All these efforts are designed to prevent the spread and transmission of diseases that could compromise the country's sanitary status.
Queensland - Food Production - Agricultural Regulations This Regulation implements the Agricultural Standards Act 1994 by providing specifications on the composition and labeling of fertilizers, the labeling and prohibited materials in seeds, labeling and other requirements for stock food,and on general labeling requirements in agriculture.
AU - Cruelty - Queensland Animal Care and Protection Regulation 2002 This regulation implements the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001; it contains the codes of practice to be observed for securing animal welfare.
AU - Wildlife Protection- Queensland Nature Conservation Act 1992 The object of this Act is the conservation of nature.The conservation of nature is to be achieved by an integrated and comprehensive conservation strategy for the whole of Queensland that involves, among other things, the following— (a) Gathering of information and community education; (b) Dedication and declaration of protected areas; (c) Management of protected areas;(d) Protection of native wildlife and its habitat; (e) Use of protected wildlife and areas to be ecologically sustainable; (f) Recognition of interest of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in nature and their cooperative involvement in its conservation; and (g) Cooperative involvement of land-holders.This Act is to be administered, as far as practicable, in consultation with, and having regard to the views and interests of, land-holders and interested groups and persons, including Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders.
Bolivia - Rights of nature - LEY 71, 2010 Ley 71 is “the law for the rights of mother earth." This law recognizes the rights of Mother Earth, as well as the obligations and duties of the government and society to guarantee respect for these rights. This law gives the environment, or "mother earth," and all its components, the status of collective subject of public interest for the purpose of guaranteeing the protection of its rights.
Manila Conference on Animal Welfare The Manila Conference on Animal Welfare recognizes: That animal welfare is an issue worth consideration by governments. That the promotion of animalof animal welfare requires collective action and all stakeholders and affected parties must be involved. That work on animal welfare is a continuous process. RECOGNIZING that animals are living, sentient beings and therefore deserve due consideration and respect.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - MAHARASHTRA ANIMAL PRESERVATION (AMENDMENT) ACT, 1995 The Act amends the Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act, 1976. While the 1976 Act prohibited the slaughter of cows, the Amendment additionally prohibits the slaughter of bulls and bullocks.
Ley Nº 31807, 2023 - Peru This law amends Law 30407, Animal Protection and Welfare Law, to incorporate the adoption and identification of companion animals.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - ORISSA PREVENTION OF COW SLAUGHTER ACT, 1960 This law, specific to the eastern Indian state of Orissa, prohibits the slaughter of cows. Bulls and bullocks may also not be slaughtered unless a certificate is obtained from a competent authority indicating that the bull or bullock is over fourteen years old. Cows, bulls and bullocks may be slaughtered if they have contagious or infectious diseases, or for experimentation in the interest of medical research. The government may establish institutions for the care of uneconomic cows.
Scotland - Wildlife - Marine (Scotland) Act 2010 Part 6 of this Act prohibits the killing, injuring or taking of seals. The same Part also provides a number of exceptions by licence, such as for the purpose of protecting the health and welfare of farmed fish; or preventing serious damage to fisheries or fish farms (section 110)
Ley Nº 31807, 2023 - Peru Esta ley, aprobada en junio de 2023, describe una modificación a la ley 30407 para incluir normas relativas a la adopción de mascotas abandonadas y entregadas, o animales adoptados para ser de compañía. El objeto de esta modificación es ampliar la protección de los animales de compañía y garantizar su bienestar.
LEY Nº 27596, 2001- Peru Law 27596 establishes regulations regarding the breeding, training, commercialization, possession, and transfer of potentially dangerous dogs for the purpose of protecting people's integrity, health, and tranquility. The law prohibits encouraging any form of canine aggression and makes special reference to dog fighting. In general, owners of potentially dangerous dogs must be competent and physically capable of caring for the dog, including providing them with appropriate training. In the event of a stray, the dog must be taken in by the municipality whose jurisdiction it is within and reinserted into the community through animal care programs, so long as it is not deemed aggressive. The law also describes the procedure for how to handle a dog that attacks another living being or kills an animal, and the corresponding consequences of such events. Lastly, the law states regulations for handling dogs with grave diseases that could be transmitted to human beings.
LEY Nº 27596, 2001- Peru La Ley 27596 regula la crianza, adiestramiento, comercialización, tenencia y traslado de perros potencialmente peligrosos, con el fin de proteger la integridad, salud y tranquilidad de las personas. La ley prohíbe fomentar cualquier forma de agresión canina y hace especial referencia a las peleas de perros. En general, los propietarios de perros potencialmente peligrosos deben ser competentes y estar físicamente capacitados para cuidar del perro, lo que incluye proporcionarles un adiestramiento adecuado. En caso de perro callejero, el perro debe ser acogido por el municipio en cuya jurisdicción se encuentre y reinsertado en la comunidad mediante programas de atención a los animales, siempre que no se considere agresivo. La ley también describe el procedimiento para tratar a un perro que ataque a otro ser vivo o mate a un animal, y las correspondientes consecuencias de tales sucesos. Por último, la ley establece normas para el manejo de perros con enfermedades graves que puedan transmitirse a los seres humanos.
IN - Cattle Slaughter - DELHI AGRICULTURAL CATTLE PRESERVATION ACT, 1994 The Act, specific to the National Capital Region of Delhi, prohibits the slaughter of agricultural cattle such as cows, calves, bulls and bullocks. The Act bans the transport of cattle from Delhi to places outside Delhi for the purpose of slaughter. Persons who wish to export cattle must apply for a permit and submit an undertaking that the cattle shall not be slaughtered. The burden of proof is on the person who is accused under the Act of the slaughter, transport, export, sale, purchase or possession of flesh of agricultural cattle.
South Africa - Biological Diversity - Regulations These South African regulations were made relating to listed threatened and protected species of the National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004. The purpose of these regulations is to further regulate the permit system set out in Chapter 7 of the Biodiversity Act insofar as that system applies to restricted activities involving specimens of listed threatened or protected species; to provide for the registration of captive breeding operations, commercial exhibition facilities, game farms, nurseries, scientific institutions, sanctuaries and rehabilitation facilities and wildlife traders; to provide for the regulation of the carrying out of a specific restricted activity, namely hunting; to provide for the prohibition of specific restricted activities involving specific listed threatened or protected species; to provide for the protection of wild populations of listed threatened species; and to provide for the composition and operating procedure of the Scientific Authority.
South Africa - Endangered Species - List of Endangered Species This is the published list of all the critically endangered, endangered, vulnerable and protected species under South Africa's National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004).
