CA - Dog, collar - § 2011.5. Removal of collar from hunting dog; unlawful without written permission |
West's Ann. Cal. Fish & G. Code § 2011.5 |
This California statute makes it unlawful to remove a hunting dog's collar without having written permission from the dog's owner. |
CA - Licenses - City dog license tags; compliance with division |
West's Ann. Cal. Food & Agric. Code § 30502 |
This California statute provides that any dog tag issued pursuant to ordinance by a city or county will be valid provided it complies with this division, provides for the wearing of the license tag upon the collar of the dog, and provides for the keeping of a record which shall establish the identity of the person that owns or harbors the dog. |
CA - Dangerous - California Dangerous Dog Statutes |
West's Ann. Cal. Food & Agric. Code § 31601 - 31683; West's Ann. Cal. Civ. Code § 3342 - 3342.5; West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121685; West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 398 - 399.5 |
This is the California statute for the rules and regulations regarding dangerous and/or vicious dogs. It defines what constitutes a dangerous and/or vicious dog, what is to be done with said dog(s), and provides a model provision for municipalities to follow. The other set of provisions contains the relevant dog bite law. California has strict liability for dog bites such that liability is imposed regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness. |
CA - Impound - § 53074. Seizure and impoundment of dogs on private property |
West's Ann. Cal. Gov. Code § 53074 |
This California statute provides that animal control officer shall not seize or impound a dog on its owner's property for violation of a leash ordinance or issue citations for the violation of such ordinance when the dog has not strayed from the owner's private property. However, if the dog has strayed from the property and later returned to it, an officer may issue a citation if the owner is present or impound the dog if the owner is not present. In the latter circumstance, the officer must leave a notice of impoundment at the residence. |
CA - Rabies - Chapter 1. Rabies Control. |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121575 - 121710 |
This chapter of California laws deals with rabies control. |
CA - Import, dog - Chapter 1.5. Dog Importation: Health Certificates |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121720 - 121723 |
This chapter relates to importation of dogs into California for sale purposes. A person seeking to bring a dog into this state or importing dogs into this state for the purpose of resale or change of ownership shall obtain a health certificate for that dog, completed by a licensed veterinarian and is dated within 10 days prior to the date on which the dog is brought into the state. However, this chapter does not apply to a person who brings a dog into the state that will not be offered for resale or if the ownership of the dog is not expected to change or to dogs used military or law enforcement work. A person who violates a provision of this chapter is guilty of an infraction, punishable by a fine not to exceed $250 for each dog for which a violation has occurred. |
CA - Pet Sales - Chapter 5. Sale of Dogs and Cats |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 122045 - 122315 |
This section requires that dog breeders provide a written disclosure upon the sale of any dog with information such as the breeder’s name and address, the dog’s birth date, breed. sex, color, and vet record, and a signed statement from the breeder that the dog has no known diseases. Any breeder who knowingly sells a diseased dog faces a civil penalty. Breeders must provide dogs with sanitary housing, adequate food, water, exercise and veterinary care. |
CA - Dog, tether - § 122335. Animal control, agricultural operation, person, and reasonable period |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 122335 |
This California law is the state's dog tethering provision. Under the law, no person shall tether, fasten, chain, tie, or restrain a dog, or cause a dog to be tethered, fastened, chained, tied, or restrained, to a dog house, tree, fence, or any other stationary object. A person may tether, fasten, chain, or tie a dog, but it must be no longer than is necessary for the person to complete a temporary task that requires the dog to be restrained for a reasonable period. A person who violates this chapter is guilty of an infraction or a misdemeanor. An animal control may issue a correction warning to a person who violates this chapter, requiring the owner to correct the violation, in lieu of an infraction or misdemeanor, unless the violation endangers the health or safety of the animal, the animal has been wounded as a result of the activity. |
CA - Pet Store - Chapter 9. Pet Store Animal Care Act |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 122350 - 122361 |
This law requires pet store operators to maintain the facility in good repair, provide proper care to animals, and clean grooming areas daily. Primary enclosures must be structurally sound, provide adequate space, be water-proof, and protect from injury. The law mandates that dogs and cats must be over eight weeks of age and weaned prior to sale. Pet store operators must ensure that veterinary records are documented in writing. Violations may be considered an infraction or a misdemeanor. A new law, effective January 1, 2019, states that a pet store operator shall not sell a live dog, cat, or rabbit in a pet store unless the animal was obtained from a public animal control agency or shelter, society for the prevention of cruelty to animals shelter, humane society shelter, or rescue group that is in a cooperative agreement with at least one private or public shelter. Violation is a civil penalty with a fine of up to $500. |
CA - Ordinances - Regulation and control of dogs; maintenance of pound and rabies control programs; vaccination clinics; issuanc |
West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code §121690 |
This California statute provides that, in rabies areas, every owner of dogs older than four months shall get a new dog license at least once every two years as provided by ordinance of the responsible city, city and county, or county. Also, every dog owner shall, at intervals of time not more often than once a year, vaccinate his or her dog against rabies. Any dog in violation of this chapter and any additional provisions that may be prescribed by any local governing body shall be impounded, as provided by local ordinance. |
CA - Euthanasia - § 382.4. Succinylcholine or sucostrin; administration to dog or cat |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 382.4 |
In California, it is a misdemeanor for a person other than a licensed veterinarian, to administer succinylcholine, also known as sucostrin, to any dog or cat. |
CA - Dog Fighting - § 597.5. Fighting dogs; felony; punishment; spectators; exceptions |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597.5 |
This California statute provides that it is a felony to own, possess, keep, or train any dog, with the intent that the dog shall be engaged in an exhibition of fighting with another dog, or to cause dogs to fight for the purpose of amusement or gain. Knowingly being a spectator at such an event constitutes a misdemeanor. |
CA - Racing - § 597h. Live animals; attaching to power propelled device to be pursued by dogs |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597h |
This statute makes it unlawful to tie, attach, or fasten any live animal to any machine or device propelled by any power for the purpose of causing such animal to be pursued by a dog or dogs. |
CA - Euthanasia - § 597u. Animals; prohibited killing methods |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597u |
This statute prohibits the use by any person of carbon monoxide gas or an intracardiac injection of a euthanasia agent on a conscious animal to kill an animal. |
CA - Euthanasia - § 597v. Newborn dog or cat; methods of killing |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597v |
The statute prohibits the killing of a newborn dog or cat whose eyes have not yet opened by any other method than by the use of chloroform vapor or by inoculation of barbiturates. |
CA - Pet Shop - Sale of dogs under eight weeks of age; written approval by veterinarian prior to physical transfer; violations; |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 597z |
This California law makes it a misdemeanor for any person to sell one or more dogs under eight weeks of age, unless, prior to any physical transfer of the dog or dogs from the seller to the purchaser, the dog or dogs are approved for sale, as evidenced by written documentation from a veterinarian licensed to practice in California. |
CA - Fur - § 598a. Killing dog or cat with intent of selling or giving away pelt; possession, sale or importation of pelt with i |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 598a |
This statute makes it a misdemeanor to kill any dog or cat with the sole intent of selling or giving away the pelt of the animal. It also makes it a misdemeanor to possess, import into California, sell, buy, give away or accept any pelt of a dog or cat with the sole intent of selling or giving away the pelt of the dog or cat. |
CA - Forfeiture - § 599aa. Seizure of fighting animals and birds, paraphernalia, etc.; affidavit of officer; custody of seized p |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 599aa |
This section provides for the seizure and forfeiture of all birds, animals, paraphernalia, and any other property which is used in the fighting of birds or animals, the training of birds or animals to fight, or to inflict pain or cruelty on fighting animals. The section outlines the procedures for seizure and forfeiture, including what is to be done with seized animals. |
CA - Euthanasia - § 599d. Policy of state regarding adoptable and treatable animals |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 599d |
This law provides that it is the policy of the state that no adoptable animal should be euthanized if it can be adopted into a suitable home. (Editor's note: The law was part of SB 1785 (the Hayden Act) that expanded the holding time for companion animals and the duties of pounds and shelters who act as depositories for lost or stray animals). |
CA - Euthanasia - § 599e. Killing unfit animals after notice by officer; |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 599e |
This statute requires an owner of an animal deemed to be unfit for employment to kill the animal within 12 hours, after being notified by any peace officer, or be subject to criminal penalties. |
CA - Service Animal - § 600. Horses or dogs used by peace officers or volunteers; |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 600 |
This statute makes it an offense to willfully, maliciously and with no legal justification harm, injure, obstruct, or interfere with a horse or dog under the supervision of law enforcement in the discharge of official duties or a volunteer under the direct supervision of a peace officer. Violations are punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. Punishment depends on the seriousness of the injury to the animal. Upon conviction, a defendant must also pay restitution for damages. |
CA - Service Animal - § 600.2. Allowing dog to injure or kill guide, signal or service dog; punishment; restitution |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 600.2 |
It is unlawful for any person to permit any dog he or she owns or controls to injure or kill any service dog while the service dog is in discharge of its duties. A violation is an infraction punishable by a fine if the injury is caused by the person's failure to exercise ordinary care. A violation is a misdemeanor if the injury is caused by reckless disregard in the exercise of control over his or her dog. A violation in this case shall be punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. Upon conviction, the defendant shall make restitution, including veterinary bills and replacement costs. |
CA - Assistance Animal - California Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 600.2, 600.5, West's Ann. Cal. Civ. Code § 54 - 55.32; West's Ann.Cal.Educ.Code § 39839; West's Ann. Cal. Food & Agric. Code § 30850 - 30854; West's Ann. Cal. Health & Safety Code § 121680; Cal. Vehicle Code § 21963; |
The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and guide dog laws. |
CA - Service Animal - § 600.5. Intentional injury to, or death of, guide, signal or service dog; penalty; restitution |
West's Ann. Cal. Penal Code § 600.5 |
Any person who intentionally causes injury to or the death of any service dog, while the dog is in discharge of its duties, is guilty of a misdemeanor. punishable by a fine and/or imprisonment. Upon conviction, a defendant must make restitution to the person with a disability who has custody or ownership of the dog for any veterinary bills and replacement costs of the dog if it is disabled or killed. |
CA - Sales - § 1670.10. Sale of dogs and cats; retail installment contracts prohibited; remedies |
West's Ann.Cal.Civ.Code § 1670.10 |
This law, effective 2018, prohibits the transfer of ownership of dogs and cats through retail installment contracts. This is a contract where transfer ownership of a dog or cat in which ownership is contingent upon the making of payments over a period of time subsequent to the transfer of possession of the dog or cat. These contracts on or after January 1, 2018 are void as against public policy in the state |
CA - Dogs - Consolidated Dog Laws |
West's Ann.Cal.Food & Agric.Code § 30501 - 31683; West's Ann. Cal. Fish & G. Code § 3508; 3960 - 3961; West's Ann. Cal. Gov. Code § 38792; West's Ann. Cal. Gov. Code § 25803; West's Ann. Cal. Civ. Code § 3340 - 3342.5 |
These statutes represent California's dog laws. Included are provisions on county control of dogs, licensing, killing and seizure of dogs, and laws regarding dangerous or vicious dogs. |
CA - Dog, dangerous - § 31625. Seizure and impoundment pending hearing |
West's Ann.Cal.Food & Agric.Code § 31625 |
This California statute allows an animal control officer or law enforcement officer to seize and impound the dog pending hearing if there is probable cause to believe the dog poses an immediate threat to public safety. The owner or keeper of the dog shall be liable to the city or county where the dog is impounded for the costs and expenses of keeping the dog, if the dog is later adjudicated potentially dangerous or vicious. |
CA - Dog Park - § 831.7.5. Liability of public entity owning or operating a dog park; actions of a dog in the dog park |
West's Ann.Cal.Gov.Code § 831.7.5 |
This law in the Government Code states that a public entity that owns or operates a dog park shall not be held liable for injury or death of a person or pet resulting solely from the actions of a dog in the dog park. |
CA - Restaurant - § 114259.5. Live animals |
West's Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code § 114259.5 |
In 2014, California added amendments to its law on "Live Animals" in the Retail Food Code related to pet dogs in outdoor dining areas. If a food establishment owner allows it, patrons may bring their pet dogs to an outdoor dining area if requirements are met. Like other states, there must be an outdoor entrance, employees must wash hands if they touch the dogs, dogs must be leashed and under control, pet waste must be properly dealt with, and "food and water provided to pet dogs shall only be in single-use disposable containers." This last provision is interesting because it considers the needs of the canine customers. |
CA - Transportation - Chapter 12. Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats |
West's Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code § 122390 - § 122390.3 |
This chapter contains the Safe Transportation of Dogs and Cats Act. A “mobile or traveling housing facility” means a transporting vehicle, including, but not limited to, a car, truck, trailer, bus, or recreational vehicle used to transport animals. The conditions in a mobile or traveling housing facility for dogs and cats shall not endanger the health or well-being of an animal |
CA - Animal Control - Chapter 4. Animal Control |
West's Ann.Cal.Health & Safety Code §§ 121875 - 121945 |
Beyond being domestic pets, dogs provide many services to humans, such as tracking scents and guarding facilities. Below is a collection of California laws, collectively known as the Dog Act, that set out definitions, requirements, and penalties relating to guard dogs, tracking dogs, narcotics dogs, sentry dogs and the people who handle them. |
CA - Facility - § 868.4. Authorization for therapy or facility dogs to accompany certain witnesses in criminal |
West's Ann.Cal.Penal Code § 868.4 |
This law, effective in 2018, allows either party in a criminal or juvenile hearing to ask the court for approval to bring a therapy or facility dog for a child witness in a court proceeding involving any serious felony or any other victim who is entitled to a support person. Before a therapy or facility dog may be used, the party seeking its use must file a motion with the court that includes: (1) the training or credentials of the therapy or facility dog; (2) the training of the therapy or facility dog handler; and (3) facts justifying that the presence of the therapy or facility dog may reduce anxiety or otherwise be helpful to the witness while testifying. The court may grant the motion unless it finds the use of the therapy or facility dog would cause undue prejudice or be unduly disruptive to the court. Appropriate measures must be taken to assure that the presence of the therapy or facility dog as unobtrusive and nondisruptive as possible.
FL - Assistance Animal - Florida's Assistance Animal/Guide Dog Laws |
West's F. S. A. § 413.08 - 081; West's F. S. A. § 316.1301, 1303; West's F. S. A. § 760.08; § 760.27; § 817.265 |
The following statutes comprise the state's relevant assistance animal and service animal laws. |
FL - Restaurant - 509.233. Public food service establishment requirements; local exemption for dogs |
West's F. S. A. § 509.233 |
Florida was one of the first states to enact a law on dogs in restaurants in 2006. The law allows a local unit of government to adopt an ordinance that acts as an exemption to the state's Food and Drug Administration Food Code. Once the local exemption is passed, a restaurant can apply for a permit to allow dogs in the outdoor dining spaces. Certain things must be included in the ordinance such as a requirement that staff wash after touching pets, a rule that patrons keep dogs on leashes and under control, a prohibition against dogs on chairs, tables, or other furnishings, signs that list the rules for employees and patrons, and a clean-up station in the outdoor dining area. There are also reporting requirements by the local governments to the State of Florida under the law. The city or county must also have a system in place to document and respond to complaints. |
FL - Dogs - Florida Dog /Dangerous Dog Laws |
West's F. S. A. § 509.233; § 767.01 - 16; § 705.19; § 823.041; § 823.15 - 151; § 877.14 |
These Florida statutes outline the state's dog provisions, which mainly cover dangerous dog/dog bite laws. The owner of any dog that bites any person while such person is on or in a public place, or lawfully on or in a private place, including the property of the owner of the dog, is liable for damages suffered by persons bitten, regardless of the former viciousness of the dog or the owners' knowledge of such viciousness. However, any negligence on the part of the person bitten that is a proximate cause of the biting incident reduces the liability of the owner of the dog by the percentage that the bitten person's negligence contributed to the biting incident. If a dog that has previously been declared dangerous attacks or bites a person or a domestic animal without provocation, the owner is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree. The dog will be impounded for a period of ten days during which time the owner of the dog may request a hearing. |
FL - Ordinances - Interpretation of Dog Ordinances under Dangerous Dogs |
West's F. S. A. § 767.07 |
This Florida statute provides that the statutory section relating to state regulation of dangerous dogs is supplemental to all other state laws affecting dogs and shall not be construed to modify those laws or to prevent municipalities from prohibiting, licensing, or regulating the running at large of dogs within their respective limits by law or ordinance. |
FL - Dangerous Dog - CHAPTER 767. DAMAGE BY DOGS. |
West's F. S. A. § 767.14 |
This Florida statute provides that nothing in the dangerous dog act limits the ability of local governments from enacting restrictions on dangerous dogs more severe than the state law, as long as the regulations are not breed-specific. |
FL - Sterilization - Chapter 823. Public Nuisances |
West's F. S. A. § 823.15 |
This Florida law declares that it is the public policy of the state that every feasible means be used to reduce the incidence of birth of unneeded and unwanted puppies and kittens. In furtherance of this policy, provision shall be made for the sterilization of all dogs and cats sold or released for adoption from any public or private animal shelter or animal control agency by either providing sterilization by a licensed veterinarian before relinquishing custody of the animal or entering into a written agreement with the adopter or purchaser guaranteeing that sterilization will be performed within 30 days or prior to sexual maturity. All costs of sterilization pursuant to this section shall be paid by the prospective adopter unless otherwise provided for by ordinance of the local governing body or provided for by the humane society governing body. |
FL - Fur - Sale of garments or items of clothing containing dog or cat fur prohibited; |
West's F. S. A. § 828.1231 |
Makes it illegal for a person to knowingly sell or offer to sell a garment which contains dog or cat fur, or a dog or cat pelt. Defines the first violation of this provision as a misdemeanor of the first degree, and any subsequent violations as felonies of the third degree. Allows any law enforcement agency or humane officer to enforce this provision and to seek a civil penalty up to $5,000 for each violation. |
WA - Dangerous Dog - 16.08.040. Dog bites. Liability and Dangerous dogs and related provisions. |
West's RCWA 16.08.010 - 110 |
This Washington statute outlines the state's dangerous dog laws. Under the law, the owner or keeper of any dog shall be liable to the owner of any animal killed or injured by such dog for the amount of damages sustained in a civil action. Further, there is strict liability for the owner of any dog that bites any person while in a public place or lawfully on a private place including the property of the owner of such dog, regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner's knowledge of such viciousness. However, proof of provocation of the attack by the injured person shall be a complete defense to an action for damages. |
WA - Dangerous Dog - 16.08.070. Dangerous dogs and related definitions |
West's RCWA 16.08.070 |
This Washington statute provides the definitions related to dangerous dogs, including dangerous dog, potentially dangerous dog, severe injury, and owner, among others. |
WA - Dangerous Dog - 16.08.090. Dangerous dogs--Requirements for restraint |
West's RCWA 16.08.090 |
This Washington statute outlines the state and local provisions related to dangerous or potentially dangerous dogs. It first provides that it is unlawful for an owner of a dangerous dog to permit the dog to be outside the proper enclosure unless the dog is muzzled and restrained by a substantial chain or leash and under physical restraint of a responsible person. Potentially dangerous dogs shall be regulated only by local, municipal, and county ordinances and nothing in this section limits restrictions local jurisdictions may place on owners of potentially dangerous dogs. |
WA - Ordinances - 16.10.040. Dog control zones--Regulations--License fees, collection, disposition |
West's RCWA 16.10.040 |
This Washington statute provides that the county commissioners shall by ordinance promulgate the regulations to be enforced within a dog control zone. These shall include provisions for the control of unlicensed dogs and the establishment of license fees. |
WA - Ordinances - 35.27.370. Specific powers enumerated |
West's RCWA 35.27.370 |
This Washington statute provides that the council of said town shall have power to pass ordinances not in conflict with the Constitution and laws of this state, or of the United States. Specifically, the council may regulate, restrain, or prohibit the running at large of any and all domestic animals within the city limits, or any part or parts thereof, and to regulate the keeping of such animals within any part of the city; to establish, maintain and regulate a common pound for estrays, and to appoint a poundkeeper, who shall be paid out of the fines and fees imposed on, and collected from, the owners of any impounded stock. |
WA - Ordinances - 35.30.010. Additional powers |
West's RCWA 35.30.010 |
This Washington statute provides that the council, or other legislative body, of all cities within the state of Washington which were created by special charter prior to the adoption of the state Constitution, and which have not since reincorporated under any general statute, shall have, in addition to the powers specially granted by the charter of such cities, the power to impose and collect an annual license not exceeding two dollars on every dog owned or harbored within the limits of the city. They may also make all such ordinances, bylaws and regulations, not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of the state of Washington, as may be deemed expedient to maintain the peace, good government and welfare of the city, and to do and perform any and all other acts and things necessary and proper to carry out the purposes of the municipal corporation. |
WA - Dog - Consolidated Dog Laws |
West's RCWA 4.24.410; 9.08.010 - 90; 9A.76.200; 9.91.170 - 175; 16.10.010 - 40; 16.54.010 - 40; 16.70.010 - 60; 36.49.020 - 070; 77.12.077; 77.15.240, 245, 440; 77.32.525; 77.32.540 |
These Washington statutes comprise the state's dog laws. Among the provisions include vaccination requirements, dog control zones in municipalities, dangerous dog laws, and provisions concerning hunting with dogs.
WA - Leasing - 63.10.070. Dog or cat ownership contracts |
West's RCWA 63.10.070; West's RCWA 63.14.127; West's RCWA 31.04.430 |
In 2019, Washington enacted legislation prohibiting the sale of a dog or cat through an installment agreement. This resulted in three different new laws corresponding to different types of sales agreements. Essentially, a contract or retail installment contract entered into on or after July 28, 2019, to transfer ownership of a live dog or cat in which ownership is contingent upon the making of payments over a period of time subsequent to the transfer of possession of the live dog or cat is void and unenforceable. |