Displaying 1 - 2 of 2
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Alternate Citation | Agency Citation | Summary | Type |
NY - Wild animal, possession - Part 820. Required Annual Reporting of the Presence of Wild Animals | 19 NY ADC 820.1 to .3 | 19 NYCRR 820.1 - .3 | This set of New York regulations provides a form for individuals keeping wild animals to report with the city, town or village clerk within whose jurisdiction the animal is owned, possessed or harbored, on or before April 1st of each year. General Municipal Law (GML), section 209-cc requires the State Fire Administrator, in consultation with the Department of Environmental Conservation, to develop and maintain a list of the common names of wild animals that are reported annually to local authorities. | Administrative |
NY - Endangered Species - Part 182. Endangered and Threatened Species of Fish and Wildlife | 6 NY ADC 182..1 - .17 | 6 NYCRR 182.1 - .17 | This set of New York regulations concerns endangered, threatened, and species of special concern. Section 182.5 provides a list of native species listed as endangered, threatened, or of special concern. Under Section 182.7, the department may issue a license to a person to transport, sell, import and/or possess a listed species for purposes it deems legitimate. | Administrative |